General Discussion

General DiscussionA day in the normal skill life

A day in the normal skill life in General Discussion

    So, all of our lanes are getting destroyed for the 1st 15 min or so. Our LC is building a naked blink dagger, for some reason he doesn't feel the need to get brown boots. At this point I pretty much accepted that this match is going down the shitter.

    Then their QOP decides to rush dagon (no brown boots either) and keeps overextending, I punish her ass with a cask-curse-death ward to the face a few times. Despite some close teamfights they get a good wipe or 2 and end up getting 2 sets of rax down.

    At this stage their QOP has gone ahead and bought a rapier, and our silencer has given up and wants them to push and end. Viper, despite doing some retarded shit, stays positive and still doesnt give up. I'm in the same boat, I want to fight it out to the end.

    They are literally 1 ranged rax away from mega creeps, both of our t4's are down, and our throne is half hp. At some point the QOP feeds the Rapier to our team. They made some yolo attempts to finish the last rax building 1 by 1 in classic 3k fashion but failed. We wipe them and win the game.

    I thought I would share this example of what goes on in this scrub-infested 3k bracket. I'm sure 90% of you don't even care, but I felt it was an interesting game. Please share similar examples of big throws and retarded games in general :D

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      Thank you for quality post, it was very interesting to read.


        Woah what happened to the map?


          I dunno man, I was wondering the same thing. Maybe the throw was so hard that it broke Dotabuff.

          Bad Intentions

            But OP, the real question is..


            At the end of the day, thats what matters :]


              It was entertaining, and it helped me become a more determined player with a NEVER GIVE UP attitude.