haha i found my smurf account password after 4 month i played 2 match and when the game starts i said exec invoker.cfg exec autosunstrike.cfg and autoeulcombo.cfg i won the game while enemy team was crying whole game about script invoker Lmao
do people in 4100 average mmr really think there is autosunstrike script ??? or eul combo
but most funny part is i played 30 games on zeus :)) did i just zeus abuse ? cant believe i was zeus abuser
watafaq !!!!! what exactly hook script do ????? is it hook like how bot pudge hook ? lmao cuz thats gonna be crazy
eul script exists but its just gonna make the game complicated
it never gonna be useful imagine you have a eul script then u just eul someone and script will sun strike + metero + blast well its perfect but what if u just decide to use cold snap instead defending blast ? thats the problem with all scripts
but armlet auto toggle is a giiiid shiiiit or templar assasin auto attack nearest unit after blink and meld
seen em xD abdou is so cool
this page is so black it made my computer run faster TriHard
^whats that
random imgur link in twitch chat

dirty od picker 4Head. i approve
uir motehjr
tfw noone spam copypastas on my profile
allow public comments u tard
steam profile/edit profile/privacy settings/comment permissions
idk anymore.. from 3 reports given in a game where i fed intentionally, 2 returned
how do i get into lpq
thanks triple
Yay, boys. This is how you cosplay TA!
haha i found my smurf account password after 4 month i played 2 match and when the game starts i said exec invoker.cfg exec autosunstrike.cfg and autoeulcombo.cfg i won the game while enemy team was crying whole game about script invoker Lmao
do people in 4100 average mmr really think there is autosunstrike script ??? or eul combo
but most funny part is i played 30 games on zeus :)) did i just zeus abuse ? cant believe i was zeus abuser
^it definetely exists
I came here a long way to FUCK UR MOM 4Head EleGiggle BUUUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
euls combo script exists, same for hook scripts etc i doubt that they're all perfect (except for euls one) but they certainly exist
omg this site is so cringe omfg lmao kill meee
is that porn or nah
no 95% of the people are below 18 and they vlog and shit, lmao
ok ill click it but if i see anyone taking a shit again im calliung the cops
yo wtf that guys giving birth to something on his head
hahahaha lmao
http://www.twitch.tv/mira_hs racist + cringy
^go fuckurself plz, thanks
You're hurting mah feels FeelsBadMan
watafaq !!!!! what exactly hook script do ????? is it hook like how bot pudge hook ? lmao cuz thats gonna be crazy
eul script exists but its just gonna make the game complicated
it never gonna be useful imagine you have a eul script then u just eul someone and script will sun strike + metero + blast well its perfect but what if u just decide to use cold snap instead defending blast ? thats the problem with all scripts
but armlet auto toggle is a giiiid shiiiit or templar assasin auto attack nearest unit after blink and meld
Deleted it, too disgusting
hollly shiitt i wish i never knew what scripts can do i hate scripts now
thx for deleting it but i saw it so fuck u bro
this is bullshit
people in 4k solo queue are so friendly
they tell me "wp timber" in 70% of games
once when offlaner was firstpicked by someone else, the guy who planned to play carry, offered me to play safelane timbersaw and went support himself
when i went 1-12-0, two guys in my team told me that it was not my fault we lost, and shit just happens
no leavers, no feeders, no flamers
they even do what i tell, if I ask them to get certain wards or use smokes
and on top they carry me
?? what kind of solo q pubs are those lmfao thats not even fun
i think im in reversed hidden pool
Do you have a search time of 10 secs?
nah, just ~3 mins
HOLY FUCK :D timber spam is real :d