General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion



      k sorry then.
      aight no more creating smurfs then.
      1 kda is good right as long as u win?


        winning isnt important


          My ads aren't half as bad as a cartoon pic of Loda getting a BJ.

          I think it somehow takes into account what you've searched for in the past.

          Este comentario fue editado



              lmao loda


                yes, kda doesnt matter

                u get 4.5k+ by knowing what calibration depends on rather than playing normally as a 5-6-7k player on main, otherwise u end up having 4.6k rather often. i had quite a lot of friends with this experience.
                also this shit was reworked in the last several months and i am actually not sure how it is organized now.


                  winning is not the reason for getting high mmr, but one of the consequences of something different that makes u get high rating, which is ur skill.
                  my explanation sucks lmao.


                    ^ well ya and the same goes to kda


                      kda also depends on ur playstyle, so this stuff is completely unreliable

                      Este comentario fue editado


                        The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µTorrent. Additionally, qBittorrent runs and provides the same features on all major platforms (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OS/2, FreeBSD). And most importantly it doesn't have ads.


                          Thanks for having me in your community at first i was afraid to post because i saw some forum being troll'd and the OP being called noob but now i feel relieved now that someone is giving me importance.
                          10/10 would crei agin


                            Btw my first thread turned into karaoke with ppl posting song lyrics if i recall TripleSteal- you too is included but who careas xd
                            i feel fine now


                              idk @triplesteal i think there would be a difference going 5-5 with doom for 10 games versus 5-5 with for eg puck

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                what the fuck xd


                                  ^can i somehow unsee that one plz?

                                  lm ao

                                    I miss the forums Kappa


                                      matrice is 7k


                                        somehow i thought last page is last page

                                        lm ao

                                          matrice unfriended me ;-;


                                            Why do many players give up 1st blood just for the first bounty rune?
                                            Is it really worth it?
                                            Correct me if im wrong Bounty gives +100 gold and 100 exp
                                            first blood gives +200 gold and some exp plus the one's who assist the kill.
                                            for me if you see yourself outnumbered simply walk away and give them the rune and worse of all youre not even gonna sure that youre gonna swipe that bounty rune.

                                            lm ao


                                              lm ao

                                                stop it with your aldub dogshit


                                                  it is worth it only if you are already low and dont have salve, so that u could come faster to lane and dont fall behind; or if u create so much space that 4 enemies miss two first creep waves trying to finally get you.


                                                    bounty runes ruined the game, no skill left, just runes


                                                      Do you guys have any console command for meepo poof?
                                                      Been using the casual tab + X (X is my quickcast for 2nd).


                                                        google meepo scripts


                                                          Isnt scripts illegal and bannable?


                                                            dont its virus


                                                              not bannable since it's not detecable. but people don't like to see it.


                                                                this input will give u results for both scripts and console commands, just choose what u need


                                                                  So auto hex and techies scripts isnt bannable also?


                                                                    technically no, unless somebody see you and reports you personally as a scripter


                                                                      Can u be VAC banned in dota 2?
                                                                      Or only in trading and does it have duration like 1st offense : 1 week

                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                        no idea, i was never into scripts and i got zero clue regarding steam's policy towards unfair players of this kind

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          pee-noise xD


                                                                            I'm doing some maths practice questions (25 mins for 25 questions); mostly statistics and finance related questions, but I get 2-3 word problems in each test that I struggle with.

                                                                            Can someone explain how I would solve this fast (in less than 1 min)?
                                                                            I'm a retard. Thank you.


                                                                            > it takes 10 hrs for Bob and his assitant to write a report
                                                                            > it takes 18 hrs for Bob to write the report alone
                                                                            How long will it take for the assistant to write a complete report?

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                              22.5 i think? ill add workings


                                                                                answer is 22.5
                                                                                can you post how you got there?


                                                                                  Bob - (10/18) of report done in 10 hr
                                                                                  Assistant - (8/18) of report done in 10 hr
                                                                                  to get complete report done = 18/8 x 10 = 22.5 (edited)

                                                                                  to be honest i dont think this is the proper way to do it, its just the intuitive method. school taught me another method i think

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    thank you, I'm not feeling very smart :)


                                                                                      i made a mistake in the 3rd line btw


                                                                                        let X be the amount of work Bob does in 1 hour, and Y - same stuff for his assistant

                                                                                        10X + 10Y = 18X
                                                                                        Y = 5X/4 => 18x = 18*5Y/4 = (90/4)Y = 22.5Y <=> in words, assistant does same amount of job Bob does in 18 hrs, in 22.5 hrs


                                                                                          work done in 10 hrs:
                                                                                          10/18 + x = 18/18
                                                                                          x= 18/18-10/18
                                                                                          x= 8/18

                                                                                          time for assistant:
                                                                                          8/18 * y = 10
                                                                                          y= 10/ 8/18 = 22.5

                                                                                          x- amount of work done by assistant in 10 hours (parts/18)
                                                                                          y- amount of time needed to complete 18/18


                                                                                            i made it for 5th graders

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                              moku have you still not played dota for 5 months?


                                                                                                ^ Yeah, it's six months actually.

                                                                                                I'd like to thank all the maths tutors, i'll post a another similar question once i'm done with current paper!


                                                                                                  all the three solutions are actually the same, just presented in different ways


                                                                                                    can somebody pls explain me how a 4d/5d being can work and what it would/might look like? 4d being can see whole 3d space, would it be able to see the whole universe? 5d beings can see the whole timeline? what is this shit