General Discussion

General Discussionanyone tried alch mid in higher brackets?

anyone tried alch mid in higher brackets? in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    so i played a few games at 5,2 on my smurf and this hero seems really good on mid now that lane dominant heroes like lesh lina are gone.. theres still ta wr and w/e but ye

    basically u get 500 gold on first bounty rune and like 200/300/400 depending on game time on normal bounty runes
    u can get radi or bf at min 8 (i got radi at 9 and i died once). i think radi is better on mid, with bf u farm faster but radi is also good in fights. im sure u can also build him utility style or w/e with mek sny dagger halberd etc
    u push lane with acid and stack woods, 1 camp u pull and the other one you stack with acid spray (big and medium, both radiant and dire, its easier to farm on dire tho cause u have to cut only 1 tree, on radiant u have to cut 4). stack 2 camps with illu rune if u get one, ancients and hard camp preferable
    played this game and i got all those items + moonshard + 3 aghs for zeus/sile/jak @ 40 mins while being under pressure a lot, check xp graph

    pretty cool 4Head

    here have a cool song

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      one thing i wouldnt do as alchi is get aghs to my shitty teammates first. you have like so many items you can get/should get on alchi before getting aghs for anyone.
      hero works fine. i need midas item on him before i play him again.

      the realm's delight

        i got them aghs after 6 slots (w/o lvl 2 travels and moonshard)

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          Alch is back with the money buff he got.


            i played him on my skillevel (4.8 atm) and hes pretty much a freewin if u have teammates who dont cry cos u picked alchemist
            sny -> sb -> ac is core for me and u can finish that in 20 minutes, after that mb aghs
            i usually stack ancients but jungle is prolly better on dire, thanks for the tip


              yeah i played like this too except that i was dying a lot

              do you tell your team to 5 man as soon as you get radi or you just do your stuff and keep farming?

              the realm's delight

                u dont 5 man with radi only you are way too squishy (unless ur team composition allows you to do that). u should get at least ac or something before. if they have a lot of magic damage i suppose u might need a bkb as well

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                  he is good seriously at mid i usually get stout tango quelling and branch early and get runes with gg lvl 1 . get 500 gold got bottle and just spam acid on mid, the acid is serious threat to enemy and will melt everyone even SF. with lvl 6 you can try to dive or 1 v 1 with enemy heroes. sf rekt hard.


                    with radi build i think you can 5 man with like treads radiance + 1-2 mitigation items like medal/solar and maybe cloak

                    the realm's delight

                      i dont always get treads but as i said if u have like a mek or solar crest in ur team and maybe a support that allows u to push easily like a jakiro+dazzle or somethin then yes i suppose u can 5 man. but most of the times in my team the pos 1 player picks am or some dogshit farm dependant hero that will not be able to push AFTER i pick alch, and we cant really 5 man. maybe it works on paper but its really hard to get people to group with you in a pub XD


                        I'll give this a read later, pretty confused with the best way to play alch atm tbh, seems ok at most things but never really good at anything, general jack of all trades.

                        Whats your main MMR out of interest? 5.6?

                        the realm's delight

                          5,8 but i havent played on it in a while

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                            Kk just wondered, Yea just watched your game 9-10min radiance, not bad.