General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this new kind of scam?

Is this new kind of scam? in General Discussion

    Lately my inventory bumped up quiet a lot, and a lot of scammers started to messing up with me.

    Guy added me, he said he's searching for players to play in his league.

    It was fishy from the start, all the way to the point where he said I need to download team speak, so we can communicate with rest of the team.

    I downloaded official version 3.17, when suddently, it appears that there's new version 3.18, which you "download" by clicking on "download here" hyper link inside the informational box.

    It turns out it's some kind of key-logger or some shit, whatever, I realised it, turned it off from processes and changed my password for everything.

    Good thing is that I noticed something is fishy very, very fast - so he wasn't able to make profit out of me.

    Beware, seems like there are a lot of new ways of scaming.


      if someone wants you to download something via their link specifically, there is a 99% probability of him being a scammer


        But a guy said that i win all dota bets if I download his program 4Head


          Sunrise, it wasn't like that. He didn't tell me to download something fishy. I just asked for his IP server for Team Speak, and it said my version is out-dated and it offered me new one, to download.

          Trust me, even tho this was VERY fishy from the start, I took the bite out of curiosity.

          I never imagined that there's a chance to scam someone like this.

          Just beware people, really, this ain't a joke at all.


            your sf expertise has been noticed rejoice



              it's not fucking funny, someone will end up in tears because of that.

              Just pay atention, that's it

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                I doubt teamspeak would have a link on their official website which would be a keylogger , would it?


                  It was after you add ip adress he gave me.

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                    Krazy Kat

                      i think Havoc Badger got scammed by a very similar method. It wasn't teamspeak though.

                      bum farto

                        Mine was through mumble which I never used so was pretty green to the whole thing...didn't know it was that bad so kinda went naively with it.

                        This is what Shred went through

                        bum farto

                          It's a legit TS but as soon as you connect it gives you a message that asks you to upgrade the "driver" mine got broken into as soon as I connected to the mumble channel.

                          Having done a lot of logging on that it would seem what it did was open a temporary port that allowed some third party software to very quickly raid and trade most of my gear matching a description

                          e.g Genuine, rare, immortal etc.


                            This scam has been around for quite awhile now, I remember seeing it last year myself.