General Discussion

General DiscussionWelcome to Low MMR Hell

Welcome to Low MMR Hell in General Discussion

    I never understood why some people would want to be "boosted" to 2k/3k/4k/5k/6k. If you don't have the skills to play at that level, you'll just fall back to your previous level again. If you have the skills to play at that level, some patience at a lower level slowly increasing your MMR will only make you stronger when you reach your "proper' MMR because you will have more experience. The "trench" is mostly mental because:
    25% of all games are won by your team because the other team has all the idiots
    25% of all games are won by their team because your team has all the idiots
    50% of all games are won by skill because both team has idiots. To win, exploit their fools and minimize the damage done by yours.

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    sasugay uchinchindaisuki
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      sasugay uchinchindaisuki

        dude build your items properly ffs


          I calibrated at 1.5k, now in 3.4k.

          Fight me.


            I was a bit flippant before but you just need to change your attitude from 'my team is rubbish' to 'my team is rubbish, how can i win despite them'

            do you lose because no-one pushes objectives (almost definitely) then pick heroes that can split push and provide your own vision (try lycan and use your wolves as mobile wards.)

            do you lose because your team all feed? pick a snowball hero and counter-feed - ursa works well for you.

            do you lose because you don't come online fast enough - don't pick a farm hungry carry

            do you lose because your team flames and rages - be a leader, ping Well Played! and encourage them/defuse and intra-team flaming

            plenty of other reasons to lose - watch your replays and figure out what would've worked better and learn from it.

            your solo mmr isn't your level of dota skill it is the level of your ability to win games with 4 random teammates.


              200 mmr? i didn't even know <1k mmr people even existed holy shit. You should reconsider your game choices, retire from dota and go play tetris.


                I was stuck in the 2k mmr hell before and in fact I still am. But what I did was I accepted the fact that I was/am bad at dota and just began to play more heroes and try my best to get better. Since I was in the 2k mmr bracket, there will always be this isnta-pick midlaners like storm and SF and they will just end up feeding. So what I always do is I pick a semi-carry and go to the offlane (cause there are always ppl going to the safelane) and try my best to carry from there. It doesnt always work but yeah life is sad. Anyway what I did was I played a lot of heroes and try to improve and thus when I made a new acc, I am now in the high skill bracket (normal skills as I was playing with my friends who arent's as good). You can check my dotabuff out i guess
                Play your heroes that you're super good at, it will help you win games easily. For my case it is Ember and BS.


                  First , your account is more than a year old , not new .
                  Second , spamming heroes that you have 40% win rate is bad , find the heroes you like or you can play best .
                  third , if you are really desperate to get out of your bracket spam bounty hunter , or a hero that needs supports from the other team to control , since there will be no supports on the other team .
                  If all else fails , play support , find the person on your team that has the decency to carry a brain and focus on making him alive . and depending on dotabuff , just play in 10 o'clock in the morning .


                    Holy crap, and I thought my 3k is the bottom of the barrel, people out there gor 0.2k. Does anyone have such an account and is willing to give it to me? I'd really like to see what it's like below 1K


                      Posting from my main (c9 Badger) do you want to take me up on this offer? We could skype and I can watch you play my account and you can watch me play yours and we can talk through discrepancies, lessons learned etc.


                        Just use your existing account to train your skills. After that, once you feel you've improved enough, just create another account. Try calibrating it and see if your MMR improved.


                          havoc wants to get 60 kills with visage i guess

                          Ded Kazarepku

                            Play heroes that are good in all stages of game. Like troll or giro. As a ranges they r good at lining, and have nice damage on skills, after that the r good rightkliker so you can fight as 1 vs 5 or with little help. Increase lasthits to get about 200 to 22min, this is enough to carry your and higher bracket


                              i thought low mmr hell is 5k


                                how can u say ure underrrated when u actually have 41% WINRATES!? And u actually have a verrryyy low KDA, I know mine's low too, but not on my best hero. And I also think im getting better with my SF heuheuheu (dont mind this)


                                  ^ 32hu33u best playor in meine freundelist


                                    OH fyeq. Pls Wacth me senpmai.


                                      CAREAS PLS


                                        First pick Lycan jungle every game. (buy courier if necessary) Attack towers
                                        I assume that would win you 70%+ of your games even if your team is terrible


                                          That is, if no one else picks some ganker shit like BH, Riki to find him in the jungle and pick him off 3 times in first 5 minutes.


