General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    i mean
    its a hsitty situation to be in but throwing a tantrum and blamind the wrong people for what ahppened is mega childish and defeats all sympathy for ppd, especially since he himself gave a similar treatment to another team couple of years ago

    are optic explicitly at fault? cant rly balme them for trying to qualify for everything, its not like they have a luxury to choose
    are vg at fault for taking the defwin and not waiting? definitely fucking no, not taking the free win is retarded and its not a desicion the team should make, its admins trying to shift responisibility on them
    are esl at fault? they released their schedule before pgl, then had to adjust anyway(including this match which was rescheduled 9 hours later), the time for dq was up by the rules, whether ur mom died or u broke a leg or playing in another tournament doesnt matter
    are pgl at fault for screwing up esls schedule and being indirectly responsible gfor the overlap in the 1st place?


    are valve at fault for not supervising the schedules even tugh they said they would?
    yes but im not even surprised, its valve

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      esls admin is a fucking goon though


        yeah ppd is a retard. though i dont agree not taking a free win is retarded. most competitors have enough honor to actually play the game and QUALIFY for the tournament. I would feel bad qualifying like this

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          i disagree but i see where ure coming from


            like if i was on vgj i would say something but noone said anything


              having any sympathy, ever


              one syllable anglo-saxon

                they shoulnt have been in the situation to say anything in the first place, the admins are jsut mega pus­sies


                  i'm pretty sure i'd kick a baby if that qualified me on a major


                    people without honor smh


                      im sure the players didnt say much but just said ok to def win or whatever but if i was a player i would say to wait for the game to end and im sure they were all spectating it anyway. winning something without the other team losing or giving up isnt winning.


                        ESL One Katowice 2018 | Dota 2 Major | 16 Teams | $1,000,000


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                        one syllable anglo-saxon


                          yea guys if i saw that tweet id choose a defwin 100 times out of 100 because it would be oNE LESS COMPETITOR TO WORRY ABOUT xD


                            thats obviously sarcastic following all the bsj memes at the summit

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              one less competitor to worry about

                              for routinely accepting forfeit wins and screwing over their fellow NA competitors


                                actually impossible to play in this bracket think im gonna buy an acc

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  thats obviously sarcastic following all the bsj memes at the summit

                                  obvious sAVAGE PPD GO GET EM :bc_fire: :bc_fire: OUR BOY PPD WITH THE BANTER AGAIN xD PJSalt LOL!! =D

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                                    sometimes ppd makes sense and i think "o he isnt that bad"
                                    then he says this goon shit and makes me want to slam my head against a wall

                                    he literally fell for the puss.y shit esl did trying to shift blame to vgj by asking them if they wanted to wait longer

                                    he is actually making shit worse
                                    by trying to put attention to the team when the obvious fucking problems is TO's having their head up their ass not organizing properly and valve sitting there like buffoons not doing shit

