General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant win ranked anymore

I cant win ranked anymore in General Discussion

    About two weeks ago i was 1.8kmmr, now im 2.4k. However i recently started struggling and i cant win ranked much at all. Here are some of my lost games

    I always play mid or carry in ranked, and lately ive been having some success with TA and i think i might try ember (in safelane). Antimage used to work for me, but as you saw in a few of those games, my team feeds and There isnt much i can do when i come out of the jungle, so i need to play a hero that can carry as well as fight mid game. As for what i can do to improve, the only thing i can think of doing is dying less, and perhaps farming the map more efficiently. I mute everyone at the beginning of the game, but I still sometimes find myself getting angry when my team performs poorly and this sometimes affects my play. Any tips on improving or advice on which heroes to play will be much appreciated. Thanks.

    Bad Intentions

      Only two reasons man.. One is u peaked or two ur on a tilt.

      lm ao

        omg same

        the realm's delight

          ill boost u if u give me sf and lesh immortals

          YutaxTV on TTV

            u mute all ur team allways? im a noob but dota is 5peeps team game, no way to win if u dont comunicate


              you reached your cieling for now, you need to work on things to actually keep improving


                Thanks for the feeback, I think you're all right in saying i probably have reached my peak. I dont see the point in getting my account boosted bc i wouldnt be able to maintain it. I mute my team because it improves my map awareness an its annoying getting yelled at for going battlefury antimage or something, and when ppl say stupid shit like that I'm likely to get pissed off and as a result play worse.


                  Sounds reasonable, gl and may GabeN be with you

                  Mr. Nice Guy

                    play qop mid. or sf. or ember. this is my main account,i started with 1,2k mmr,atm i m at 3045 mmr and i m still raising. on am,u have kinda low towerdamage,u dont want to fight with am,u can just push. am is bad i d say in teamfights,unless u re rlly farmed,so instead of fighting,u can go and splitpush. if u try qop mid,at this mmr,it s pretty ez to win mid. allways keep tp at you,if a fight starts,u can gank. dont waste your time for ganks ,unless u have a good rune. just catch them when they overextend,at this mmr you ll have a lot of ocasions.

                    Mr. Nice Guy

                      also,trasque is not that good on am,rather than trasque go for butterfly or smt else. bf gives u evasion and armor. if u have 10 armor and 1k hp,u have 1,6k hp,smt like that. check on dotawiki,so i d rather go for butterfly or smt else.

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo OP add me and we can talk bout ur games.


                          I'm out of town right now I'll be back in a few days then I'll add you

                          Ive tried qop, and im not sure what to build as her. I sometimes go orchid if i need to but if orchid is unnessesary I go aghs. My sf is decent but his winrate is lower than most of my other top heroes. I plan on learning ember soon. Although most of my games I find myself playing safelane slark/am most of the time bc my teammates call mid. I pick AM a lot bc if other team doesnt have lockdown i'm practically immortal and if the score is even at 30 mins when i have my items Its a guaranteed win. Slark works well bc i can usually kill the enemies in my lane and snowball, but if i fall behind as him im in for a rough game. With any other carry such as PA, Lifestealer, or drow, I find that if I dont win my lane I will be useless until 40 min. My winrate as razor is pretty good, hes another carry i might try.

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