General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is always there 1 retard who cant connect?

why is always there 1 retard who cant connect? in General Discussion
the realm's delight

    literally since reborn i have to wait 5 games until all 10 people load up

    the realm's delight

      6th in a row nice maybe i can play dota today
      also why did they remove find game ocoldown or whatever? the same retard failed to connect 3 games in a row, isnt he supposed to get a penalty or somethign ?


        why would you call them a retard? do you expect people to patch dota/the servers/the internet whilst trying to connect? feels like you are setting the bar of retardness a bit high.

        the realm's delight

          you are right. now u made me feel bad


            If u r saying about custom game , i will agree

            the realm's delight

              no im saying about ranked games, but custom games are actually even worse yeah

              waku waku

                its valve's fault not theirs


                  @mhysa Are you going to add me for 1v1 or did you puss out?

                  the realm's delight

                    who r u

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Yeah, you set the bar of retardness too high, you can let this one slide! I mean if they were to ready up, then just waste your time DC'ing the first minute after picking heroes for 3 minutes that would be another thing. :P

                      the realm's delight

                        no thats actually not me, i dont even think i have a reddit account. i suppose someone from dotabuff did this but w/e if u want 1v1 we can do it tonight


                          @mhysa I'm up, why not. Guess that guy is actually a shitstain acc buyer if he challenges me then links your account.


                            rofl allison is famous now

                            the realm's delight

                              yee my game has 100 spectators now im famous 4Head


                                In your defence, considering the number of retards playing dota it's a fair bet to assume they are retards regardless of whether they can load or not.