General Discussion

General DiscussionPassive players

Passive players in General Discussion

    This has not been my week....

    Ahead here...and everyone takes a breather instead of pushing....

    Same thing here, win several fights in a row, and go to crap at the end....

    Culminating with this turd-sandwich....ahead THE ENTIRE GAME....we've even damaged their ancient...only to give it up at the end...

    I'm at my wits end at this point. I might just take up drinking.


      I feel you bro.

      Sometimes I pick early ganker like SB, they say "ok he wanna gank, lets pick early hero like drow, pugna etc" then never fucking go past the river vs a 5 man core like AM, SF etc.

      Then I see my team get greedy and the ennemy punishes us so much.

      And sometimes I win.



          ur in normal bracket with sub 50% win rate
          instead of whining about your teammates why not improve upon your own gameplay

          Miku Plays

            Pick lifestealer


              Ya Boy -- I HAD an over 50% win rate until this streak started.

              And oh BTW -- this is a team game...I very well can't win by myself, now can I?

              I think you just came in here to's whatever.

              Este comentario fue editado
              bum farto

                ^ If you're a core or mid player you can win alone for the most part if you're better than the bracket you're in.

                King of Low Prio


                  I solo won this game, had my team not listened to me and continued to waste time chasing down teckies we would have lost


                    Damn, Low straight up carried that game. Very well done.

                    I'm going back and looking at the graphs and builds again in these games.

                    Obviously, I need to stop making myself a target. A few of these deaths are my fault, I'll admit that....but the rest of the group running away when we have a level advantage, map advantage, AND number advantage doesn't help.

                    Also, it looks like I'm either going for expensive items too early, or trying to build the expensive item without the farm. I should either be farming, pushing or killing.


                      your attitude is exactly whats holding you back
                      i admit there are games where you absolutely cannot win because your teammates pick heroes they are bad at, tilting etc
                      but if you focus on your own gameplay and get better then you will climb in skill and mmr
                      every player that whines about mmr/team play are always sub 5k and always have this obscure idea that theyre the next rtz and the only thing holding them back are their shit teammates


                        I have no delusions about my skills; I know where my weaknesses lie, and I know where I should improve.

                        And no...I'm not "whining." I'm venting. There's a difference.


                          "I have no delusions about my skills;" sounds soon delusional


                            Really? Does it? I'm not perfect okay? I have tons tons TONS of improvement ahead....


                              team game

                              but ive been winning games alone for last 4000 games

                              so idk if i can then anyone else can win alone too