General Discussion

General DiscussionWas thinking offlane bs

Was thinking offlane bs in General Discussion

    Was best lane for him until I got a string of games laning with some retarded ass hole lane partner that wanted to passively farm creeps in lane sapping my regen off creeps and forcing me to take all the hits from enemy , I guess if u got a actual lane support its good but if not ur screwed I may just jungle bs . I am not a bs spammer btw

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    Giff me Wingman

      offlane bs lol

      Last picking is 4 pussies

        Your better off in jungle by a lot. How often someone ever going to say that lol.


          its pretty bad but on the off chance that you have to do it, you can mess with their equilibrium by bodyblocking your wave and bloodraging the front creep, aggro leash the enemy creeps/neutrals with rite to sap exp effectively

          King of Low Prio

            u have to be pretty fucking awful to be losing last hits to ur lane partner unless its a treant with quel blade

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              You don't have to get the last hit to fuck up someone else's last hits though.

              King of Low Prio

                yea but with BS u have such a large window to last hit with


                  Umm ya I could beat my ally ofcourse for last hits it just sucks cuz reason I go off instead of jungle is to dominate lane not just pull even , when u have both enemies hitting you and ur ally ignoring both enemies that are hitting you so he can attack the creep . However if you lane with someone that isn't a complete ass wad then bs offlane is pretty fucking dominate . I will only offlane him now if other lane partner says he is gonna help dominate lane instead of going there to farm .


                    Ive done two games with BS offlane so far, one was a win vs a trilane visage, ww, naga and then theres this game


                    Vs a slark + ww, ended up 9-0 at 7min and still lost kappa.

                    96th for Bloodseeker boys KAPPA.

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