General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you can't beat them, join em.

If you can't beat them, join em. in General Discussion

    Hence why I wanna learn leshrac.

    I think the most common skill build is 2-0-4-1. Maxing that thunder slow fuck seems good.

    But itemization is where I'm a little lost. Is the early bloodstone worth it, or should I consider easier to build early items like euls, to help land stuns even easier?

    Also, what's lesh's true role? Tanky AOE dmg, or true pos 1?


      tanky aoe i think, build depends, against huskar or some shit you would probably want at least 1 point in 2nd spell, but generally u max the thunder shit and then stun in that priority, ulti is not mandatory at 6 btw


        bloodstone first is good

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            4-0-4-0 => 4-1-4-0 or 4-0-4-1 depending on whetehr u r pushing at this moment or not OR
            early bs is a must unless u r playing supp. as supp, u migh want to start with either glimmer or euls and then go for bs anyways.
            at core position u go BS into euls or glimmer (or both), followed by octarine and bkb/shivas/ghosts/blink/hex

            best pos for leshrac is #2, mid


              i prefer to have lvl 4 lightnin + ulti + stun lvl 2 on lvl 7

              4 0 4 1 on lvl 9


                Never buy Bloodstone and you will be fine.


                  level 6 ulti is almost 100% needed!!
                  build is either 4041
                  or 3141 because level 4 lightning + level 3 stun + 1 pulse nova = creep wave


                    I go 2-0-4-1 and then finish everything else and only lvl pulse when i get my bloodstone. Bloodstone is core since it gives you everything you need, hp and mana pool to survive and monster mana regen. I also like eul but i would no rush it since you are squishy you wont survive long enough to pulse many time.

                    Cookie and butter: wand/null - bottle - arcane boots - bloodstone - travels

                    Travels only if the enemy team is passively farming so you can easly outfarm them.

                    Euls for a setup stun on your own.

                    Glimmer vs gyro is great so you dont die 1 shotted

                    Bkb i dont like this item early on lesh, except if you face retarded wombi combo like darkseer/shaker/sandking etc.