General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to oracle?

How to oracle? in General Discussion

    Explain here oracle players. I've seen him played in the mid lane mainly rushing dagon by this guy.

    How do you play him as a mid and as a support?!

    I'm particularly interested in DD sama's information on the hero if he views this thread however anyone who's played the hero's opinion matters.

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      IMO Oracle is a very flexible who can lane pretty much anywhere but jungle. However some people disagree and will flame you if you don't go support, but I feel he is a strong core.

      Different builds you can go:
      If you are farming and want to go Burst/carry pick up some combination of the following:

      If you are more of a support or want more utility go:

      Oracle has very powerful laning with good BAT and long range, along with powerful spells. Abuse that. Your teamfight contribution is mainly saving yolo allies, so position yourself so you can do that.

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          Heres how you play oracle, you pick winter wyvern.

          casual gamer

            wish that he still had 20 second cd ult w/ invis

            now it's just super repel + damage delay, except the cd is retarded and you can't tp away from shit. You can't aggro ward with your ult, you can't initiate from invis, etc etc etc