                                            legion tips for u m8:
                                            go jungle, skill up skill3 and skill 2first, since u need lifesteal and attackspeed, put 1 or 2 lvl on skill 1,
                                            then go hand of midas, keep jungling until u get lv6, then start ganking on lane, duel them,then go back farming your items until your core is completed.

                                            core items legion that works for me: power threads, blade mail, bkb(if enemies heroes have stunners), and ofc blink dagger (but for starters or maybe u dont enjoy blink too much, just get shadow blade)

                                            u can just first buy boots of speed, then rush to blink,
                                            since you have midas, dont worry about your gold.

                                            if u always win duel, u dont have to worry about your damage, make cuirass then, or if enemy has lot of stuns, you can get linken sphere to protect you once more after your bkb runs out,

                                            but if u feel u need damage criticals; build first crystallis, farm again get daedalus,

                                            and if u face pa, and u want to kill him, just get mkb,

                                            afterall, u have to know what enemy heroes that can counter legion.

                                            hope it helps,

                                            legion is an easy hero, just play smart, which hero u can duel in early game.

                                            I think i understand your situation, me too starting mmr on lv 13 when i dont know heroes and dont have good cs, i got only 1.9k mmr, my gpm was only like 300, then i leave mmr, go to unranked match, keep practising and find heroes whom i feel confortable with my playstyle. now my gpm is on 500, and i still need more practise to get 800 gpm.

                                            after i can get that gpm in every match, i will go back to my mmr, and fix it.

                                            u are not alone mate


                                              ^ advice to live by if you want to remain in normal skill.

                                              Legion tips for u m8:

                                              1. Attempt to go offlane where ever possible, you can easily overwhelm opponents and get much earlier duels due to the forced nature of your lane rather than being 30 mins in with one won duel.

                                              2. Never go hand of midas unless you really want to throw or don't care. Legion excels early, falls off late...unless you are a serious player of immense quality don't attempt a late game.

                                              3. Item builds seem ok but I am not entirely sure you get the reasoning behind why, you simply know they work or to some extent.

                                              For example. Most of your games you could have skipped Silver Edge entirely....there is very little reasoning behind why you get it..kinda what I refer to as guardians greaves syndrome. The 2600 gold and 2800 gold on SB altogether is inferior to blink blademail which you get at the same cost, or even SB into blademail which some leftover gold.

                                              4. GPM doesn't define how good a player you are. It's what you do in the game that counts. I am selecting only your wins here.

                                              > Good stats, decent GPM = horrible involvement e.g. getting carried hard
                                              > Good stats, decent GPM = horrible involvement e.g. getting carried hard
                                              > Good stats, decent GPM = horrible involvement e.g. getting carried hard
                                              > Bad stats, decent GPM = horrible involvement e.g. getting carried hard
                                              > Decent stats, decent GPM = Good team involvement e.g. congrats on not being a creep

                                              It took 9 games to find one where you had a decent amount of progress. Opting for farm over actually doing what LC does best is a pretty bad way to play her, much less advising someone else to do the same.

                                              Just mentioning, no flamerino. Also fun fact there is a 50s CD on ult so that means you should always have the availability to duel opponents, once you have blink boots farming time is over for farm heroes now.

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                MMR is calibrated by other factors as well, not only the win rate of your first 10 games. KDA does count, might as well the GPM and XPM. I won 7/10 of my first 10 games and I ended up being in 1.6k (yeah, I'm a noob. thank you).


                                                C9 Badger

                                                  All factors contribute and none contribute. The game has gotten pretty damn good at picking out a player with awful performance.

                                                  They have the data of about 8 million accounts to pull information on what makes a bad, average, good, and amazing player so are able to gauge performance based on the data they collect.

                                                  I could make an account and intentionally lose the first few games and still be in about a mid 4k bracket.


                                                    just enjoy the game


                                                      You are deluded, please read more guides and watch more replays including your own games.
                                                      You say you are better than them yet at 200 MMR your most played heroes have an average kda of LESS THAN 2.
                                                      MY FRIENDS WHO ARE AT 1.5K~2K HAVE AN AVERAGE KDA OF ATLEAST 2, just check my friends on my profile

                                                      Any constructive advice won't help if you don't start looking at what you are lacking first


                                                        Rofl, a 2k mmr player would rape 300 mmr autists with a support hero and still you manage to have all your top played heroes below 50% winrate with awful kda's. OP - you deserve the mmr you have, end of story.

