guys my metabolism is going ham lately, which sort of tea prevents this, maybe we have some of it here. i think black tea only makes it worse and I had half a Liter already today.
i just had the biggest diarrhea ever, might have been due to milka chocolate powder that I've put into my milk or because i actually tought i could climb MMR with Triplestool
New topic
yeaah go slayer
Some game while queuing
E: Beat this one with the first turn
Does anyone else play "8 Ball Pool" on their phone?
^ nope, just asphalt 8 or rail rush sometimes. x)
The only 8 ball I know
u guys are retards thanks
wait for it
illuminati confirmed
some shit that I've made long time ago xd
I dont understand why am I so low ranked as rubick, makes me pretty sad, just checked with plus
cz u r fokken 3k 4heAd what did u expect
i expect to boost meh 4k Triplenoob kappa
ill see you next weekend cuz u are a business man
I am in Platinum divison but i have no idea how divisons are tbh
nvm figured it out
platinum goes b4 diamond which is the highest. also subdivisions are marked with numbers, 1 to 10. 10 is the highest, 1 is the lowest.
alright so I got a long way to go from Platinum 8 to Diamond... fuck me
Hallo dotabaff
i hope its not a kangaroo so if it is u can fka of
its le kangaroo
bump boi
why would anyone bump this shit
because I don't have any Content to share, so I do the simple tasks
guys my metabolism is going ham lately, which sort of tea prevents this, maybe we have some of it here. i think black tea only makes it worse and I had half a Liter already today.
green tea does it all
rip me, rip toilet, rip cleaning force
green tea 4head
Either way, I'd win either it stays in or all goes out.
ur a facking weaboo
there are actually so many weaboos among dota players
this week it seems like I have intestine cancer, thank you internet
Image removed due to privacy reasons
i did it mom!
bumperino keeporino
^ I broke a pinkie toe like that once, just running around at home ...
aimstrong broke his toe once by running into stairs, was funny as hell. He was mad because that incident ended his dancing career.
also that was about the time we started with doto, may have been a factor
NICE i got lp
i just had the biggest diarrhea ever, might have been due to milka chocolate powder that I've put into my milk or because i actually tought i could climb MMR with Triplestool
god praise SEA 21 minutes 3 lp games done
1 GAME LEFT PogChamp
I see you are at work judging by your docsis and arteria ;)