General Discussion

General DiscussionWould you rather have a better competition or better teamates?

Would you rather have a better competition or better teamates? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Thoughts? and why?


      better competition will increase your skill, better teammates will give you fun time and wins.


        The competition in EU is probably the best outside of China (which has the best, according to what I've heard)

        I don't know what to say about better team-mates? Your team-mates will be in your skill unless 5k+ (unless you're from Europe, where you can consistently get better players, cause players in EU are on average better than other regions, which also goes to why the compteition is better in EU, better players -> more people want to win harder.)

        Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

          The only thing I wanna have is team mates who don't intentionally try to lose or ruin the game.

          Basically an environment where I can analyse my games and find where I fuck up.

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            i want win you know i cant sleep at nighs if i dont say IZI five times a day ...


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              Why not both?

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                Livin' Real Good

                  Neither, just team mates who aren't 0-3 before i even get my bottle for once, then saying " mid fail, mid no ganks. "

                  Yeah, cause i'm suppose to gank with a bounty rune at 3 minutes when all i have is a shared tango, stat item, and the bottle i just got, and not even brown boots yet. Then you remember that it's 3K MMR, the place where support ganks are almost non existent, either is support stacking, and they seem to have this misconception that only mid is suppose to gank. Then later on you go like 3-7 (but started off 2-0) then they who are 2-11 say " well if you're so pro why are you not carrying us! Why do you not have good items!" Uh, maybe cause you fed the BloodSeeker and Riki by 25 minutes, and there's not a thing i can do now cause i'm the only one on the team with half decent farm!!!!!!?? They act like pro's can kill fed heroes, give Dendi a level 12 Shadow Fiend, and give me a Level 17 Templar Assassin 1v1, let's see who wins. Oh, and did i forget to mention, i have a Blink, phase boots, Ring of Aquila, Desolator, and Daedulus by 25 mins. Dendi only has Treads, Magic Wand, Ring of aquila :)


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                    Better teammates.

                    I'd rather win than lose. Good teammates help me win and motivate me to improve (because I don't want to be the worst person in the group). Losing to worthy opponents doesn't motivate me to improve because I then become their friends and play with them. Besides, good teammates are the only way to beat a more skilled opponent.

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                    lm ao

                      Better teammates.

                      Its been a while since I've had good teammates in SEA server.

                      Pale Mannie

                        Better teammates are better :p

                        I had this fight ( ) With good teammates and they motivated me for being good :)
                        Then i got 4 commends :D

                        And awesome Black holes at least to say


                          smaug and dd.
                          2 biggest trashcan theorycrafters of dotabuff replying and thinking they're relevant.
                          I'd rather wish I never had any of those trashcans in my pub teams before, they almost mentally handicapped me by being such imbeciles


                            i heard benao has a brother, is it you?


                              lmao an inbred imbecile comparing me with that garbageroid
                              off yourself and do this world a favour for even reminding me of that trashcan




                                  somestimes i dream that retards would magicly disapear and every player would perform atleast on medium level in 5k+ games

                                  but no people pick heroes and they can't play their roles if i had a dollar for every offlaner that fed in my games , or 1 dollar for every carry that couldn't farm properly , or for a fucking support who can't position himself properly and does useless shit i would probably be able to host my own international by now

                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!