Sometimes I really question the descision making of the mods.
Do you remember when people created those predikt my mmr threads and people spammed just the whole thread with ctrl a + c + v?
Well instead of deleting the whole thread the mods scrolled through the whole bullshit just to delete those 5 huge posts lmao
>White supremacy
It's just a bloody cartoon frog. /pol/ uses it in that way but they also use him as an avatar for a pagan God they worship ironically (I hope.)
It's a bloody joke.
dunno there probably have been people who haven't played all the missions in SA. I got stuck at Zeros mission where you have to defend his shitty shop from RC planes with a minigun. that shit was impossible to do with a controller
HELP BOYS. I have this code that calculates how many words there are in a text, although it's a little flawed. How can I make it print the first five words of the text at the end as well? C by the way.
"Using both Tory’s tongue and that of a pig, it was determined that a human tongue can be frozen to a cold metal pole substantially enough to risk pulling some of the skin and muscle off of the tongue. Kari jokingly suggested that a person could free his/herself by peeing on the contact point between pole and tongue."

after whom?
Rofl I love how mods deleted comment that said "eb dagon morph, cuz why not" ROFL I'm sure it's against conduct n stuff
Mods in 2016 LUL. Nice joke mate
This comment was removed by a moderator
I don't even know what it was but it was for sure not against the rules!
Sometimes I really question the descision making of the mods.
Do you remember when people created those predikt my mmr threads and people spammed just the whole thread with ctrl a + c + v?
Well instead of deleting the whole thread the mods scrolled through the whole bullshit just to delete those 5 huge posts lmao
Its their daily DNR
Ey bos can i habe de pusi pls
just come for sightseeing and everyone alrd got banned LULs.
Magnus asks: "Hey, Mashiro, wanna fug?"
i dont know u, fukoff
I feel like the jews during WW2. Probably gonna get banned for saying this
Cmon, we can have a nice threesome.
saying the word jew is offensive to jews. > mod logic
they are offended by their own name.
im sure if mods were in charge of school they would teach world history by saying "and so the N-words were defeated at Omaha beach"
^ your a big Boi now Start with darksouls speedruns?
inb4 skank gets banned for happy merchant profile picture
inb4 someone gets banned for posting pepe.
Pepe is a white supremacy symbol of hate.
i got a C- quitting for real this time
>White supremacy
It's just a bloody cartoon frog. /pol/ uses it in that way but they also use him as an avatar for a pagan God they worship ironically (I hope.)
It's a bloody joke.
why don't u stream terraria speedruns
i'd like to see u get salty when u have to kill 50 mobs to get a .05 chance drop
sry too spooky
in gta sa there was a spook-o-meter
in that mission where you had to follow a journalist to the pier then snipe him. good times
If you havent played gta san andreas, u must living under a rock for your whole childhood.
ye I remember that mission I think
dunno there probably have been people who haven't played all the missions in SA. I got stuck at Zeros mission where you have to defend his shitty shop from RC planes with a minigun. that shit was impossible to do with a controller
going out boiiiis
soon this will be "This comment was removed by a moderator 15 hours ago"
I did literally all the missions in GTA:SA, even the quarry and trucking ones.
I did a shit ton of fitness in gta SA. probably my favorite minigame
HELP BOYS. I have this code that calculates how many words there are in a text, although it's a little flawed. How can I make it print the first five words of the text at the end as well? C by the way.
we still have to find out who the most boring poster here is
I don't even post here most of the time, so I guess I am.
i want 887 now
But magnus is still banned
"Using both Tory’s tongue and that of a pig, it was determined that a human tongue can be frozen to a cold metal pole substantially enough to risk pulling some of the skin and muscle off of the tongue. Kari jokingly suggested that a person could free his/herself by peeing on the contact point between pole and tongue."
You've submitted too many comments recently, please wait a few minutes and try again.
ay gotta have a determined number of comments to be called "too many"
Damn you guys, all of you let me down in this one moment that I actually needed your help.
i dont code i am bad