                                                        OpenAI (Human)

                                                          add me and I'll show you how to escape it :)

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                                                          Miku Plays

                                                            @pewpewpew and Havoc

                                                            mom lc is the new lc

                                                            Jackie Daytona

                                                              If you are trully better than the rest of your tier you should dominate every game. go mid and control the tempo of the game.

                                                              Invoke A God

                                                                Since I am truly better than the rest of my tier cya'll at 1K

                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                  Hey lion, listen man, i know how tough it is at sea but just keep on thinking positive and grinding, short term goals man. Get to 500 mmr within a month, get to 1000 in two months. Thats very attainable man, I accepted ur friend invite man, we can always talk bout doto things.

                                                                  Just always remember man, consistency is the key!

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                    I dont see that happening any tiem soon, leaver. heuhuehuee


                                                                      You have the wrong type of an inferiority complex buddy. I have it, but I don't go strutting around going, "OMGERD, I'M STUCK IN 2K AND I DON'T BELONG THERE!!!! ALL YE ARE ASSHOLES HER DUR"

                                                                      If you were put in 2k, then you belong in 2k. Only your skill, and your skill alone should get you out of 2k, and into higher 4k.

                                                                      I'm 3.4k and I have much to learn and get better at the game. Be fucking grateful that you have a chance to learn and play and not know everything there is to know. Otherwise, you won't have a goal to strive towards.

                                                                      Kaiju,Hack  Retired

                                                                        200MMR? Holy moly.
                                                                        I personally started at 2.7k and now at 4.6k

                                                                        $ à a t c H

                                                                          Hey dude, well .. I'm in the same trouble as u . First, when I got into ranked I was calibrated on 2.3K ... And now I 'm at fuckin 1.6K ... The thing is that I think that s what weakens us: thinkin that this game is a team game. So first do never rely on your teamates to win u the game. If they blame you or some shit just mute them. Sometimes I actually mute all my teammates before begining the game, cuz Dota 2 is a mental game ... don't forget that. If u wanna win just try always to be the one that s gonna impact the game. After that map awareness ... that s ur key for winning 200 to 2k mmr games. Third and that s actually I believe is the big important factor: DOn't engage whenever it's a loosin fight ... when I fall from 2.3k mmr to 1.6 I noticed that I always try to save teamates and engage on solo targets thinkin that they were alone but I do get killed often and that brings more advantage to the enemy team. Finally try to learn how to pick (I m not a good fan of the ' pick 3 good heroes that u re good at all the time ' cuz maybe u will grow in mmr with them but after u're gonna fall cuz of that) I would say just try to pick heroes that match up ur team strategy (Nature into Leshrac into Axe into windrunner .. ==> Heavy push or BS into Zeus into Storm into Slardar ==> Ganking or maybe Void with Dazzle , Witch Doctor , Omkni, Slark ==> Super safe for late game) ... Picking has akways huge impact of ur chances of winning.


                                                                            I don't have time to read all the comments but I reccommend to give split pushing a shot with a hero like drow or somthing


                                                                              After looking at your stats. You don't even deserve to be on 1k lol. Let's be honest. If you can't 1v5 against 2k and below, you should stay there. I'm 3.4k myself, I'm stuck at 3k but never below 2.9k. Because once I get to 2.9k, I can just pick carry or mid and carry the game 1v5 even if my team feeds. It's just a matter of being better than everyone else. And if you think that you are better than your supposed mmr, you should be able to 1v5 the game, if not then you deserve to stay there.


                                                                                I might not be the best person to comment as I know my MMR wont be much better
                                                                                But in our bracket, pubs etc, its everybody wants to be carry, and in most cases, its a matter of which team gets the best start that generally wins the game due to that snowball effect
                                                                                having looked at the last couple games, look for the support heroes, their are not that many... on either team
                                                                                though to get out that bracket their can only be two real options...
                                                                                Learn to carry harder or play that support role, Id rather win as a support than lose as a carry...
                                                                                Dota2 has a steep learning curve, you also need to know your limitations...

                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!