how was i supposed to tell who were u referring to
martin gore is not gay, at least not openly and i dont deny hes super cringe he used to wear latex suits and makeup in public when he was young
although it's fun when viper has super easy game and calls me an awful player when i can't kill a single hero on the map thanks to their lineup AND our chronic grouping syndrome where viper with mic pings the shit out of everyone so we can gather as 5 and do absolutely nothing
suddenly enemy troll has 2 more items and 5 more levels than me because he was farming
how was i supposed to tell who were u referring to
martin gore is not gay, at least not openly and i dont deny hes super cringe he used to wear latex suits and makeup in public when he was young
what a debate ! /tips fedora
wow u played me apparently anime character IS cooler than a real person!
man arins going downhill rly fast aint he
what are you all talking about
i was this low for over a year now
well then it only recently surfaced
dota players are giving me cancer
This thead is just
mmhm delicious tomatma pasta
lol my ass is better than hers
share nudes, hustle
omg dat ass deer go fuck urself omg :3333333
this sinned chick is ultracringe
daim icecream Kreygasm
and ultraugly
man i love bulldog sometimes but sinned is just disgusting
told you these guys only like dicks
if that laugh doesnt cause cancer then idk
even bulldog calls her cringe 24/7 wtf
why did i double down when i play carry
almost lost this stupidass game
although it's fun when viper has super easy game and calls me an awful player when i can't kill a single hero on the map thanks to their lineup AND our chronic grouping syndrome where viper with mic pings the shit out of everyone so we can gather as 5 and do absolutely nothing
suddenly enemy troll has 2 more items and 5 more levels than me because he was farming
ye i think shes super cringe too
man stpeach is killing it on twitch 3k+ viewers at all times
that ass doing hella work