General Discussion

General DiscussionGoing to quit Dota 2

Going to quit Dota 2 in General Discussion

    It is starting to not be fun to play with the lag maybe Ill try out reborn or somthing but I don't think I can keep playing regular Dota . Hopefully what ever neighbor that moved into my apartments that is ruining my internet moves out in the next couple months . Makes me lean towards renting a house next time I move .


      why would you post this thread then


        Usually never lag and keep a steady 35ms in my server but these last 2 weeks ive had some frame and animation skipping making me miss last hit alot. And it wasnt only on the reborn side.


          There is no way you can possibly quit Dota. Many tried, none succeed.

          Este comentario fue editado

            Made thread Cuz Dota is best game I ever played it's hard to quit


              Well switch to reborn. Runs way smoother for me. Dota 2 was kinda fucked up for me after they started reborn beta. Dunno why...

              Bad Intentions

                Yo filthy! no mannn u cant quit doto 😨 try to switch to dsl man and it should be better or find them wireless dongles there shud be 3G in your area, thats another option too! 😨


                  I am not very tech-savvy but isn't there a way to limit their upload/download speed for their ip adress or set your pc's connection priority over their device(s) on your wifi router settings page?

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    That should work if they are your roommates lol


                      Not room mates the technician came over and checked out my internet he enhanced some of the wiring in my apartment it gave me some extra speed but he couldn't find the issue in my apartment so he went outside and checked it out and there was some of my noeghbors internet creating " noise " messing up my internet . I have a theory that it is one of my new eighbors that sent this noise over the threshold Cuz my internet was fine before he moved in . I haven't seen any good DSL offers in my area the only ones I have seen are offering one tenth of the speed I am getting but maybe it'll be better since I'll have a slower consistent speed instead of 9 seconds really fast then 1-2 seconds of freezing . At any rate I haven't found a new game yet to play


                        you can always play osu w/ me.


                          Welcome to the club then, filthy
                          I haven't played dota for over 7 months due to a similar problem

                          Miku Plays

                            play nekopara maybe XD