I wish I could stop tilting and getting triggered by the smallest fucking shit, like missing uphill, or 1 creep not aggroing me, camp not stacking and other shit like that.
the first time I heard of filthy frank was when aimstrong send the Nostril rercorder video to one of our instructors.
Since then I actually made a similar video of my own
lmao yeah i'd not have gotten that in ages, i thought about the triangle being a d (like greek delta) but thats all
that's maroon
you'd know that if you've had met any 3d girls
perfect meme for dotabuff btw
The lighting screws it up anyway
female humans u mean
Can't believe this retarded team managed to throw my Troll game. Just what is wrong with people? 6k is the new 4k or something.
good old skyrim
when the campaing will be released bois i cant wait to play this story based coop dogshti
damn i might actually get low prio if i go afk in like two more games
my turn to 20k comeback FeelsGoodMan
when the enemy gains and then subsequently loses a 20k gold lead in less than ten minutes.
man i dont wanna play in 6k avg anymore send help
seems like i can only win when we snipe each other with some friends in RD east at 2 am
otherwise game is just lost by default since there's not even one person who has some clue what he's doing
this is the last time i've sacrificed my entire early game to make stacks for some moron picking alche just so he can be useless
can you choose to only transfer group int mmr to your normal mmr, or do you have to transfer solo and group together?
hello arin here why are all of my teammates retards???
hey arin my boy, they are not
ofc they are rofl look at my last few games no way to win lmfao
Mabye you should try to git gud
but I AM good!!!
maybe you should stop tilting
no thanks
then fuck off
I wish I could stop tilting and getting triggered by the smallest fucking shit, like missing uphill, or 1 creep not aggroing me, camp not stacking and other shit like that.
god when I tilt early game, the game's fucking lost 100% everyone can go afk at that point.
maybe u should stop being acoustic
this song saved my life. seriously when i was 14 i wanted to kill myself but this artist carried me thru one of
the darkest times of my life
you would leave in 5th min after seeing this pick
no, i never leave games, unless its something like dual carry safelane or dual mid
new video, didn't watch
the first time I heard of filthy frank was when aimstrong send the Nostril rercorder video to one of our instructors.
Since then I actually made a similar video of my own
that was our reaction aswell. and it might have been the moment I fell in love
do u also touch ur nips in your vid
i think im autistic
everytime i see aya blackpaw in hearthstone i think of this shit
what does he say about travis scotT?
"inmates in ur detention block sing and those dumbasses think they are travis scott"
jsem parní stroj
tak jóóóóó
22:43 - Paco: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14Qc8TMlJ44
22:43 - Paco: Hail hezbollah
respect or lose 1000 mmr