General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 reborn is shit

Dota 2 reborn is shit in General Discussion

    It's shit because it's no longer optional and is now the main client, seriously the interface looks like it has been designed by someone from Microsoft. Clunky, messing and confusing panels.

    Bad Intentions

      Time to adapt my fren, time to adapt. Pat.


        I agree. I loved the old style. Now the main page is like 80% sellout and thats it, and annoying.

        Also creating lobbies is so fuckni bad. Takes 20sec to make a lobby game with cheats, intead of previous 2sec.


          Reborn is the worst thing to happen since "Wraith King" was introduced. This is literally worse than 6.78 Earth Spirit if that earth spirit had a permanent 190% damage buff that gave him 45% damage resistance. this is just awful. Name one good thing about this god-forsaken client with 300+ms of input delay, an extra 40 ping on my home server (which when pinged is located in my fucking city), the lobby problem was already mentioned, etc etc. they tried to copy league of legends and ended up making a worse version of their layout, lol. "Store" is now "Heroes" and the inventory is totally un-navigatiable. Valve, please file for bankruptcy and give dota over to a real company.

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            waku waku

              i don't mind it but it feels choppy for some reason



                  Well I can confirm that you all talk shit.

                  I have crappy PC and playing on reborn is better in every possible way. Ingame fps improved alot, ping is like 15 on EU East. Actually using client is smoother and faster. I mean atleast for me. But take in note, I have really really shit laptop..

                  Second, its okish UI. But who even cares.. YOu will either way get used to it in week or two. DOes it matter? No Could it be done better? yes, prolly, but I repeat, is it REALLY that important? no


                    Utter shit. It can not recognize some of my personalized keyboards shortcut choices. It says it saved the choices but I can not use it in the game. Pathetic.

                    Inventory looks garbage. Friend Feed doesn't work properly. Fuck how map looks now, I wasn't here playing Dota 2 for ultra-level graphics. Keep the fucking steady again.


                      Ya why did they hire someone from Microsoft to make the UI..... Like why does my dota UI look like league of legends and windows 10 had sex and gave birth to dota 2 reborn UI


                        Reborn is a horrible excuse for a client. I liked Valve but this client makes me want to Quit. It is a blatant copy of windows 8 with soooo many useless features. If they wanted to test it and work those bugs out how about offer incentives. But no They shove this unfinished piece of shit in our face. They changed the weather effects. I use to use moonbeam but now they are so fucking obnoxious it is nearl impossible to play. As for you liking the better FPS and smooth operation it has nothing to do with the Actual Client. They could have easily spent the time to improve the old client.... They should have just given the old client a Facelift. But no. We get this ridiculous bullshit.

                        saving private RTZ

                          Wtf are you talking about.

                          I have 30 ping, 30 PING on euw while on S1 I had 80-100. I doubled my fps. And about the UI, unfamiliarity =/= bad design, the ads literally occupy the same space as in Source 1 ( look up on reddit) and they arent on every page as in source 1.

                          "Cant make a lobby" well thats not games problem, if you are braindead

                          Livin' Real Good

                            I dunno, I like Reborn, I felt like it was about time we got a new menu, and I also get higher FPS on Reborn + the textures, lighting, and various other little things in Reborn are better than source one Dota. But i'm sorry you feel that way. :)

                            saving private RTZ

                              Guys, its not the client, its the new engine. Old client was based on source 1, we wouldve need another client anyway. You are all dogshit really.

                              in 2 months after you adapt it I bet youll BibleThump about how bad S1 was


                                Those tabs don't even matter now, imagine going to your armory via a tab called "Heroes". Seriously?

                                Not to mention navigating your inventory is shit now. Sorting is way better in S1, and it was linear to the actual Steam inventory. Now what, you want to look at the thing which you checked from D2L in Reborn? Noooooooope.

                                黑鬼 [我不好]

                                  They keep introducing bugs with every patch so it feels like no progress is being made.


                                    nice buff for dire side Kappa


                                      The only thing I don't want in S2 is that you can't choose language preferences. It automatically detects your language used in steam. Hope they could change it like in S1.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        I dont like the interface

                                        Low Expectations

                                          ^nobody does


                                            51 min on the video, ageis on huskar fails to time-out.

                                            There are a lot of bugs. I liked the old interface better. But I like the custom games and I think server performance will improve once the bugs are gone. I can change between various displays in the interface much faster now. Finding games to watch is also much faster.

                                            I'm also seeing dota close or minimize with certain interface selections during a game.

                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                              i can't press ulti with storm 1/2 times, and i could never hit a dagger pounce in reborn (missed 5/10) and i had 30 fps when i should have at least 65, reborn shit = confirmed

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Haha Microsoft, cus they totally didn't rip off Apple Facebook and Twitter those are the assholes to blame fucking everything has to look like an iPhone now


                                                  Does anyone else have issues with Tusk's ulti after snowball? It sometimes won't cast and says "Can't attack".. fucking garbage.

                                                  200 mmr acc buyer

                                                    cant watch tournaments games live now, ReBROKEN doto is amazing!




