General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion


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        D the Superior
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            Today was a good Dota day, no retards FeelsGoodMan


              ^ gta sa

              never forget mane

              Miku Plays

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                Miku Plays

                  ive seen it but the fake lyrics still funny


                    I just watched Rtz playing naix and the game literally gave me cancer. When you see 6k's who have no clue how to fight or use spells, it just makes me sad as hell. It's literally 1 vs 5, supports non existent although they do ward and stack. I guess playing support for mmr isnt that bad option if you know how to disable people and if you have high mmr guy who is capable of carrying with some help in your team.

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Yeah it's true. It's just even sadder when you take part in it.


                        where is this fucking coordinator u guysssssssss


                          I wonder sometimes how am i retarded enough to rage at some lower mmr people (mostly 3k and 4k's) and expect them to know how to position and land stuff in fights if fuckin 6k's still cant do it. I actually have no clue how people who are 7-8k have nervs good enough to take this shit day after day... hands down to them!

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                              I wonder why is Artour keep on dying when his team is mostly on 100% hp after fights... Story of my life usually XD


                                i love artourizyy cause hes babycrying and he yolo so much:D


                                  He is pretty damn ballsy player and i love that about him too :D Sad thing is most of the players are p*ssies and dont help him until he's dead. Good thing again is he doesn't really give a fuck about it and just goes with the flow of the game - thing i have to learn yet.

                                  D the Superior
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                                        dark souls is a rage game? u kidding me? i spend 95% of the time i play to the YOU DIED screen


                                          I wonder sometimes how am i retarded enough to rage at some lower mmr people (mostly 3k and 4k's) and expect them to know how to position and land stuff in fights if fuckin 6k's still cant do it. I actually have no clue how people who are 7-8k have nervs good enough to take this shit day after day... hands down to them!

                                          This is some good shit, and I agree, but ain't you 4k yourself? So why would you flame 4k if you're 4k aswell? Are you one of those guys who think he's way better than skill bracket he plays in? If so, okay.

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                                              ^ u are training ur patience and nerves pls take care :D

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                                                  D the Superior
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                                                        Meka try 'Jumper 3' or 'Jumper Redux'!

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                                                          if you have the nerve :wink:

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                                                              D the Superior
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                                                                  "We're celebrating friendship on Facebook's 12th birthday. We wish you and your friends a very special day."

                                                                  meanwhile i had reduced the number of my facebook friends from 80 to 8

                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                          i'll be probably getting rid of fb account soon as well
                                                                          ..which is mainly excuse for burning bridges and getting rid of people that used to be my "friends" but w/e

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                                                                            wut why is my profile there

                                                                            D the Superior
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                                                                                D the Superior
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                                                                                  D the Superior
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                                                                                    D the Superior
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                                                                                        flat 5k avg game, 7.8k highest mmr SeemsGood.

                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          RTZ CAM IN 90 MINUTES PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp