giants armor +5, quelaag's furysword +5, silver knight shield. im medium weight with lautrec's ring+havel
maybe i should craft artorias' greatshield and fight with it or i don't fuckign know
deal 0 damage with +10 uchigatana
deal 0 damage with furysword
deal 0 damage with pyromancy (mainly because i ignored it until lately and have the hand +1 whoops)
deal some damage with black knight sword but onehanded swings are so long that it's a suicide
im thinking of leaving this forum
well anyway it was stupid to expect more from here other than dota tips and esports gossip
Hidden message: im getting bored
will we still have cyber sex in our private chatroom? if yes then ye u can leave cya
just say "Hi!"
leddit copy pasto

classic cs matchmaking
uk matchmaking
SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls SourPls
holy fuck got silver last game who was dmg in my team... my back hurts now I bet da vincis back hurts too
my back doesnt hurt
I fucking hate this game
Why do i always get fucking retards on q
Fucking silvers l2p firs5 or kill ur selves
oohhhhh shieeet best song ever SourPls
Fucking allianz sourpls
get your game ruined on purpose
still win because rat luna is just too good
Appropriate way to curse people
one of the stories for my grandchildren will be how we typed the bbcode tags manually on dotabuff forums
Can't even get a girlfriend expects grandchildren #1stworldgamerproblems
>not using mitosis
whatever i'll just kidnap some unwanted kid and move to finnish tundra
So meiosis it is
Kidnapping unwanted kids just to tell them that we typed the bbcode tags manually on dotabuff forums seemsgood no problem here kek
st.fu im pretty sure arin will have more children than all of you together
Yeah Arin will have tons of children. Make his babushka proud
"Thats beautiful guys.. Heres a dick" - synderen
my 5 km egg hatched a magikarp
idk if thats bad or not seeing i need 400 candy to evolve him
its good, u need to farm magikarps anyway and iirc 130 cp magikarp --> 1300cp gyarados
cp = childporn
reported everybody
lets see how fast i go 1-100
honestly how do i kill ornstein and smough on ng+
(i'm killing smough first btw)
not another boosted silver in my team dragging us down NotLikeThis NONONONO
giants armor +5, quelaag's furysword +5, silver knight shield. im medium weight with lautrec's ring+havel
maybe i should craft artorias' greatshield and fight with it or i don't fuckign know
deal 0 damage with +10 uchigatana
deal 0 damage with furysword
deal 0 damage with pyromancy (mainly because i ignored it until lately and have the hand +1 whoops)
deal some damage with black knight sword but onehanded swings are so long that it's a suicide
the furthest i got was like 80% second phase
also solaire usually dies before phase 2 and the two giant guards in hallway take like 30 years to kill so i can summon him, thus im not doing that
i should probably stop playing this game since ive died like 10 times to gargoyles and capra demon too