^ you are not supose to win safelane anymore, for maximum fun go pick some cancerous offlane duo and shit on enemy safelane.
Or make a smurf and chill like every other frustrated pos 1
Good support makes a difference i would say. Though most of the time you cant do shit regardless. Beastmaster and tiny hitting you at the same time is unbeatable
just pick some ranged core that can throw nukes and farm the creeps, constantly supply that core w/ clarities and you could have somewhat okay safelane. on top of having sup that can disengage enemy agression.
when and why should i pick morph mid
i've played a few games but can't really grasp the concept, his cs damage is not that great even with full agi and the lane is a suffering until lvl 3 morph
i can juggle against retarded heroes like clinkz and kunkka when i go full agi and then morph back to get free hp but i'm asking to get killed anyway
he isn't really good at running around the map and achieving things either, either farming or waiting for people to run up to me and try to kill me while i either outplay them with morph or fuck up and die
i'd like to try boots of travel rush sometime especially with the recent rework on how cooldowns work, but +14 stats
tumblr has some nice blogs for niche fetishes such as super big anime tiddies
so does google images
ofc you two would know
no one
your mom
y'all hella gay. no joke
no u
I saw 0 building dmg huskar for the first time in dotes ayyyy
hows this even posible
is it just me or is laning with carries like really fucking difficult
^ you are not supose to win safelane anymore, for maximum fun go pick some cancerous offlane duo and shit on enemy safelane.
Or make a smurf and chill like every other frustrated pos 1
Good support makes a difference i would say. Though most of the time you cant do shit regardless. Beastmaster and tiny hitting you at the same time is unbeatable
I mean u are playing dazzle u deserve it
just pick some ranged core that can throw nukes and farm the creeps, constantly supply that core w/ clarities and you could have somewhat okay safelane. on top of having sup that can disengage enemy agression.
like io 4Head
still NO CLUE how to win against huskar this patch / how to lane against him
the song in that trailer sounds a lot like a tool song
help how to deal with huskar that shit has perma tarrasque
troll felt pretty good against a lot of bullshit in safelane
what the fuck does troll do without bash
and when do you buy sny and why, that item feels like complete garbage
because sny doesnt do anything new it only makes everything you already do a bit better
it doesnt do slow but gives status resistance
s n y is actually decent combined with mael/dmg item
kaya sange timbersaw is actually kind of decent
who tf is knocking on my door at 11 am
room service
so who was it
what day is it?
when and why should i pick morph mid
i've played a few games but can't really grasp the concept, his cs damage is not that great even with full agi and the lane is a suffering until lvl 3 morph
i can juggle against retarded heroes like clinkz and kunkka when i go full agi and then morph back to get free hp but i'm asking to get killed anyway
he isn't really good at running around the map and achieving things either, either farming or waiting for people to run up to me and try to kill me while i either outplay them with morph or fuck up and die
i'd like to try boots of travel rush sometime especially with the recent rework on how cooldowns work, but +14 stats
arin what the fuck are you doing go study
idk but usually you just rambo someone at lvl 6 with full hp and mana
morph+use their skill hit hit hit
can you russians tell me wat all kinds of russians insults
they sounds really funny
just google translate post game chat from any eu west game
you're supposed to take ult on lvl 6?
til morph is called attribute shift and replicate is called morph
morph doesnt have enough cs dmg wait what
u have like 70+ dmg on lvl 1 with full agi, at lvl 3 with like 2-3 wraithbands u got 120ish dmg at 0.0000000002s attack speed
my opinion might be slightly biased due to laning against clinkz and kunkka
searing arrows work on denies now?
luckily not
when the enemy team uses stampede to make 100% sure that all 5 heros run into your ravage you know you're in 3k
playing against higher mmr players is very fun
when you just play and you have not even remote idea how is it possible to win
i thought it didn't matter because their team holds them down?
it wasn't a pub