General Discussion

General DiscussionA Different Kunkka Build?

A Different Kunkka Build? in General Discussion

    One of my last Kunkka games, I tried to play less of a one shot kunkka build (Phase, Bottle, BF, Dael) and instead i tried going for a more traditional Str carry build. I went for a max Tidebringer and Torrent build (No Need for XMTS as I was laning with a SD).
    My items went as following Treads>Armlet>Maelstorm>Dael>Mjolnir>Skadi>Satanic>Travels. This turned out to be very effective as i had high dps, tank and lifesteal making me able to 1v2/3.
    Do you think this build could be better than only spamming Daels or what?


      nothing is better than blink bf daed rapier


        anything works in 2k

        Paid actor


          what has happened to u? its like the second or third post of urs that u point fingers on low mmr dudes,
          U used to be on High skill like 1 year ago and during that time ur posts were rly constructive backed up with alot of arguments that even those who were of higher skill appriciated and considered them spot on. I hope u wont become a douche.
          Being 2k or 4k or 6k has nothin to do with the itembuild, some1 whos 7k can come at 4k-5k and shit on us with bootless dagon5 (it has actually happened). 2ks might have lower skill but they r equal to each other in that so they need the right item choice.


          i have tried kunkkas build as a mainstream str carry, and it has actually worked, its not bad but unfortunately his natural stats and passives wont back up this kind of build for every game. Tidebringer which is the ability that scales is based on 4sec internal cooldown which means that it wont profit anything from attack speed items, and kunkkas natural armor and agility gain is pretty shitty so u wont scale that well in the later stages of the game against some1 whos equaly farmed.

          Its not a bad build if u get alot of kills early and r ahead on gold/lvls, and i hope u wont take it as an insult but requires less skill than the 1 shotter build which actually is far more efficient and rewarding if some1 knows well enough what he is doing.

          All in all it wont hurt if u keep tryin diffrent builds even if some of them r wierd (ive seen 6k dudes with shivas refresher on kunkka :D) after all the more builds u try, the better will be for u to tell the diffrence and pros/cons between them which ultimately leads to improvement of ones skill and the game's understanding.



            @DaV I believe the build with shiva and refresher is inspired from Mid or Meepos' video: Jack Sparrow Meta

            I am not intending of using this build every kunkka game I play as it is extremely important in 2k mmr to pick the right heroes and items, to compensate for people who like to insta pick meepo then get fucking smashed during the game (Dear lord!). Of course some games it will be necessary for a change of item build (going heavy crit against a PL), or skill build.

            I feel like the experimental build I tried would be better in games where I had a disadvantage in gold as it seemed easier to farm with a armlet and maelstorm than a dael. Also I felt like I was more present in teamfights, and could do more than be a glass cannon and start man-fighting gyrocopter (although that was probably because of my large lead in gold compared to radiant). Also the armlet toggles are very practical when fighting, for the unexpected hp gain, and the extra 50 damage with clearing out waves with tidebringer was useful.

            Ill have to try out new builds when the situation arises.


              armlet is legit
              maelstrom makes no fucking sense


                You don't need to stack daedalus for tidebringer to do good damage, since as long as you're getting damage items tidebringer will be a threat anyway.

                This is a legit build since living and getting multiple cleaves off is better than getting one, dying and losing rapiers.

                Situational as always, sometimes one shot build will be better.