This hero is so bad, even with 23 armor and stacking str items (sny-skadi-drums) he dies in a few hits. Hes worst that paper luna.
he just dies to burst. and this meta is nothing but burst. against right-clickers like pa and shit, he's actually rli good, high EHP means he can even survive void's chrono at most stages of game (if void is solo ofcourse). sadly ppl like to play lina and shaker a lot, so, goodbye tb
Your forgetting the other nerf, while more indirect, illusions only dealing like 25% of their damage to towers.
Yesterday I watched a TB on Waga's stream just skipped Illusions entirely and went for max Reflection+Metamorph to go all out fighting. They won that game and TB actually got the most kills.
the only single nerf tb diserved, was the change on reflection.
The reason tb was that strong in mm (and yeah he was a fucking beast in mm), is cause he cann't be countered by core (well pl can counter it now) -naga does it too, but if tb is 6 slotted she lose-
But he is so easily countered by support, that's why he always sucked ball in competitive (even though no1 ever tryed to counter tb in competitive)
He never was OP (we can even argue that most kill he had with reflection early game, would have been done with almost any other carry, considering the cast range of reflection)
Edit: illusion lost 25% to tower, so they deal 75% ^^
6.72 TB.
good memories.
OT: as guys stated above he is really weak against burst, heavy snowballers this patch like QoP lesh, even SB and BH.
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I remember him being first picked every game in 6.80 when he had the 5 second slow and decent str gain, but i dont really feel like he was OP with the scaling slow and 1.4 str gain. He was maybe a little powerful, especially in the hands of someone with experience (what hero isnt), but the later nerfs completely obliterated him
Illusion damage taken to 425% -> nerfs TB in every stage of the game, illusions have a much harder time farming and in the lategame are cleared easily, even with multiple hp items. This really hurts because of the previous str nerf
-25 ms in meta -> very difficult to kill people with a dual lane setup, chasing is near impossible + in the lategame walking away from people is a bit harder (diffusal makes chasing ez)