General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for decent (5k+) support players

Looking for decent (5k+) support players in General Discussion

    For casual stacking in RMM (EUW/Mother Russia).
    For some reasons the ones I already have in fl never play with me ("I can't, im waiting for Blunt in reborn", "Sorry, I'm abusing charms", etc.^^), so I usually find myself in a party of 5 core players, which is not nice :D.

    The only requirement is being calm (or at least imitating it) and not flaming my other party teammates. However, you can always flame me instead, I won't get mad then.

    The teammates you might meet in my stacks belong to different skill levels, but if you don't want to stack with 3-4ks - just tell me, and I will invite you only in a higher skilled stacks.


      maybe someday


        you can add me. (5,1k solo, 4,5k party)

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          add me, i play supports a lot

          Giff me Wingman

            what can i say?

            supports love blunt


              @raschi and z.pharaoh

              idk how could anyone love a person who has such a bad karma :D
              i think i never performed even average in games with you


                Blunt is a special boy. Unless you play like 7k player and carry him hard, the game is lost xD


                  the problem is not just that we lost, but that we lose because of me all the time. i just play extremely bad whenever stacking with him.

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                      Triple is coming in my mmr range if he keeps tilting like this


                        i lost some -5 games recently, and the few ones i won were +40 :D

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                          Give me your best 4 players to gain those party mmr


                            u want a 5k player to support 4k players? The mentality is usually the other way around


                              i dont stack with 4ks since u started smurfing, only 3ks and 5-6ks are left. miss you, my dear 4k friend <3.


                                whos 5-6k? xd vaikiss? he's 2k


                                  hey dd how is 4k mmr going ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                    smurf 5,5k u dog


                                      stopped raging and thowing. Piss easy now, everybodyies SO FUCKIN BAd


                                        what is your solo mmr triplesteal?


                                          do you think i started to play solo? ^^

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                                            so it's still 4.5k like it was when I stopped playing? :horse:

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                                              I'm 3.8k support but I'm really good trust me! Here in america peruvian drag you down more than russian can dream of!

                                              Óðinn H

                                                ^Your face, ewww


                                                  i was 4.6k 1 year ago as well
                                                  im always 4.6k solo, not cz i dont play solo, but cz its MAI TRU MMR


                                                    i cant play on Us anyways

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      Sorry can't party with lowly 3ks 4Head


                                                        ^he typo'd lovely*, he do care about u dontwory


                                                          smtms we play in all-5k+ stacks. does it suit u?


                                                            also i cant play with low 3ks as well :D
                                                            but your barrier is half a thhousand higher


                                                              what u mean smtms we play in all 5k+ when u aint even 5k urself lol

                                                              plz do

                                                                high 5 for all dota elitists on this board


                                                                  1 have only 1 month playing in steam but have 5 years playing dota 2 im from cuba very bad suport and normal carry i think :) only want to play 1 game with all player with 5k to see how much is the skill sorry for mi english is bad


                                                                    I was sure you gonna say it :D
                                                                    okay 4 5k guys and 1 guy without solo mmr :D
                                                                    btw ur smurfing had a huge positive impact on my party mmr, i went back to 5.5. thanks for not playing anymore, u dumb anchor

                                                                    what's ur party mmr?

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                      maybe it's because u feel way to secure when playing with me, like 'pffff, he's gonna carry me no matter wat'


                                                                        ^good one

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          Only way to explain your sudden 2k mmr bracket skielz when we play :rage:


                                                                            i might be secretly a 2k player and acc buyer, but I'm so ashamed that I learnt to imitate 5k plays to fraud people; however I feel so comfortable with you that I can show you my true nature.

                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                              Well, looking at how the enemy called you account buyer, you might have a point.



                                                                                i got used to it :d

                                                                                Giff me Wingman




                                                                                    Hello! My friend really wants to trade with you, but he cant add you. Add him please, here is his profile:

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      I KNEW IT!


                                                                                        Add me if you like, always enjoyed your forum posts, makes you seem as a decent human being to play with. I'm only 4.3K solo 3.5K MMR though, I play whatever is needed. Cheers

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          If you stack five 5-5.5ks, you get 5 MMR for each game, it sucks.




                                                                                              thats why u boost ur party mmr with undercalibrated accounts #dedication #vroksnak #mmr #abuse


                                                                                                @sam @dd
                                                                                                half of the high rated ppl i stack with got underrating party mmr so it usually turns out to be ~4.8 avg, however it usually means a +5 game anyways :D
                                                                                                i would have considered it to be an abuse if only literally all the stacks we faced were not the same - somehow all the actually decent players got 5-6k party mmr and 1-2kk higher solo. It's rather hard to grind party mmr any further if stacking as 5.

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  Well usually a 5man stack consists of 5 people with communication over teamspeak. Your stacks are basicially 5 retards going yolo.

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    Doesn't matter, I would still carry them, but not for fucking 5 points.

                                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                      Sam u should go for 7k party MMR.