General Discussion

General DiscussionCalculating KDA

Calculating KDA in General Discussion
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    I wonder why we calculate kda with this formula (K+A)/D. We could try to use (K+A)/(D+1).I know that kda doesn't matter but it is annoying to have same kda ratio with 1 death or 0 death.What are your thoughts?

    Sorry for my English as I am posting via phone.


      you can't divide by zero obviously, so 0 is replaced with 1

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        That's why I am suggesting the other you have 0 deaths your kills and assits should be divided by 1.If you have 1 death it should be divided by 2 and it goes on like this

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            Well we can calculate manually. It is not hard but it may take a while

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              And what I am sayin is that when you have 1 death of should be divided by 2 not by 1.That's the change I am suggesting/asking.


                is individual match KDA meaningful in any aspect? probably not

                your overall KDA (or KDA on a particular hero, KDA for a discrete period of time or whatever the fucj) would still be correct because the calculation would be based on the whole sum of kills, deaths and assists

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                  so for 1-1-0 stat you will have 0.5 KDA?


                    wow you can do maths


                      i mean, you make the whole formula to be senseless bullshit in delusional desire to make it differentiate two cases: d=1 and d=0.

                      it was always (k+a)/max(d;1), and it works fine this way

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                        When you have 1kill 1 death you respawn twice.You had two lives so if you ask me it makes sense


                          deaths =/= amount of revives
                          or would you call human's birth an act of death, too?

                          its not (kills+assists)/revives, its (k+a)/deaths


                            A new topic about kda calculation comes up every week. What, seriously? Why does it even concern you that much?


                              Think of it this way - If you die once, it's okay. If you die more than once, you're an idiot. Hope this helps you sleep better at night.

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                                @triplesteal We can try to chance it to KLA (kill life assist) ratio.Human dies once That's wjy every kill you make should divided by one.If you are a zombie or jesus and keep killing people your kill count should be diveded by 2.

                                @altsk0p I am using dotabuff forum for 2 years now.I don't recall seeing a topic about kda.It doesn't matter.It wkn't improve my game but I am using dotabuff for statics it is irrelevant if it concerns the gameplay or it show skills.

                                @cartographer you have a point.But as a 4k scrub I can't stop myself from dying more than once :)


                                  am I having a deja vu here, or didn't we discussed this exact topic like 2 weeks ago?


                                    like, even mokujin borught the same statement, the triple wrote the exact same answer.



                                      1-1-0, kda = 1
                                      it's working perfectly
                                      stop making these stupid threads


                                        its called kda for a reason and not called kda1 for the same reason, if you know what im saying


                                          There's one of the threads.
                                          And just like @cartographer said, being killed once is excusable with this system. If you wanted to really reward people with 0 deaths per match, I would suggest multiplying kills+assists by, say, 1.5 or 2 instead of dividing by 1.


                                            KDA is useful as a statistic averaged over many games and the divided-by-zero complaint is irrelevant. There are few things on which I agree with Einstien, but this is one.

                                            "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

                                            Mathematical rules are not truths, they are merely convient procedures or practices and in this case it makes perfect sense to count KDAs as (K+A/D) even though this means for a single game the scores of 1-0-1 and 1-1-1 are equivalent. These same scores will not be equivalent in their impact on the overall KDA average which is what matters.

                                            KDAs are for tracking your improvement over time, or comparing your scores to the global averages or the averages of your friends. Everyone knows that you might have a freakishly high or low KDA in one game and it doesn't mean anything.