General Discussion

General DiscussionMy current RMM hero pool vs the current flavors of the month

My current RMM hero pool vs the current flavors of the month in General Discussion
lm ao

    I dont know, must be a rumor, but I heard everybody wants to win games so badly, they'd go to Dotabuff and ask advice from the pantheon of ranked matchmaking gods who will only laugh at you ever so scornfully for being pathetic/scrubbish/non-weaboo/eats picas for lunch/etc, etc.

    So this are the heroes that I play:

    Midlaners (I play this most of the time):
    Windrunner, Templar Assasin, a bit of Storm Spirit

    Safelane Carries (most boring role in the game, apparently, peasants love to play this a lot):
    WK, a jungling Ursa, Juggernaut

    Supports (dont even think of playing supports in 2k flat MMR hell):
    Abaddon, Earthshaker, Ogre Magi, Vengeful Spirit(when I stack)

    Sadly I dont play a lot of offlane, Axe/Undying seems a bit too filthy for my family name :D

    Heroes I am confident of playing but not sure if I can play them in this meta:
    Shadow Fiend, Ember Spirit, Anti-Mage, Mirana, Puck

    Needs more lab time:
    Leshrac (Last time I played him tho, ezpz godlike streaks), Queen of Pain

    Which heroes should I keep or main more?
    Which heroes had been successful on you that I should give a try?
    And which heroes should I boot off from my current RMM pool?

    Almost anything can pass, as long as its not a hero perniciously named "Random"

    saving private RTZ

      Well, if you did well with Leshrac, give him some more games.
      With Anti-Mage you can win games solo.
      but all the heroes listed are fine, I, a 3k player myself, find out that meta doesnt really matter so much in 2-3k. I mean yea, i mean yes, i have a bloodseeker in every single game, but you can still win easily with heroes that arent in the meta


        u mean u can lose games with am solo ?


          "win games with am solo"



            i would suggest to abandon axe, he sucks nowadays
            leshrac works nicely, and for some reason its interesting to play this hero (for me)
            juggernaut seems to be rather weak, although i like him.
            SF is gucci as long as you know to handle him


              Shadow fiend has been as part as the meta since 6.83, so theres no reason to hesitate on him

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!