                                    me, government hooker

                                      Part One: The story starts with Dr. Animo having kidnapped Gwen and Grandpa Max. Ben enters in Animo's lab as Heatblast and throws fire at Animo's machine. Before it is destroyed, the machine threw a strange energy and Heatblast's Omnitrix symbol becomes orange. Ben tries to become Stinkfly, but the watch starts glowing orange again, and after many alien switches, lands on Grey Matter. Ben races after Animo, but the Doctor gets away. A short time later they leave to go shopping, as Gwen just wants to feel "normal". However, the Omnitrix causes a minor explosion. The next morning, Tetrax comes to Earth and tells to Ben that Omnitrix is in S.D.M.(Self-destruct mode) and they must find Azmuth, the Omnitrix's creator. Tetrax estimates Ben has 4 days before the watch self-destructs. Max and Gwen are told they cannot come with him. Ben goes to Tetrax's spaceship and meets Gluto, a Goop-like alien that drives the ship. The scene cuts to Vilgax taking over another alien ship. Vilgax talks about how he will get revenge on Ben for sending him to the Null Void. The scene cuts back again to Ben and Tetrax on the ship, who are doing experiments to try to find Azmuth's DNA signature in order to track him. They find the planet Azmuth is on only to be interrupted by an intruder alert. Ben tries to go XLR8, but ends up becoming Wildmutt. He and Tetrax split up, when they find out the "intruder" is Gwen, who had snuck aboard. Tetrax goes to check up on the watch, who's self-destruct countdown has sped up. A short while later, Ben learns that it is likely Azmuth will deactivate the Omnitrix, and not fix it as Ben believed. Ben protests, saying he wants to remain a hero. As Ben, Gwen, and Tetrax come upon the planet in which Azmuth is staying, Ben and Gwen have to share a Stinkfly costume to remain in disguise. While they are hiding on the side, Ben spots Vilgax in disguise and goes Upchuck to fight him. However, upon closer inspection, the alien is a female named Myax. She throws Ben into the crowd of aliens, causing them to converge on Gwen and Ben, so Tetrax goes to save them. Myax comes over to Ben and notices he has the Omnitrix. She says that she used to work on the Omnitrix with Azmuth. Before Ben can tell Tetrax this, they have to leave on the ship, which Myax manages to climb aboard. Myax tells the crew that they need to go to Xenon to find Azmuth. As they near the planet, they are immersed in darkness. Azmuth (along with Myax' help) long ago set up a device that sucked all the light from the surrounding area. The planet is also surrounded by an asteroid belt. This means that one trying to get to Xenon would be crushed by asteroids before they could find the planet, if they could even navigate it they wouldn't be able to see Xenon. Myax says there's nothing to worry about, however, because the Omnitrix has a homing device that can lead them safely. Ben stands on top of the ship and is attempting to guide them through when Vilgax suddenly attacks the ship. Tetrax sends out a small pod for Ben to get into, while the others fight off the intruders. Just as Ben's pod enters the cargo bay of the ship (after helping fight some aliens), Ben lands at Vilgax' feet. Ben manages to open a hatch while activating gravity sensors on his boots, sucking Vilgax into space. Just then, the ship spirals downward without a pilot (Gluto was blown apart by a gun trying to save Gwen). Gwen and Ben manage to pull levers and land the ship, although they crash hard. The whole group (Ben, Gwen, Tetrax and Myax) head off in search of Azmuth and his lab. Part Two: They are attacked by a bunch of Flourana (Wildvine's species), and Gwen is taken. Ben goes Fourarms, ignoring the risk about accelerating the Self Destruct Mode, but is still unable to save her. Though upset, Ben vows that he won't let her die in vain. The now-trio goes through a tunnel and encounters Azmuth in hologram-form. Azmuth says he won't help them, so Ben goes Cannonbolt to attack the door the hologram came from. Ben attacks Azmuth, who he thought was a giant metal creature, but is revealed to be a Galvan, or a Grey Matter. Just as Ben seems to be persuading Azmuth to fix the watch, the lab starts shaking, and the crew runs out to see Vilgax with an assembled army. Tetrax tells Ben he can't go hero or the watch will explode, so Ben grabs a gun and goes out to fight. Azmuth is puzzled as to why Ben would continue to defend the Omnitrix. As he is fighting, Ben spots Gwen and Gluto, who tell him that Gluto's species can regenerate from even the smallest piece of its body; some of which was on Gwen's shirt. Just when things seem most dire, Ben removes the piece Myax had put on the Omnitrix to deflect the shock waves, causing a huge explosion that hurts every enemy nearby, save for the good guys. Azmuth sees this and removes the dial of the Omnitrix. However, Vilgax re-appears and knocks him off course. Ben is feeling upset that he's just a regular kid, but Gwen tells him that he doesn't need the Omnitrix to be a hero. Just as she says this, Azmuth comes back with a fixed Omnitrix, much to Ben's surprise. Azmuth has even programmed in a new alien, Way Big. This alien looks similar to Ditto, but is red and gray with spikes on his head and elbows. Way Big is, as the name implies, humongous. Vilgax is the size of about one finger. Ben as Way Big decimates the remaining army, and hurls Vilgax deep into space. Ben offers to give Azmuth back the Omnitrix, but Azmuth says that Ben is doing a fine job with his creation. The story ends with Ben, Gwen and Max heading to fight off a zombie horde reported at the mall.

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        tbh i watched this ben 10 movie, it was alright. it actually developed the plot a little. now they did so many fucking reboots its insane.


                                          I think I've gained like 400 mmr in the last week. finally climbing again.


                                            so I just did a calculation and apparently my mmr is about 250 lower than it's expected value. Probably because of calibration and seasonal ranked matches, but im just going to pretend that Valve's ripping me off.


                                              bearcat is better than me PepeHands


                                                Pgl fault and not the teams fault btw


                                                  hell yeah im better than you.


                                                    Both of you sucjs


                                                      but I'm a lot better than I was.


                                                        like I've gained 1500 mmr in 400 games, and my true mmr (where I'd have a 50% win rate) is probably low to mid 3k


                                                          dont worry ive had to stop ranked for like 3 weeks cuz of vacation and mouse problems

                                                          < blank >

                                                            playing dota in 2018 OMEGALUL

                                                            seriously guys, drop this game! it's not good for your health


                                                              do you really think that dota is the only thing i'm doing that's bad for my health


                                                                VALVE IS SO FUCKING STUPID

                                                                WHY DO MY QUICKCAST SETTING KEEP GETTING RESETTED


                                                                  does anyone know where tf do you put the confirmation number in paypal

                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                          hemoglobin sir!

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            or mb not, biolody = (idk + idc)

                                                                            me, government hooker

                                                                              i wouldve said hemoglobin too because its the only one ive heard of from those options

                                                                              死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                obviously its communism


                                                                                  Communism is the correct answer Sirs

                                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                                    < blank >

                                                                                      Jay the Bird

                                                                                        did somebody say COMMUNISM?

                                                                                        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                          Communism obviously

                                                                                          But for real
                                                                                          Our blood is red exactly why there are red mountains in desert, ferric oxide (rust)

                                                                                          Your blood contains hemoproteins, which is built out of heme B (C34H32O4N4Fe)
                                                                                          Hemes contains ferrum (you can see each of them have a single Fe atom), and on high Ph (such as the lungs), the ferrum binds O2, oxidizing the ferrum and creating ferric oxide, which making him change his structure, the structure created is moving in a way it absorb light at the blue spectrum, therefore reflects red light

                                                                                          When the hemoprotein is exposed to low Ph, like in the veins, it unbinds the o2, allowing it to diffuse into the cells, and it instead binds CO2 (carbon dioxide, which the cells creates through critic acid cycle in the cellular respiration, which I'm not going to expand upon), carbonating the hemes and shaping them in a way that absorbs red light, therefore reflecting blue light
                                                                                          That's why your veins are looking blue

                                                                                          Hemoglobin is a type of Hemoprotein, so the most accurate answer from the options is b

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