General Discussion

General Discussiongoing on three weeks...

going on three weeks... in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I'm in the process of moving, should be done soon and have internet hooked up at new place, maybe next week. But three weeks no dota... I feel way less pissed off at life. But I also miss it. Should I return or just keep not playing as long as possible?

    the realm's delight



        I felt like I was on holiday after I stopped playing
        before that I was always lacking sleep and missing social stuff because I was staying on fri/sat evenings playing dota instead of going outside, maybe I'm just not good with managing my time but life is so much easier without dota rofl

        Dire Wolf

          I mean I had to quit playing out of necessity, I'm still missing sleep and social stuff cus I'm up from 7am to 1am every day packing stuff, taking care of my family, arranging the most random shit you can think of like cable hookups, furniture deliveries, etc. I mean I built a brand new house and had to buy grout sealer and do it myself cus they don't apply it for you lol. So many small things really add up. Hanging pictures from the walls takes forever, took me 45 mins to hang a bathroom mirror cus where the wife wanted it there was no stud but there was an hvac shaft right behind it so the anchor wouldn't stay in. I cut down the anchor eventually but took a while to figure it all out.