                                                        Agreed the item inventory is a mess. Can't find my new items, have to be completely aware that they have dropped, then navigating through it all is a nightmare. Attempting to preview announcer packs doesn't work, just takes me to a fucking axe mid demo wtf?

                                                        قصص إختك

                                                          Anyone knows what the requirements for searching ranked is? My trophy level is 5 and I can search for calibration games


                                                            I had never seen anyone complain about the old interface. There was no reason to change it.


                                                              i dont know what i did but after winning a game with slark i got 2 trophies or somehting

                                                              Narendra Modi (Idle)

                                                                so much hate


                                                                  well i dont hate just for the sake of hating, i really dislike the fact that they released it as official, with countless bugs and malfunctions

                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                    I'll put this simply it sucks to the point I debate on playing destiny again cause I was already suffering from patch boredom.

                                                                    I think is have more fun doing a multiple choice test on what spells matter against lotus orb or don't.

                                                                    Gaming is Dead

                                                                      every one switch to league of legends bc dota is dead
                                                                      JOIN THE LEAGUE

                                                                      saving private RTZ

                                                                        I bet in 2 months everyone will love it.

                                                                        UI was just an addition. What really matters is the new engine but people doesnt care of course cuz they dont know how ass is to develop a game on a 12+ years old engine with a old ass code.

                                                                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                          ^---regardless it's an old game and if it is pushing long term players away and not gaining any new well good luck with that.

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                                                                              #volvo delete reborn


                                                                                I remember some post about the developers having big trouble to make their dream of the game come true due to the limitations of Source1. Personally i think the new overlay is worse but my ingame FPS etc went up quite significantly (i have good internet good PC and lowest graphic settings) in comparison to source 1.
                                                                                However i dont agree WHAT SO EVER of how this game is developing. Basically they r rying to be like LoL instead of embracing how dota is. So dota looses alot of complexety and depth over the patches and ultimatly it will not be about knowledge but only about clicking buttons / landing skillshots / using your low CD spells to their highest potential.
                                                                                Other aspects of the game are disregarded (farming pushing) and replaced with a very flashy (just like league) skirmish focussed 'OMG HE KILLED HIM OMG SO GOOD' meta. Sadly this game is played by a majority of people that actually enjoy this crap because it favors their playstyle. 'i am barathrum - i have this ability - i can cast it on heros - there is an enemy hero - cast spell - charge - always fight - click buttons - must never use brain' . this style of play is promoted with the recent patches and shown in TI5. CDEC embraced this style and perfected it (i actually cheerd forthem cause of their good team effort) and were able to come in 2nd beating many stronger teams. it makes dota more of a casual game of clicking buttons rather than a deep thinking and strategical game like chess. i predict that with the switch to source 2 and the overall better connections a style like this is more playable for many players cause their equip is less limiting of a factor.
                                                                                the overlay is trying to be modern and promote the soft aspects of dota around the actual game which makes it overcomplicated and more commercially focussed. guess theyll force players like me to go look for another game mb go back to WC3 if the meta is better there.


                                                                                  ^yeah i agree dude


                                                                                    "So dota looses alot of complexety and depth over the patches and ultimatly it will not be about knowledge but only about clicking buttons / landing skillshots / using your low CD spells to their highest potential."

                                                                                    this is horribly misinformed

                                                                                    patch after patch the game has been getting nothing but more complicated, new items with thousands of different interactions with different abilities and spells, the only balance changes are usually because something calls for it (x is too strong or y is too weak)

                                                                                    how the hell is complexity going down lmao.

                                                                                    i like how you think cdec played a brainless style, when many aspects of their play were far more complicated than other teams on several levels not even counting for individual plays wtf

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                      these gold swing patches don't encourage good play and strategy, cuz you can "comeback" even after being 0 5 on all your heroes


                                                                                        sometimes games feel artificially prolonged cuz of this shit

                                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                                          Idk that rant sounds like comming from a butthurt who cant adapt to patches.

                                                                                          game is now more complex than ever

                                                                                          Just Cheeze

                                                                                            Don't like it? How about don't play it?
                                                                                            But I bet everyone of you self-entitled fuckers are just going to continue playing regardless, hypocrites.

                                                                                            Remember, game is free. You don't pay a single dime to play except if you choose to.

                                                                                            Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                              Actually I have for the most part stopped playing it....

                                                                                              Best part about reborn is my ping 5ms after that just doesn't feel good period.


                                                                                                so if you don't like your life you just go suicide, right?


                                                                                                  and i never got why is "fucker" an insult.
                                                                                                  everyone is a fucker unless they are a virgin am i rite?


                                                                                                    Kappablanca and what can you do?` are just obvious butthurt people who can't win without having the leeway to do their brainless farming and pushing. It's funny how they think clicking buttons for skills is more brainless than farming and pushing. Even weirder for the latter guy to agree with the former when his playstyle is more inclined on farm and pushing heroes instead of skill spamming.

                                                                                                    The stupid really burns when Kappablanca induced that CDEC perfected a "brainless" style.


                                                                                                      i don't know why you guys want to call other people stupid and shit.
                                                                                                      i have 300+ earth spirit games so i guess i know how skill clicking works for the most part rofl