General Discussion

General DiscussionDaily complaint thread

Daily complaint thread in General Discussion

    I'm stuck at 4700-4750 mmr because everytime I win a game I lose the next one because of a feeder, just look at this, I have no clue how you can be this bad at this mmr range, I mean it's not that u have a ''bad game'' you are just intentionnaly feeding.

    4-20 wisp 7-16 rubick fed the shit out of a Tusk (I couldn't have played better in that game)

    3-12 magnus flaming everyone but himself (played bad myself but that doesn't change the fact he fed)

    2-16 shadow fiend with 2k+ wins (was solo AM top against a lesh/undying, I had 10 last hits at 10 minutes)

    Whole team fed rofl and then blamed me idk this bracket man.

    As usual, someone that thinks he shouldn't be in 3k so he makes a smurf > get's on 4.5k rating (that is considered trash anyways and feeds the shit out of those games, and missed every hookshot talking about the Clockwerk).

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      by looking at your games it seems you're extremely unlucky

      just go ahead and add me and i can boost you ez $, get where you belong matie!


        maybe ask kuroky to play with u HAHAH XD XD XDXDXD


          @C9 plz boost me bro I belong at 9k mmr I need ur help mate I played against valve employee once and destroyed him mid so now he deicded to always put noobs in my team, help!

          Anyways. I stomped the next game with TA 19-0 rofl.

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            if u give arcana ill do

            add and i start tomorrow, 6k in 2 weeks max (which u at least belong according to ur game stats)

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              DD dude, why you ask for arcanas when you know you'll lose them in future bets anyway ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                Some people dont belong to their mmr or just pick heroes that cant play and if you're unlucky you get them in your games. Just try your best dude, if you play like ur playing lately, you will raise ez. It's just the matter of time :)

                Btw - you play any party games?


                  I calibrated at 2k solo and 2.1k party 1 year later I'm 4.750 solo and 5.144 party, I mean I don't wanna say I'm a top tier player but I get these players ALOT in my team and it becomes frustrating after a while, no matter how good you play you just end up losing because someone in your team fed, flamed since start or left the game because he died first blood, I try my best every single game.

                  And I barely play party games anymore after I got to 5k, working on solo mmr now.

                  Paid actor


                    Hi im exactly on the same spot that u r....ive been on this 4.7-4.9 range for the last 2 weeks and its killing me. What i find strange is that ppl here r so hardcore tryhard that appart from the usual "Radioactive Goat" VS "le balanced mexican spirit" spamming u see ppl ragequiting rly often...

                    Ive lost and won games when either my teammate or the enemy leaves the game 15mins in the game coz his team "wont listen" like he is the captain or someshit. And the higher i climb the more important supporting becomes, a good way to climb is to actually play supports coz usually ppl on this bracket aint bad on personal skill and can actually keep the ball rolling if u give them a good start, i agree that there r throwers and shitty players here and there, but srsly if u dotn support u gonna end up like ur AM against undying Viper, or u will be mid against lina/bounty and no1 will bother with sentrys or even wards, coz every1 at 4.7-4.9 is either position 1 or 2 and they play offlane/jungle/support half-hearted.

                    Hope it helps, not that it helped me, all in all the best advice as always is 'git gud' for both of us....

                    GL mate.


                      gg dd's boosts sound so cheap I might pay him to boost me to my real mmr of 6k too

                      Giff me Wingman

                        ++++ DD boosting 2 gud.

                        saving private RTZ

                          Ya pls i cant get out of 3k although i am 9k playa cuz my team is holding me back


                            best party mmr debooster 2015


                              @Deus Vult, the reason I don't play support is because I legitly don't trust people to carry me, it sounds ''cocky'' and that I think ''high of my self'' but I've seen SO many people in this bracket first pick or claim mid/safelane farm and then just play so bad that I don't understand how they possibly could be in this bracket, that's why I always play safelane carry or mid so when I lose the game I atleast tried 100% and know that I wasn't the main reason we lost.


                                ^these people you are talking about just think exactly same way you do, but it's hard to admit and recognize it, i guess.


                                  ^I know they do and they shouldn't like people play so bad etc and those carry players are all toxic, when someone in my team flames I just tell him to calm down and if he continues I just mute him, most carry players are also toxic as fuck like blaming/flaming the support nonstop.


                                    c9 i give u dc hook for 7k mmr ok?


                                      Played 4 games today won 1 lost 1 won 1 lost 1

                                      in both games people were feeding, this is just literally insane.


                                        nah defiant that'll tjkate otoo lnog but i can guvie u a 7k acc vfor dchook + one random immortal


                                          nice skill build and item build XD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXD


                                            Yeah you're right, the skill build and itembuild made me lose my game and also made my own teammates feed XD XDXDXD XDXDXD XDXDXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDXXXXXXXXXXXD


                                              alright u actually have no right to complain about teammates when u skill - armor aura at lvl 2 and get ulti at 6




                                                  ehehe, I have my reasons why I'm doing it, it's all about players preferences but ofcourse I understand if you watch a pro player go a certain build you automatically are gonna do the same thing and if someone else does a different build he's automatically retarded.

                                                  You're actually autistic, be a good boy and get out of my thread.

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                                                      theres no thing such as preference when it comes to sikll building sf, the only preference would be either getting raze at lvl 1 for securing first wave of creeps or passive to get souls, but never in the history of dota has any person with at least half a fucking brain skilled dark lord aura at level 2. i dont understand how a down syndrome ape like you has the guts to call anyone in this world an autist when you're probably the most retarded person anyone has ever seen lmao

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                                                        LMFAO TIL skilling requiem at 6 is a matter of PREFERENCE

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                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                          1st world problems in a 2nd world game...:.


                                                            solo q... gave me cancer... :sick:


                                                              im sure its an option if your fighting ember to break his l3 shield with z raze and req when he all-ins you at 6
                                                              or if you cant fill your souls fast enough due to dying
                                                              or for whatever defensive circumstance you need the slow and dmg reduction
                                                              w/e im no sf player

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                                                                but when do you need lvl 2 dark lord????
                                                                only when you have mental issues imo


                                                                  dude having lv1 necromastery til lv8 is legit, its all about preferences


                                                                    Well, there's that razeless sf build where you go pos 1 and just roflstomp the fuck out of everyone.
                                                                    When there were top players for specific heroes in dota2 itself there was a guy who consecutively topped SF with that build and played page1 games. I don't remember his nickname though. He used to get dominator phase lothar super early and like twoshot everyone because of darklord aura and the damage he had.



                                                                      I hanter keeps everyone down (down syndrome?). Reported. Accountbuyer detected etc.

                                                                      You sit on your trashrating, cuz you belong there and are not able to outsmart your opponent. Every one and then you are the fucking moron you are now complaining about. Get over it, trashbob. Or just shoot yourself. You f*ckin n'ggerc*nt.



                                                                        Idk what to say man, had a fucking Phoenix going mid because Leshrac wanted to roam LMFAO.

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