General Discussion

General DiscussionJinxdog dropped from 6700 to 5200

Jinxdog dropped from 6700 to 5200 in General Discussion



      add me on ur mian dude xd

      Giff me Wingman

        who the fuck is jinxdog

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            how can you compare sema to jinx lol

              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                jinx isnt toxic


                  I said: How can you compare jinx and sema?

                  Jinx is a fucking teddybear that speaks broken english, whilst Sema is a total retard that also is fucking awful at dota

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                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Seriously, who the fuck is Jinxdog or w/e?

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                        some filthy earthshaker picker

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                          5 fucking thousand ranked games


                            i dropped from 6700 to 5700 once, i guess randoming isnt the way to win points
                            i wish db could make a stat that show % of random picks

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                              Jinx wasn't legit 6,7k tho, he just had lucky winstreak

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                              Quick maffs

                                WHERE do you people find the time to play so much dota ?

                                my god


                                  dd is a dropout 4HEad


                                    by having lot if $ and no work

                                    i told em, slow dooww<n


                                      LmnfAo HO acres XAsdsHHAhah Xd


                                        from whwat i know vroksnak is also a dropout FUKCin nordics fam

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Hey DD have you been in Tromsø ? its a good town to visit ?


                                            No I've not. I live ~ 60 miles south for Tromsø. I'm sure it's ok there.

                                            If I was foreign and was planning to go to Norway, I'd probably go to Oslo or Stavanger.



                                              and yet euros come to Rio and visit this shit




                                                  it must be kinda fun to live in an enviroment like that tho, beside the poorNess


                                                    idk really I never lived in a slum, I'm kinda wealthy for brazilian standards but honestly you wouldnt want to live in a place like that
                                                    fucking full of people, terrible infrastructure, filled with drugs and many times violent

                                                    Quick maffs

                                                      God i have to go to norway, if i am lucky i will probably go this year


                                                        looks like a place where City of God was filmed

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          It is the "down at heels" part of the city though right? The entire city can't be like this.


                                                            Actually, South american cities are pretty fun and nice to live in. As long as you can confirm it's not a shit hole and isn't really well known. Stupidly high crime rates are almost exclusive to the big cities more likely to be known by the general public.

                                                            The best thing is no extreme weathers whatsoever.


                                                              Yes, whole Rio isn't a slum, Sam :facepalm: :facepalm:

                                                              Why u wanna go to Norway so badlyy lol


                                                                why ppl enjoy when someone loses a lot of mmr?


                                                                  long story short: nowadays Rio is 80% slums or places that are almost slums. they spread fast as fuck.

                                                                  what you usually see on pictures like that one above are a few selected places in which the wealthier people live (me for example)

                                                                  however anybody who earns less than R$3000 a month (which would be like $800) can't usually afford to live nicely since leasings are abusively expensive, and that's the case of the majority. so they live in slums. slums arent always terrible places full of violence and shit like that, and obviously most of its residents are honest people, but nonetheless slums are generally places where drug dealers run their business and the brazilian police isn't really famous for being nice to people there. people die everyday in confrontations between police and thugs and nobody really gives a shit because the media doesn't cover it the way it should.

                                                                  but yeah, if you ignore those 80%, Rio is a beautiful place. I trade it for a nice european city anyday though

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                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    The minimum wage in brazil is like R$700.

                                                                    700R$ is around 200 euros ( less actually ), now try to imagine trying to make a living with that amount money, you just cant.


                                                                      and here i am just living in russia laughing at people complaining about 200 euros min wage ayyyyyy lmao
                                                                      and russia is actually far from poorest country, too; half of the world lives even worse than that.


                                                                        A lot of people in US complain about their minimum hour rates (based on state though, but still about $9-10 per hour). Pure human nature, people will never be satisfied with what they have.


                                                                          how the fuck does slums works? are there people patrolling shit? I'd assume everything that happens in slums stays in the slum, fuckin shady shit.

                                                                          Gives me a thought of middle age.

                                                                          Quite ridiculous that people still live like that in 2015 oo, tho it might be very much beneficial for richer people tho


                                                                            what do u think about dis song m8 dd


                                                                              ArtEEzy casting digital chaos game Kreygasm,


                                                                                start was pretty dog, but once my nigga came dong that shit just kept ruling em bitches dawg ya rate 9/11 bratishka


                                                                                  Gg close thread.


                                                                                    what do you mean 'how does a slum work', it's a place like any other

                                                                                    there are massive slums, rocinha has over 400k residents as far as I know, it's pretty much like a city. there's no real organization and most people don't work there, they move to richer parts of the city to work. they only live there.

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                                                                                      Youve got the favellas in Brazil, then you look at Mumbai and it's even worse. The overcrowding is insane.
                                                                                      There are a lot of interesting free documentaries on those on youtube!


                                                                                        I live in Queenstown NZ, it's better than all your shitty towns


                                                                                          I'd link some if i wasnt on mobile(

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