General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is blink so core on Slardar?

Why is blink so core on Slardar? in General Discussion

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting it isn't good and suits him down to the ground playing the role of initiator.

    However, he has the best bash in the game and can run around the map at 522. Can someone who isn't normal skill explain why very few people go for a shadow blade/attack speed ganking build?

    You can always build blink later.

    PS I'm not saying this is better, I'm asking what is it that I don't understand for thinking it would be legit. :)

    Kind of like a Spirit Breaker with better ulti.


      because blink is instant and cheaper

      don't even care that I'm normal skill, with blink you can get easy kills earlier and get that BKB & AC quicker


        that's why i wanted the answers filtered :p 550 extra gold for an item that gives you extra attack speed and damage isn't the reason people don't go shadow blade.

        also, initiation with shadow blade isn't worse early game than blink imo. in team fights sure, blink is better but early game invis roaming is a lot more disruptive i think.


          PS if he didn't have a skill which allowed him to run at 522 then I would understand blink a lot more. Seems overkill (to me) to have it and blink.

          Giff me Wingman

            Lothars is not reliable. That's the only problem here, sure lothars gives attackspeed, damage and burst damage, but slardar is not meant to be a damage dealer. Blink doesn't give slardar statswise anything but it gives him a reliable way to land stuns so that the team can follow up and end the enemy team.

            Blink can also give slardar a great escape, which lothars doesn't offer at all.


              Also I think the ability to keep reengaging on fights makes the item synergize really well with him.


                i always though sb is the escape item, while blink is not.

                thanks for new knowledge, blunt, much appreciated.

                Giff me Wingman

                  U do realize OP is normal skill right? U have to state obv. things because they don't always know.

                  Miku Plays

                    buy sentry u cant initiate anymore

                    Dire Wolf

                      cus blink is like core on every melee initiator


                        I wish they changed Slardar's Slithereen Crush so it applies the current level of his ulti to all targets affected by the AoE of stun

                        e.g. you get 3 charges for N period of time - like Ember's remntants or ES' stones, and once the charges expire the stun no longer applies his ult; his ulti remains unchanged, you can still cast it all at times

                        he'd be definitely more fun to play :P

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                        Dire Wolf

                          Eh he's already a good 3 spot. Issue is he has no lane cus u don't want him to safe lane but his escape makes him weak offlane. Sprint shouldn't take extra dmg the he's good to go.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Because Slardar is pretty much Centaur 2.0 and you wouldn't go SB on Centaur.

                            The Ice Truck Killer

                              What if you're smoke ganking and your team-mates' spoke pops and you blink in to roshan or medium camp or ancients or w/e to blink-stun... wait you don't have a blink, you have a shadow blade.


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                                u purchase blink on all the heroes with AoE stuns, I guess

                                The Ice Truck Killer

                                  Is blink Alch a thing or is it always invis?


                                    ^yes, a lot of people used to get blink on alch, particularly in competitive
                                    nowadays most players just skip initiation items, as far as ive seen


                                      shadowblade is fine it depends on what role you are required to fill in ur team
                                      its just that most of the time when hes picked you have another farm dependent core
                                      blink is good because you can keep disengaging with sprint and re-engaging with blink crush multiple times during the fight.


                                        I can see it isn't a popular choice :-)

                                        Isn't it a waste of most of his abilities having him be the primary initiator? Feels he has a lot more to offer than that. Why not build him as the one true bashlord?

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Slardar seems born to have a blink dagger over a shadow blade. :P


                                            compare it to another bash lord and you will know the answer. he is mediocre and another can do better

                                            wanna bash? pick void or troll, one have big disabler fucking AoE and another is have buff atk speed to permabash.

                                            he is intiator.


                                              oh my god
                                              i thought its obvious

                                              blink is good because your stun is AoE,
                                              AOE, CARL
                                              you cant initiate with SB and expect to stun multiple targets all the time, just because you are invisible and lil bit faster. with blink and vision its pretty easy though, because you can get to any point in blink range instantly.


