General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed tips on solo AM safelane against necro

Need tips on solo AM safelane against necro in General Discussion

    im done complaining about shit teammates. basically i was AM solo safelane against a necro solo as well.

    my witch didnt lane with me he wanted to roam,.

    how do i solo lane AM against a necro, item picks ? any strats?

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      There is no mmr where I believe this lane should exist.....


        lol I would rush a ring of health after qb and pms.


          prob get a level in shield at level three.


            whats there to say PMS + qb + ring of health and ur golden


              send regen, get boots asap after pms not roh. you cant play passive game against necro offlane
              dont go stats build, go 3-1-1

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                play aggresively, harrass if you can. Level up mana break whenever you can.
                Easy lane for you.

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                    That lane never SHOULD happen no

                    But there are MMRs where it DOES happen

                    I had an omni knight jungle instead of supporting me in lane against a huskar drow once

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Someone doubts the stupidity of Dota players, these things can, AND WILL HAPPEN at all MMR's.


                        3 1 1 makes sense, but you can also go 2-2-1 or 1-3-1 to blink and harras him
                        also u need RoH asap, and Id probably buy additional bunch of tangos initially
                        as said above, you cant play passive. if u do, you lost by default


                          And how do you play 'active'? Assuming pure 1v1 he just maxes heartstopper and eventually forces you out. You can't kill him before lvl 6 if he uses q to empty his mana. You can't kill him after 6 because level 1 mana void is too weak and he has too much regen+armor with headress & buckler to finish him with right clicks. AM is probably unique in that he's a melee carry with no burst damage. Carries like PA, Sven, Slark will eventually kill necro once they get 6, but for AM to do that he has to max mana break, catch necro with full mana and probably build additional damage like phase boots.


                            I mean, with empty mana necro is just invincible for AM early game. You mana void him for half hp, he regens a little with headdress and wand and comes back to ruin your farm.


                              Just go 4-1-1-1 at level 7, I pretty much always go this build against any hero every game.


                                ring of health + regen mb extra set of tangoes, am cant actually lose this lane unless ur trying to on purpose


                                  play passive = getting pms qb roh and just last hitting
                                  playing active = getting pms boots and abuse your damage block to trade hits with him + 25 ms advantage

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Im lucky if I see normal lanes at 4k


                                      rush vladimir

                                      2 point of mana break, mb 3, no need for 4 points.
                                      harrass him when ever you can, and when he is low mana, he is basically only harrassing you with aura. at that point, deny as much as you can, so he stay low level, with both ring of health and ring of regen, you should be fine at that point.

                                      Skip early stats!

                                      start should be:
                                      tango slave stout (as usual)
                                      into boot, into ring of regen, into pms, into ring of health (and an additional pack of tango at some point)

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                                        ur so baahd

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                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            Just blink on him and hit him. He has terrible base damage, armor, movespeed and animation. You should be able to get at least 3 hits off before he can run away.

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                                                he told us that it was pur 1v1

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  AM is still faster than necro, 1v1 or not. If he's offlane, and you can chase him to his tower, it's likely you can kill him completely solo. With a PMS you'd be able to tank creeps and with his mana burned he wouldn't be able to do anything. You're also more likely to have the boots advantage than he is.


                                                    I fail to see how AM struggles in this lane


                                                      shit ton of tangos and max ur mana burn and when you get power threads + ring of regen + ring of health you should be able to solo kill him ez.

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                                                          ^ What I don't understand is why people max blink first like I see people go 1-4-1-1 as in you have a battlefury at level 7 and are ready to farm the jungle, I pretty much go 4-1-0-1 and 1 point in stats at level 7 and level 8 I get 1 point in spell shield, the good thing about mana break is that u just do a couple hits and they have no mana and they just run away, if they come close to you you just blink in hit a couple times and just mana void them and you get a kill.


                                                            yes hanter everybody's wrong including the pro players, obviously maxing mana break is better


                                                              i mean you cant look at it that way, quite often pro games its 3v1 with perfect pulling and zoning so 1-1-1 would suffice


                                                                1-1-1-1 is the way to go I think, then go for blink afterwards. Unless you're retarded and cannot manage to get bf before Minute 17. but i'm a terrible am anyway, I only thnk about farm

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                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  @Hanter. Whats the point of getting 4 lvl in mana burn? Unless going your trash vanguard build. Youll burn every hero's mana in like 3-4 hits and then you deal no damage

                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                    Oh and are you drunk? Who puts 4 point in blink? Most common build is 1-1-1-1 and state until lvl 8-9. I usually get few more în state after maxing blink cuz i dont need maxed mana break until manta


                                                                      AM is very versatile in the build. i always going 1-3-1-1, you won't get any trilane and safe farm in trench tier, so you will probably lost your lane and blink is help to run.

                                                                      i didn't see point of increasing stats over mana break and blink :/

                                                                      spell resistance is nice. 26% magic resist on lvl 1 is great.

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        skill stats after getting pts in important spells, get RoH and Regen ring. Play passive and farm as much u can, proceed to farm and farm and farm and farm until u deserve a golden ricehat, then end gaem.

                                                                        gud guide, i know 10/10 would read again.


                                                                          ^followed your guide, still lost

                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            @rin stats its not for surviving lane but for farming. also one point in blink is enough, just blink in trees>tp out


                                                                              I suppose everyone use blink to farm not to run


                                                                                Watch the first 9 minutes of this game.

                                                                                I was safelane top with a Crystal Maiden against a Invoker/Lion, I noticed they made alot of mistakes so we took advantage of that and we killed them multiple times, now here in this lane I was maxing my mana break, thanks to my mana break, I did much more damage than I normally would and there wasn't really a point where they were completely out of mana to say ''U ARE STUPID U MAX UR MANA BREAK AFTER 3-4 HITS THEY WILL BE OUT OF MANA'' BUT they were close to being out of mana (like 50 mana left on death), anyways they ended up being useless with their spells because they had not enough mana and they had to run away and we ended up killing them. After a couple deaths Lion left Invoker solo so it was even easier to kill him, we killed him a couple more times and he abandonned.

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                                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                                  Idk i was against a undying with 500 mana, solo, 2 points in mana break did its job, whenever i saw him> blink 3-4 free hits, u do that twice and he has to go back. Well, he didnt, ez free kill at lvl 6

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                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    Solo vs necro seems like a pretty easy matchup for am, just make sure you get those denies so he can't regen.

                                                                                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                      Is this a joke?

                                                                                      Honestly a necro offlaner would get punished. I mean what is the rest of your team doing to leave AM solo vs a necro let alone not gank the necro.....


                                                                                        ^ I actually lost a game today because I was solo against a necro/es when my Dazzle and Crystal Maiden left me alone to farm the jungle after 11 minutes of me being solo they asked me where my items were, I had 29 last hits at 11 minutes, I swear the 4.7k bracket im in feels like pure 2k mmr.

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