General Discussion

General Discussionadvices on naga

advices on naga in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Hey, I really want to learn this hero so I have a few questions.Btw this is intended for CORE Naga.

    1) when should I pick her? I mean, she can do well against anyone? Or are there some matchups which would rather be avoided?

    2) what should I get before Radiance? I mostly saw arcane, bottle, aquila. Then after Radiance? BoTs, octarine, manta, butterfly+ another item is usually optimal?

    3) When should I help my team? I remember when Miracle said at some point that never help your team before radiance. And evem then, when should I teamfight and when should I cut waves and splitpush? And how do I even fight? I mean obv song but I need team follow ul, and after song I just hit people, ensnare and press E?

    Bad Intentions

      Yo OP go PL style on naga man, YOLO.

      Or do the boring and usual rad rat style.

      saving private RTZ

        I feel like, if going for PL build, why not pick PL.

        Bad Intentions

          Well u know, becos u want that nasty naga ss man.

          saving private RTZ



              rat rat rat


                1) only pick her if you think your team can draw the early game or at least not lose it too badly - you don't want to have lost all your outer towers before you get radiance really...

                2) you need mana to farm pre-radiance so bottle if mid and mana boots otherwise - especially as they can be disaasembled into octarine later on. aquila makes life easier. you should get qb as well. bots are needed so your illusions can cover more ground and you can get around the map. decide whether you want more illusions (manta/octarine), illusions that hit harder (diffuse) or illusions that are harder to kill (butterfly/skadi/heart). there's always the situational aghs as well if you'd prefer to team fight.

                3) you should always be split pushing with illusions but that doesn't mean you can't be in a team fight. use song to help set up clutch blackholes and echo slams etc. or to wait out guardian angel etc. good trick is to song and repel one enemy to isolate them. if you have spare illusions send them to attack the back line supports - one illusion to each hero to cause chaos rather than having them all focussed on the same hero.

                no incoming chat

                  Dodge fights, creep skip, rat, rat, rat. Go Octarine after Radiance, Bots if u don't need to fight, Manta if u need to fight. In general u should fight only if u know u won't die & can win a fight. Ratting in most cases is better than farming. Never skip Radiance on core Naga. If u want to do shit like Diffusal first pick PL, not Naga, coz ur wasting her potential & there are better team fight carries.


                    u dont need to invest 6k in octarine before you get manta, imo
                    brown boots -> RoA -> Radiance -> arcanes -> Manta -> BoT -> Octarine -> Heart/Butter

                    no incoming chat

                      Arcane after Radiance makes 0 sense. Manta before BoTs also suck. There are 2 main builds for Naga :

                      Brown Boots/QB/RoA/Arcanes (no specific order) or Brown Boots/QB/RoA/Bottle (no specific order). Arcanes + Bottle is kinda overkill.

                      Then u go for Radiance, Bots & Manta/Octarine or Yasha+Octarine. You only delay Bots if they're raxing u & u need a fighting item.

                      Heart is not worth it, same as Butterfly. Now Radiance blinds & Octarine is a core item, so instead Butterfly u go Skadi. 6 slotted Naga -> Radiance, Bots, Octarine, Manta, Diffusal 2, Skadi in most cases. Sometimes instead Diffusal 2nd Skadi, Linken, MKB or Butterfly if needed.

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                        the fact that u do not see sense in smthng doesnt equal absense of sense in it, dude


                          pick her on radiant and when your team can fight 4v5 early-mid
                          avoid mid naga if enemy is sf/qop/lesh
                          dont think safe lane naga is scared of anything
                          naga vs techies is free win

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                            @triple why arcanes after radiance? wouldn't it be better before so you can spam whatever her splash nuke is called? if you can farm radiance without it, what's the point in getting it before manta?

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                              you normally wouldnt need arcanes to spam ur 3rd spell, but will terribly lack of mana once u start spamming illusions, and thats what you do right after purchasing radiance.
                              however, i saw ppl purchasing arcanes earlier, instead of RoA; it should work nice as well.


                                i think a lot of people feel this forum/community is toxic/end up in lp because they don't know how to communicate nicely - same question from two people, one gets semi-flame and one gets a proper answer.

                                probably worth thinking about if you feel everyone is a nob.


                                  that imprecis guy didnt ask anything, he just said that my suggestion was bullshit and apparently he didnt want em to explain the intuition behind the item choice I suggested. But I like the way u think =)

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    I think rocket got the wrong topic

                                    no incoming chat

                                      TripleSteal - u played 3 games as Naga & u theory craft like u played 500. I don't mind new builds by players who actually play the hero a lot with decent win-rate, but if u don't play her - just trust better players. Watch Meracle, RTZ, EE & others & ask urself why none of them go Arcanes after Radiance & they don't go Manta before Bots, nor Heart, rarely Butterfly. They played hundred of games as Naga & I can promise u they have much better knowledge on how to play her than u. When u get Radiance u want to accelerate ur farming speed, that's why Bots are core on her & u should buy it asap (sometimes even before Radiance like Meracle sometimes does).


                                        There is nothing wrong with getting arcane after rad because you always disassemble it into a octarine core later on.

                                        Manta before BoT isn't something that is horrible either. If you have map control and haven't lost any t1s for example, getting BoT over a Manta first is a bad choice... the illusions benefit from the additional hp and armor and manta grants dispel which is useful for dodging stuns and dispelling in case enemies want to lock u down b4 u can start that horrid song cast animation.

                                        I'm a shit naga but that doesn't mean the above information is wrong :\

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                                          im not 3k (sorry, i dont mean to be elitist here) to be able to theorycraft only for the heroes i played in the last 2 years. also i play with other ppl sometimes, including top naga players.

                                          the item choice depends on skill bracket, given game, picks, your playstyle, etc. i just suggested smthng not mentioned before. it can be optimal. it is not always optimal.

                                          for example, u wouldnt normally need BoTs if the triangle around ur jungle is not heavily contested and u freefarm jungle plus one lane. i admit it rarely happens, but thats one of the possible scenarios?

                                          why should I jsut copypaste builds suggested by other ppl in the same thread before? i think op doesnt want to read same shit over and over again and is looking for new info, eh?

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                                          no incoming chat

                                            ^I think OP is 3k MMR & it's better if he follows "meta builds" instead experimenting with stuff posted by 3 games Naga player. You're 5k MMR if I remember correctly, most likely better player than me, I'm not saying ur bad or anything, but I just don't agree with u at all & my MMR is not far from ur (currently 4780), so it's not like our brackets are totally different.

                                            You even wrote now "i just suggested smthng not mentioned before. it can be optimal. it is not always optimal". Why do u want to fuck up someone's brain ? He is a 3k player, probably learning Naga & u come up with stuff that u even didn't try & talk like it's a new meta. You just posted that stuff for attention, not to help him. 3k players should copy stuff from best players & don't focus much on builds, coz builds are not a problem why they're 3k. It's not a topic "Hello I'm 5k+ Naga player, wanna experiment".

                                            Even if ur jungle is uncontested I would still go BoTs, coz it's better to pressure lanes than afk farm jungle. Not to mention u should rather farm their jungle not ur.

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