                                                reread the op triple - i'm not saying blink-stun isn't a better initiation - i'm saying that the utility of shadow blade seems to gel with his other skills better than blink that's all. extra speed syncs with his Q, extra attack speed syncs with his bash. blink works with his W though. that's all.

                                                i also think midas is an interesting pickup for him but i'm too scared to start a thread about that ;)


                                                  @matou i know it is a bit unfair seeing as he is strength and not agility but for equal attack speed slardar stuns for longer and does more bonus damage than either void (even under chrono) or troll.


                                                    Blink is instant, can go over hills, it's cheaper and does not cost mana.

                                                    Also because slardar has 522 ms blink can also be used as a escape tool more reliably.

                                                    Lothars may be better if you go for a hardcarry build, just like on tiny.


                                                      your logic behind getting sb over blink is nonsensical. you don't get full benefit of sb's bonus speed due to nearing max speed with sprint but you get the full benefit of blink's extra mobility, and blink offers something that raw speed doesn't - the ability to essentially ignore terrain (among other things). extra % speed does not synergise with more % speed. raw movement speed does.

                                                      for dps extra attack speed is obviously a no brainer in a vaccuum but the potential of blink to stun more people has way more impact on the outcome of a game. plus late game blink offers way more attack uptime which is essentially more dps in a realistic situation.

                                                      if you're offlane/utility slardar blink is much stronger than sb and if you're safe lane carry blink ends up being stronger late game even if sb is better on it's own vs blink on it's own early on. with #1 farm priority you can afford to get blink and still be able to get damage items.


                                                        Rocket, SB has much more utility in lower MMR games. I see that all of your games are below 3.2k so you will be encountering people with reactions slow enough that using SB for positioning is possible.

                                                        I have played many games over the 3k to 4k range and I see a transition in builds on many heros from shadow blade to blink as MMR increased toward 4k. You get to a point where if you don't blink in, they can dodge the stun or stun you first/silence you first etc...

                                                        Also for escapes, at 3k MMR and below people almost never escape by blinking, they are to slow to do it. By the time they realize they are in trouble they are alreayd hit with an attack or disable so they can't blink. But in Very High it is common to blink away before the first attack lands unless the enemy hero also blinks in to initiate.

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                                                            You can get both but blink is core dont be a shitstain i have tried SB slar without dagger and sucks :P

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                                                                i read it b4 posting


                                                                  you know? what's the point of slardar? his W and R. u wanna a fucking opinions? Q and E are shit skills. i prefer them to get reworked. especially those bash. what's for? it's like the maker confused to add one more skills and he just like 'well let's add bash, better then moving our head out.'


                                                                    fucking run with fucking +damage. it's shit skills. seriously, you are chasing SF who was like 25% hp with sprint and he suddenly just turn his nose to you and 1-2raze it's him chasing you now.


                                                                      SB is ez to counter. if the opposing team knows how use those sentries and bait his ass. in very high skill dtection is a must.

                                                                      Almighty AdeN

                                                                        SB's actually a good item on low tier games say below 4k, where people just flame each other on whos supposed to be getting dust or sentries.


                                                                          It's pretty easy to armlet toggle against SF


                                                                            i think it's depend on u'r level/mmr, solo/partying, and u'r opponent

                                                                            idk im always prefer with sb when playing solo

                                                                            u know with no pushing, aim the wrong hero, rarely to stick

                                                                            Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                              same reason why you get blink and not sb on tiny.....allows more space for spontaneity and unpredictability

                                                                              against any decent opposition if you pull off the sb initiation the first time.....they'll just buy a ward or initiate on you and dust.....there's no room to do anything with'll try to sneak in and stun and that's it....its a one trick tact and any detection will not only ruin your initiation it will also get your hero kited/ baited and killed easily

                                                                              think riki

                                                                              might not occur to you because in lower skill no one supports hence no one buys detection and/or thinks ahead / learns from prior occurrences

                                                                              why do you think riki is almost a confirmed snowball and win in low skill?


