General Discussion

General DiscussionHow'd you get your name?

How'd you get your name? in General Discussion

    When I was 6, my cousin convinced me to try out salsa for the first time. I remember puking after trying it because it was super spicy salsa and it scarred me and I swore to never eat salsa again. Later at the age of 8 when I was making my first username on a Wii, that same cousin told me I should make my name "Hot Salsa" because he wouldn't let me live down my reaction to salsa. I laughed and thought that name would be too simple, so I made "salsa" into "salza"

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      Bad Intentions

        Thought of something that I usually feel / want to do when facing enemies :]


          Skop is an abbreviated something (which I don't really remember) and kinda sounded like Scope, but then I changed it to Altskop cause apparently there were too many Skops in this world who I couldn't kill to claim my rights on the nickname.

          EDIT: Every time I see you posting, I remember the Digital Daggers' song. Its called Bad Intensions, obviously.

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          Sup m8

            I'm English. I say mate a lot. I also lived in America. I say sup sometimes. Put it together. Sup m8


              I assume you also use MS Office a lot

              Sup m8

                Actually, I just use that as my picture because my friends I stack with all have Microsoft Windows, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc pictures. So basically we are Microsoft :)


                  because why not Nyan

                  Miku Plays

                    Hatsune Miku, shes the pinnacle of being weeb

                    Dire Wolf

                      dire wolf, from mechwarrior, avatar is same. Was timberwolf prior


                        I used to be number 14, but then that back stabbing bastard number 11 stole 2 from me.

                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                          Cause I want a little sis


                            It was a stormy stormy night, thunder SHOOK our windows and only lightning broke the pitch black darkness (The electricity in our house had not been working for hours) . Rain pattered hard on our roof and the wind absolutely howled outside. It almost had that haunted feel to it.

                            Anyway a few weeks later I wanted to make a name for this chatroom place (I was 12 at the time.) It was an app called mxit and it had chatrooms with clans in that well basically insulted each other. Weird I know. Anyway I wanted a cool name and was thinking up one with my friend and eventually we came up with the name "Dark Crusader"
                            A legend was born

                            I kept that name for many years but eventually when I started playing overseas games people would see the 'dark' in my name and also take in the fact that I am South African and be like "oh he's black" But of course they don't tell you that they think it they just assume 80 % of time and I got tired of it a bit. I am white by the way and definitely not racist but also don't like being assumed something that I am not, or my 16 year old self didn't like it anyway. Of course it doesn't matter what my name is if I say I am African they will assume anyway :P
                            Also apparently bat man is a Dark Crusader :/

                            Anyways one day as a 16 year old I made the historic choice to begin the dangerous quest for my new identity. I spent many days pondering my new name and came up with many creative ideas. Not so creative however that others did not have the name somewhere and a legend such as my self could never just put numbers in front of a name to make it work! So day by day went and the failures piled up. It seemed like I would never find my true identitiy...

                            Then when all hope was lost I started to think about my current name Dark-Crusader, maybe if I just dropped the dark? Crusader? Cloaked Crusader? Crazy Crusader? But no, none of this would work. But then what was I, but a dude in this grand world. Yes my future would be bright and stories would be told about me long after my death, but in the end I was just a dude. A special dude, but a dude nonetheless. So I came up with crusader dude. But then I thought WOOOW that name is lame, who wants to be called crusader dude? I wasn't even a crusader...

                            And so that is when I shorted it to Cru and became the glorious, the almighty, the brilliant and utterly modest CRUDUDE.


                              last time any one asks me something xD


                                Zano is just "sane" in spanish written with a z.

                                I think I meant it to be, "so, am I actually sane?" After a little while I realized that was lame, but was too lazy to change the nick.


                                  Matou Sakura? Best Girl. fuck you <3


                                    I know this has nothing to do with anything in this thread but how do you post your own thread/forum?? I have questions that need answering.


                                      I'm 23 years old and my hair is literally going grey. My weave be grey.


                                        There is a button to make a new topic at the very bottom of the general forums page.


                                          ahhh T_T Thanks!


                                            Bought a new ink cartridge. The box was sitting on my table when I was asked for my username.

                                            And a 1k MMR was born.



                                              I'm vietnamese, I like to copy pro twitter names so i ended my name with Dota and the ESAMES stands for the three heroes i'm polishing up right now for my rank calibration games. Earthspirit, Antimage, and Earthshaker. That is all.


                                                Don't think my name needs an explanation.

                                                Sup m8

                                                  Donald tusk for president 2016!

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                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    It comes from "the song"

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                                                      I'm a cat in disguise

                                                      the realm's delight

                                                        stolen from babaev


                                                          Was my nickname at work cos I'm a lot more intelligent than the guys I work with.

