General Discussion

General Discussiondo u lose games on purpose ?

do u lose games on purpose ? in General Discussion

    so i was wondering do other people do this

    basicly im solo mid got 6 sloted by 40 mins having shit tons of kills dominating entire game but my team is underperforming

    and i dont want to give free mmr for shitkids so i sell all of my items buy 2 rapiers for enemy carry and let them win

    do u guys do things like that ? :D

    or losing teamfight got enuff gold for bb but don't bb just cuz its pointless to carry retards and shit like that

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    Giff me Wingman


      If they don't deserve MMR, so i just go feed.


        yup. especially in reborn where all games are 4k. basically you try your best but team doesnt give a shit to listen 30 minutes in.
        happens every 2nd game nowdays.


          And what you do if your teammates feeding already? Try hard to win?

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            i do, we can just get the mmr back later while those guys suffer for months! And if i get the one that pissed me off the most the very next game i make sure to lose that one too so the effect i have in his suffering is greater

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              I ALMOST never do it, but some people just deserve it.


                In some games you do not deserve MMR and someone else wins it for you.


                Like this one.

                You are just acting like an immature dick.

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  That's a 5 man stack though.


                    never done this


                      Another example: what if you have one very good teammate who fights back-to-back with you in every teamfight and three complete shitfucks. Will you ruin game for a good guy just to punish three idiots?


                        i do it just to ruin a single idiot, why wouldnt i ruin it for 3?

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                          So take this:


                          There are shittons of matches others win for you. Dota is a teamgame, and getting upset is just stuipid. Its just a game. I used to get rly upset and I still get upset sometimes. But its just stuipid and something I try to work on (not gloryfy it).

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                            Ok, last example! What if... think about it for a second... what if your are the most stupid member of your team. You are so stupid that you can't even understand how stupid you are. You play core role because you don't care, while your teammates decided to support you and sacrifice their farm just to secure farm for you. But you can't understand that, you can't understand what TEAM means, you probably muted your teammates already because they try to teach you how to play. Why they do this? Because you are stupid! And you just prove your stupidity when you start to feed for no reason...


                              @antifun ? i got 16k hero damage in that storm game 1.7k tower damage im also 3rd most farmed hero in that game ?

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                                what if what? i would deserve to lose! end of story. Would i complain? fuck no, im way over my head and i should just appreciate the skill difference, learn from it and take the loss like a man!


                                  what if

                                  yeah maybe if i wasnt playing this game for over a decade participated in numerous online and lan tournaments and actually won quite a few

                                  then might be the reason and even if i underperform i wath replay and find out why i underperformed


                                    So it never happens, that others win a game for you?

                                    Impressive. Why not going TI, if you are so gud?


                                      I've only played Dota 2 for 2 years so I'm not jaded enough to purposefully lose games to spite people ))


                                        How can you be so calm? These thoughts scare me to hell. Every time I feed I think: what if there is something behind my feeding? Something that I can't understand? True meaning of life? Illuminati? A-a-ah!!!


                                          Everytime you feed, of course there's something behind that feeding. You learn from that. You were stupid? Get smarter. Enemy outplayed you? Look how they did it, so it won't happen again. Etc.



                                            I fed, KOTL fed with me... But we won! And I feel like I learnt nothing... What to do now?


                                              Ball up and cry, I guess. Kappa

                                              the east wind



                                                  @antifun ofc they did

                                                  but there was never game where i underperformed so bad that i would need to get carried

                                                  im either ruining on purpose or playing properly

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    yes. especially when ppl take my runes when im next to them to refill my bottle, just to piss me off. at that point i instantly tp to base sell items and start buying couriers

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      "im either ruining on purpose or playing properly"

                                                      That means you have 100% win rate (without matches you ruined on purpose)!

                                                      You are amazing!!!


                                                        no that doesn't mean i have 100% winrate

                                                        noone does unless he played low amount of games

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          You don't always win when you play properly wtf.




                                                              If you play properly => you not ruining. If you not ruining => your teammates play properly too. If all your team plays properly, but you still lose, that means you are bad. How it can be?


                                                                your logic is flawed and if it isnt on purpose i got sad news for you

                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                  You are actually retarded dude. Playing properly doesn't mean playing well. He may not intentionally feed, but he still plays bad and loses his team the game.

                                                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                      i dont always ruin

                                                                      even if my team underperform sometimes in a mood where i give a fuck about those +25 so il try to carry them instead of selling my items and buying couriers/rapiers


                                                                        i actually try to win every game that i play, even when i go double sange&yasha on storm im still trying really hard to win


                                                                          or when i buy 5 boots on alchemist


                                                                            @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
                                                                            Then how can he judge his teammates and sentence them to -25 MMR?


                                                                              i can judge them min 1 or as soon as the game starts, usually i give them a chance but by min 5 its clear as water (norwegian for reference). It's not like i ruin every game either but by then you already know with "what" you're playing with.


                                                                                like when i ruined your game, because i realized right away you were trash, didnt listen to still win which resulted in me making the game end fast by mass suicide. And the time i didnt ruin even though i got you because you did as i told you and left me alone bot as a carry which resulted in me raping, obviously and us winning by a landslide! even with shit players (including the midder)

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  BTW, I found couple examples on this topic:

                                                                                  At ~20 minutes mark Slark destroyed all his items and started to feed.

                                                                                  SF sold his items, bought two rapiers, went to enemy base and died there.

                                                                                  Sad memories...


                                                                                    i warned qop not to fuck with me (while streaming yesterday) --> (gave my word)


                                                                                      As soon as game starts? How? Starting items? Or you can tell by their movement pattern from base to their lanes?


                                                                                        What if that QoP player is better than you?

                                                                                        the realm's delight

                                                                                          fangays WutFace


                                                                                            `lets see my past few days

                                                                                   i played support lion smoke ganks / pulling / stacking (even tho im not support player)

                                                                                            while mid sf feeds

                                                                                   afk jungle blood cyka , ebola spirit who didint buy anything no matter how much gold he had while i roam ward deward all map as bountyhunter and keeping enemies tracked

                                                                                   4 russians all picking mid heroes sf/storm/pudge/wr and then feeding nonstop

                                                                                            how can u even take this game seriously when every other game is like that


                                                                                              from items, hero movements, position in map, path to rune, actions prior to rune and during, etc. It says enough, then comes the laning and the approach they take, positioning again, harras, etc. The decisions they make and take, really all you want to know is there. You just have to learn where to look and "know", analyze and consider at what skill they are performing at.

                                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                                I actually dont see the logic behind this, unless you have some dicks in your team who flame you and dont listen.
                                                                                                Just becasue they feed, but you are actually capable to win the game why would you risk 25 mmr. Yea, if they are just dickheads then i guess revenge is sweet.

                                                                                                But of course i dont know the hard life of a 5-6k player

                                                                                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                                                                  If someone has actually added me to try to rage at me for farming too long.

                                                                                                  I farm for an hour, start winning game, then tp into their base, die, buyback , and feed again to lose.



                                                                                                    Future of humanity looks so grim today...