                                                                                So his stun basically can not miss and he can't be kited as easily. That's about it

                                                                                That being said, I do have a bigger winrate with slardar avoiding blink and building him as an autoattack carry, but he's viable with about any item really (even as a support).


                                                                                  I'll take this opportunity to correct again the misconception that truesight is not used by low MMR players. It is easy to see from replays and from stats that low MMR players nearly always use plenty of truesight - dust, sentries, and gem.

                                                                                  But they do not use it effectively, they hit dust so slowly that its after the target is already out of cast range or has completed their tp. They place sentries to late to anticipate attacks and pathing. Or even if they do place the sentry correctly they still can't stun a hero moving at then with shadowblade before they are hit.

                                                                                  When you say that people don't use truesight at low MMR, and the low MMR players know from their experience that you are wrong it erodes your credibility with them, confuses people, and insults people. They do use tp, just badly and slowly. They do use detection, they just fail at it. Shadowblade will work very well on almost all heroes at sub 3k MMR as will glimmer cape and invis heroes in general. Invis gets weaker because of the faster reaction speed to appearing and disapearing as you move through High Skill to Very High... by the time you are at Very High if you are not eventually getting Silver Edge because you need the Break then shadow blade is not a very good item choice.

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                                                                                  Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                                                    please relentless kindly relent from your crap


                                                                                      How does this truth hurt you? Can you explain why you feel this way?

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        Why are you always so entitled relentless

                                                                                        Your opinion =/= 'the truth'
                                                                                        Not even the 5k+ players who post here act as they are always right, why do you do so

                                                                                        Almighty AdeN

                                                                                          "When you say that people don't use truesight at low MMR, and the low MMR players know from their experience that you are wrong it erodes your credibility with them, confuses people, and insults people"

                                                                                          its not like anyone cares if they hurt someone, i don't, and im pretty sure they dont use truesight even at borderline 4k


                                                                                            From the hands of a top 10 world Slardar player!


                                                                                            "Wtf are you making? Shadow Blade? Reported. Why do you almost always go Shadow Blade?
                                                                                            Slardar has multiple synergies with Shadow Blade. I am not at all saying Blink Dagger is a bad item on Slardar (or anyone), in fact you can very practically go both blink and Shadow Blade on Slardar. Reasoning:
                                                                                            When built offensively, Slardar's solo killing potential is tremendous
                                                                                            The SB crit can be used outside of initiating in conjunction with Amp Damage for a massive hit
                                                                                            The affordable attack speed synergizes well with Bash.
                                                                                            Slardar runs at 522 with level 3 Sprint and Shadow Blade active, the cooldown for SB and Sprint are identical (soon not to be though)
                                                                                            Shadow Blade is now only 2800 gold in 6.83"


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                                                                                                I'd rather go Blink and force staff on Slardar than SB :'p

                                                                                                Sexo Meister

                                                                                                  Because blink can let you jump around instantly.

                                                                                                  the time gap between using a dagger and using a sb to initiate is waaaaaaaay too much, it can even cause
                                                                                                  the enemy to flee before you land a stun.

                                                                                                  and sb is to pickoff enemies, not escape (well if its low ranks then probably u can)
                                                                                                  and slardar doesnt really need that damage from sb, his passive bash already deals 120 extra damage and 225 stun damage
                                                                                                  plus that amp.


                                                                                                    As for me it largely depends on the team lineup. If my team is lacking a form of primary initiation, then definitely go blink.

                                                                                                    If it need to be more of a carry, getting SB definitely wouldn't hurt. 30 atk spd has actually helped me proc bash few times early game while still allowing me to somewhat initiate if needed.


                                                                                                      I mean these days there's a handful of heroes that SB should even be considered tbh... and normally I'm only looking at SB if their team has a really good passive ability I can use a Silver Edge on... i.e. Huskar, PA


                                                                                                        well blink are better for me in normal skill, and of course you cant depend on winning by slardar only but depend on the rest of your team, cause slardar not meaned too be a super late game carry, there are times that i got underfarmed so i just decided to just buy blink and wards to become semi-support, even though normal skill games invisibility is invicibility but against good support you are catched first than initiating.