                                                          Mr. Nameless

                                                            I suck at making up names


                                                              Mokujin - character from Tekken; equivalent of randoming a hero in dota because mokujin doesn't have his own combos, he starts each round with a random selection of other char's abilities

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                                                              PMA player

                                                                jerry with a ster at the end
                                                                so jerster
                                                                make it sound cool
                                                                (made this when i was 7)


                                                                  Right now my name is Saitama which is the Main character for One punch man, an anime currently airing. I just change my name if I like a song or a singer or a character of a story or something.

                                                                  Angra Mainyu

                                                                    I had several nicknames - Dok, Avius and Silent Scream.
                                                                    Dok comes from my real life nickname "The Doctor" or just "Doc".
                                                                    Avius is Latin for out of the path, distant, remote. I do like how it's used to mark out-of-the box thinking.
                                                                    Silent Scream comes from the painting "The Scream" of Edvard Munch (which I also use for my avatar).


                                                                      ^ ii deep iv me

                                                                      Purple Ranger

                                                                        carL is my actual name. Many years ago played cs , got into the first team [1] of the clan as there are 3 division.

                                                                        But this is a smurf acct so i decided to use [2]

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                                                                          This nickname originates in the dark era (~7 years ago) when i played dota 1 and spammed riki all the time. My friends respected me mostly for my insane kill-stealing skills - I knew nothing besides that, but in this field i was the best. At some point when we were on skype, and I just lasthitted 3 enemy heroes (which looked disgusting, I admit), and they blamed me for stealing a triplekill, I laughed and said smthng like "easy triple steal huehueheuhue".
                                                                          When I created another account after selling my main in wc3, I didnt know what nickname to put, and eventually I decided to be TripleSteal-. The "-" in the end usually meant that it is a secondary acc in wc3 (~smurf).


                                                                            U know who I am dont u Kappa


                                                                              should I do a complex explanation of my name? Since I made it I found like 3 more meanings to it.


                                                                                When i was little i always admired tractors, my grandfather had two of them. Strong, farming machines. Goes along with dota as well, since i was playing carries pretty much everytime back in wc3.


                                                                                  this thread actually gave me some answer i was looking for

                                                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                                                    Made it when playing PS2 online, back when I was like 13. I was playing MGS3 Online, Ratchet And Clank Online, abit of Socom, and some Star Wars Battle Front 2, ah, yes, those were the days. My old name was Shotgun Style, I had that name cause I was playing Madden 2005 online, and couldn't think of a name, so I made the system fetch a name for me, so I went with that. Then years later when Halo 3/Gears of war were big, my name was SusPeKT. Then in like 2012 I made Yorkey, cause I was bored of Shotgun style/Suspekt, and just wanted something that sounded pro in case I ever got known for anything. Something that people can easily google, and so on, yeah... XD I don't care about being famous at all, I guess I just wanted to get noticed for something, so that's why I got into drawing, guitar, and all these hobbies, but I don't care about what people think anymore, freedom.

                                                                                    Just thought of it I guess, and one of my dogs just happens to be a "yorkie" with an I. XD

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                                                                                    Kane Adamson

                                                                                      My thought process when creating this alt:

                                                                                      1. Fan of Command & Conquer.
                                                                                      2. Fan of World of Darkness.
                                                                                      3. Kane is the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod.
                                                                                      4. Caine is the First Vampire in Vampire: The Masquerade.
                                                                                      5. Both are based on the biblical Cain, son of Adam.
                                                                                      6. ???
                                                                                      7. Profit!


                                                                                        I think it's back in 2010 or 2011, I was making counter strike clips and I didn't like my old nickname that much, because it wasn't mine I copied it and just changed 1 letter. So I was learning how to work with Adobe after effects and I wanted to change my nick name and I thought "effects","eFect","aFect", but with 1 E it looks kinda bad to me so I added 1 more "aFeect", but it still sounds like aFect, you just say that E a little bit longer :d. That's how my nick name was born and I ended up with aFeect :D

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                                                                                          why is your picture eazy-e though?

                                                                                          waku waku

                                                                                            i love undertale the game i like it very much you should buy and play it too or at least try the demo

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                                                                                              its ryder, not eazy-e. eazy-e is just ryder's miserable copy

                                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                                i tried going with anusmolester but its banned in some games (

                                                                                                < blank >

                                                                                                  This is Ice Cube ofc, you racist fucks


                                                                                                    nyamugg (nyamuk) means mosquito i hate mosquitoes.


                                                                                                      @.Kittyminati because I like N.W.A.

                                                                                                      Khal Drogo
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