General Discussion

General DiscussionA Spectre is Haunting DotA

A Spectre is Haunting DotA in General Discussion

    The spectre of the supports.

    All the carries of old patches have entered into a holy alliance to oppose us: AM and PL, Gyro and Luna, Jugg and TB. They restrict our farm and dictate what we buy: courier, wards, glimmer cape, mek, wards, solar crest, urn, wards, sentries, and force staff.


    Well now I have bought the wards; I have bought them and can see the truth. The 'carries' organize us into numbers to classify our 'role': they are number 'one', and we are 'five.' The fours claim they are our friends but they are merely a rung up, looking down in pity. They do not know our oppression, no one does. We stack the jungle for our carries, we protect our carries, we create space for our carries, we pressure the enemy carries, we screen smoke ganks for our carries, we do EVERYTHING while they simply gorge themselves on our efforts and then claim they 'carried' us to victory.

    Whenever we try and humbly protest they point to their KDA, their GPM, their EPM; they clap us on the back and say how supports are an important role and difficult to play, and that we should be proud to be one. We do not need to be told we are important. We are the glue that holds games together. But how come every new match everyone scrambles for a 'core' and we 'supports' are left to counter pick, to construct lanes, to be positive? What about our needs? How is this equality?

    Well I say no more.

    NO MORE.

    No more will we be servants to the opulent carries, the reckless offlaners, the arrogant mids, the jungle 'supports'. No more will we sacrifice our farm and lives for the 'greater good.' These are lies propounded by the other roles. See the truth: we are all heroes and free to choose our own item and skill builds, free to the same creeps and runes as everyone else. We do not NEED to 'support' in order to win.

    And so, I beseech all of my fellow supports, from now on, from today to our last day, never support again! Take the farm that is rightfully yours! Buy those blink daggers, and ags scepters, and battlefurys! Get your level 6, 11, and 16s! Take mid, or jungle, or off! Take the runes! Take the ancients! Last hit! Kill steal! Buy wards and use them to secure your own farm! Buy the courier and monopolize its use! TAKE THE FARM!

    The carries will bitch, it's true. They will whine, they will feed, they will 'report us.' It does not matter! We will defend our rights, whatever the cost may be, we will farm in the jungle, we will farm in the lanes, we will farm in 5k and in the trench, we shall farm in low priority; we shall never support again.

    The brainwashed among you will protest: we will lose games you claim! Without knowing our roles chaos will ensue! These are lies. If all supports stop supporting then the entire 'carry' notion will break down; everyone on both teams will be equally carrying the game. The net worth will be EQUAL. But again, here you may wring your hands, will not a fed, 6-slotted PA 'outcarry' a fed Rubick? Or Witchdoctor? Or Shadow Demon? Again, this is an illusion. The fact is one of these with a hex, with E-blades, with halberds and abyssals, will easily overthrow the traditional pre-revolution carry. The new carries will accomplish more with less, for we have spent years winning games with no farm, and now that farm will be taken by us, our MMRs will rise. EVERYONE'S MMR WILL RISE!

    But because we are no longer 'supporting,' which is a term manufactured by the old carries, we shall now call ourselves: The Playmakers. This is our new name, comrades. Each one of us is a Playmaker. No longer will clips of SF, Pudge, and Puck pollute the intertubes. Now the Playmakers will take center stage: Rubick stealing spells, Banes getting ultra kills, and Dazzles split pushing ftw.

    This reddit thread, the thread of the new Playmakers, will be our manifesto. We shall turn to it whenever the carries again try to monopolize the farm and experience. Whenever they forget our equality. We Playmakers will police the new order. We shall all have fun, together, or no one will have fun at all.

    And we shall never have to buy another ward again.

    6.85 will be our time, our hour. The era of equality. We have only our shackleshots to lose; we have a video game to win.



      We are the play-makers. We are the dreamers of dreams.


        Master, can you plug observer ward in my ass, please?

        Dire Wolf

          I thought this was a spectre thread. Radiance vs diffusal.


            is this some gay novel, i would read it but tldr


              Then your bonds will never be broken.


                No, master! Don't break my bonds! Bind me tighter, please!




                    i dont know what it is all about, but it looks gay so I'm in.



                        ^is it the same guy that sings "я новый пират" or smthng like dat? sounds very familiar.

                        plz do

                          wow, this was actually a good, genuine post. did u write this?


                            Theres a good point in this, any 6-slotted hero is powerful because of the existence of items like Vyse, Refresher, Abyssal, and high tier support items like Greeves, AC, Pipe...
                            The problem always have been, not all heroes can farm those items fast enough, and the progression also may be awful.
                            Another funny thing is that this anarchy IS REAL in low skill matches


                              The Playmakers' Revolution, give me your energy! My body is ready!


                                Did you say Terrorblade? Nigga you crayzy.

                                Bad Intentions

                                  Ive been making playz since 6.83! :D


                                    Dis guy is trying a dank meme hoping IceFrog will reveal 6.85.


                                      we gotta stop this uprising firmly while in its roots. Freedom comes at the cost of order, of nature, of the system. Any support buying non-support items like battlefury/skadi/s&y/daedulus - I say report the fucker. We can't stand for this. It will destroy the very foundations on which this game is built.

                                      If any support decides to rebel....go to the 1k mmr bracket. They dont have a system there

                                      lm ao

                                        Dear God, what is happening to the forums...


                                          so real question yesterday i found post in dota2lounge facebook and stated it straight going to 7.00 not 6.85 can confirm?

                                          lm ao

                                            Youre English bad


                                              But who wants to rebel? All supports are submissive ward bitches like me, aren't they?