General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your last doto source 1 game?

What is your last doto source 1 game? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Since now were in reborn, just a look back at your last dota source 1 game. What happened was it a good/bad last game? Thoughts?

    Ahh dominated and won the game, funny all chats, punished huskar all game lol. May this last game on source 1 bring good luck going into reborn!

    Livin' Real Good

      It was the very high skill AA game i had, my team was absolute shit, storm got raped by Lina mid, he started off 0-4 within the first 6 minutes. Alchemist is a useless fucking hero, so the guy randoms Alchemist, then says " I can't play him! Oh, no ! " So he just feeds super hard. Undying was offlane with him, and of course, every undying i get is trash, but all the ones i face seem to be on killing spree's against my teams. I felt like I did everything I could., but it's the past, oh well. It didn't help that it was my first game with AA ever, so much for that right?

      I welcome source 2.


        I was in a bounty game in all random, but we lost as a result of our team randoming no carries (I was a reroll from shadow demon), and although I went godlike, my team refused to work together and kept farming (our hardest carry was abaddon VS PA, PL, and another hard carry I can't remember), and as a result once the game reached 30 minutes they began to come back once their carries were online. I blame myself though; I itemized wrong. I build MKB fast in the idea of going a hard carry bounty, where I should of gone dagon/ethereal to stop the right click as well as deal damage. Before that I made a great comeback as a medusa, though!

        lm ao

          I was being carried by Hatsune Miku with MoM on a randomed Legion Commander. Priceless.


            I'm glad that my last source 1 game was a successful Spectre :)

            LOSE. MMR up to 4496
            Spectre (Hard Carry - Dual Lane)
            K-D-A: 13-2-13
            GPM: 621
            XPM: 722

            - picked Spec for the AA combo
            - enemy last picked Broodmother, made me doubt big time on our laning phase
            - AA messed up the sentry warding since Brood also bought sentries
            - Eventually I had to buy my own set of sentries to take control of the laning phase
            - The mid game was easy since I was able to get important kills on their carries
            - Bounty Hunter's consistent pressure gave space for Cent to farm dagger and for myself to have precise map knowledge on where they might come from.
            - Gyro had a BKB early on top of drums and dominator but the blink-dagg initiation by Centaur always baited their BKBs
            - We go 2nd round of initiate every time their BKBs were on CD - either with my Haunt or another Blink + Stun
            - gg too easy



              We stomped just about the whole game

              One or two mistakes by me in lane that got me killed and one In a team fight (that we won) but aside from that I played well had a friendly team and we just kind of won

              ultra cow slayer


                We pretty much dominated the game.

                Bought Divine late game, jumped into their fountain and PL picked my divine up XD


                  Hate me but my last game in source 1 was with phantom lancer after losing like 200 mmr in a row, this game felt damn good because it was very close all game untill I carried the hell out of that game. Now im sad there no longer source 1 :(

                  if u wanna check the game;

                  Pale Mannie

                    My last fight:

                    I randomed Tidehunter
                    had a really good earlygame with my fastest blink in my life in 12 minutes
                    Then i entered the midgame with arcane/blink and shivas...
                    Losing some teamfights badly cuz enemy Doom is targetting me...
                    A comeback is happening from the enemy team..
                    This fight was the first fight that my enemy team had a comeback happening... :/

                    this match wasnt recorded by volvo
                    Nice gaem volvo...

                    Este comentario fue editado

                      Enjoyable but worthless stomp - laning as a Visage and PA vs solo Silencer - was only ever going to finish one way really...


                        My last source 1 dota match took place about 7 months ago in abilitydraft-stomp. How ironic.



                          it's a very close game and we dominated early - mid
                          until that annoying huskar starts bulldoging our top and bot

                          but it's a fun game i suppose, everyone play good



                            2nd game of a bo3 i standined for :)

                            I'd be glad if i could play reborn though.
                            literally 30 sec delay for hero commands, and up to 2 minutes for courier commands, (all that starting to the first 1% packet loss, and not fixing till the game is over)

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                              bristle support, dazzle solo mid against storm...
                              it was easiest game in my life XD

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                              log (Ya)

                                Nearly lost using Ursa. I think i was carrying the game and it was fun.


                                  Omniknight stomp.


                                    31-0 ember. kappa

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!