General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman skill build

Shadow Shaman skill build in General Discussion

    I noticed that I use Ether Shock only once or twice during the match and mostly against creeps. May be it's better to put points in stats? What do you think?

    P.S. I actually made an attempt already, but it ended badly:

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      instareport from me if you don't max it. If you on top of that skill stats i make sure we lose


        Couldn't expect less from most intolerable player in DOTA history.

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        Pom Pom 🍕

          If it helps pushing lanes and farming jungle camps it will give you gold worth more than the stat points won't it?


            translating benao language into more friendly english, 99% of SS players max this spell - this hero is commonly played as a very greedy support that farms a lot.
            however, if you adjusted your playstyle to not having it, it's fine.


              Ward bitches don't farm jungle camps.


                The problem is that I have very low win rate on SS. Because of that I feel very unsure about my decisions.

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  I guess if you're too poor for going arcane boots or soul ring stats can be nicer since he doesn't have the mana to cast even his 3 latter skills at level 11 without a 4-5 int item like wand or null (assuming you max them first).

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                    you cant be for real can you


                      Well, I definitely want to max Shackles first. 5 seconds disable with 10 seconds cooldown which also deals 300 magical damage - this skill is insanely good for early ganks. But I also need Hex because it has longer range and allows to catch opponents. Hex scales so good, so I start maxing it too. At the time when I get to Ether Shock magic damage becomes irrelevant.


                        then mb u should try the "classic" SS build and playstyle? max 1st, stack for urself, push lanes on alone and take towers with ulty, keep farming, etc. SS is not the wardbitch kind of support normally.


                          All my hard earned experience as a ward bitch tells me that if I stay near enemy creeps for 10 seconds alone, then I will probably die in next 10 seconds. So I try not to show myself on the map without my teammates nearby.

                          Have you seen any SS in recent (6.85) pro games?


                            nah, i think there has been a looooo(oo)ng while since i last saw this pick by any pro team besides tier4 trash 5k av scrubs.


                              i can play SS tomorrow and show you how to use him


                                Sounds great!

                                P.S. Also what do you think about specific match-ups? In my last game as SS maxing Shackles first against TA definitely payed off, I believe.

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                                  lol steam is down


                                    Lol, don't go for stats, his Q is amazing.


                                      ok streaming right now, or in a sec picking phase and all


                                      edit: i think i just dc

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                                        if dota was just about zonign/killing the offlaner shackle would be your priority spell
                                        but its not lol

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                                          shackle have decent dmg now.

                                          Max hex shackle ult almost guarantee a kill early game.


                                            I once played with a shaman who did just that.

                                            What happened after the early game was that he ended up being out of position most of the time because he had no way to farm mobility items and was only reliant on ganks to get kills. This might work if the opponents line up is very greedy and has no way to react to your ganks, but I don't think that kind of line up happens often.

                                            That ether shock damage scales extremely well though.

                                            Also, I want to ask, in your experience how does shackle fare in the mid game? I haven't played him in a long time but I imagine that shackle seems good only up until level 2 then you can probably get stats after that. A support standing in the middle of a team fight for 5 seconds is most likely dead so aside from solo pick off ganks, I'm not sure where else this would be applicable.


                                              Picking SF now? No more Rhasta?

                                              What about Bane? Crystal Maiden?
                                              BKB? Glimmer Cape?

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                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                The only reason not to max that spell out is when you want to max out shackles if you can gank with bursty heroes that have trouble jumping on people in the early game. If you have an ursa in your lane or at least team, you can max shackles first, and that should be a free kill. Going stats instead of having a wave clear/push ability as shadow shaman, unless you're doing what I've outlined above, is pretty stupid I think.

                                                I mean, instead of taking some stat levels, you can literally just stack the hard camp a few times, and use your farming ability to kill it, which should get you stuff like a bracer, force staff, blink, parts of refresher/aghs, ghost scepter, etc, whatever. You only get stats if that's the most efficient way to get them, and your other spells don't benefit from more levels early on, which means, if you can farm up some stat items fast with an ability, just level it up instead.

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                                                  I guess so, but CM can farm and Bane is pretty tanky. Not saying your build isn't viable though. I can see it happening if you execute it well enough.

                                                  Maybe get at least 2 in ether shock for wave clear?


                                                    I cry every time mid SF has to buy wards himself. T_T
                                                    When you played SS you didn't bought as many wards...

                                                    2/0/4/1 build at lvl 7?

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                                                      Max hex shackle is viable with the buff to shackle damage. Gank and push with ward. Gank and push with ward. Gank and push with ward. Thereafter secure the map with ward while you rush your blink dagger as first major item. With blink dagger, hex and shackle, you are guaranteed a win in all mini team clash. Thereafter farm for agha and refresher and drop double ward in their base ftw.

                                                      The catch of course is that you must have the right team composition, some thing like chen/ursa/ss tri-lane coupled with invoker/dp mid and WR/tide off-lane seems to be quite decent.

                                                      Nevertheless the old route is still viable. But I would suggest to keep ether shock at lvl 3 to better manage the mana.

                                                      Not sure whether it is viable or not......nevertheless, I have not yet seen a shadow shaman who is ball enough to go blademail and hp item.


                                                        Blademail on Shadow Shaman? Ofc I did that already! =)

                                                        Anyway, after watching replay of Benao's SS, now I'm sure that there is something wrong with max Ether Shock skill build.

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                                                          Yeah 2-0-4 or 2-1-3 by 7 could be good. Damage and disables seem good and people don't tend to 5 man by that time so it'd be something you can get away with. (Plus you still get some nuke for wave clear)

                                                          What do you think?


                                                            Ether Shock damage / mana
                                                            Level 1 . . . . 140 . . . . 95
                                                            Level 2 . . . . 200 . . . . 105
                                                            Level 3 . . . . 260 . . . . 135

                                                            I think there is a big gap in manacost between lvl 2 and lvl 3, so I can see you logic in keeping it at lvl 2.