General Discussion

General DiscussionWould Oracle be broken in CM?

Would Oracle be broken in CM? in General Discussion

    He seems pretty nails - AOE purge with 6sec cooldown? 6sec disarm on 12sec cooldown? 360 daamge nuke on 2.25sec cooldown and invincibility for 8secs.

    I always ignored him before because I couldn't be bothered to learn his abilities but I can imagine he is pretty broken in the right hands - a bit like ebola spirit.


      hes among 10 weakest heroes atm
      he will be reversed broken

      Livin' Real Good

        Didn't Oracle get his damage nerfed on his Q this patch? Even with the now shorter cool down, that's kind of depressing, it was the one thing I still liked about him after his invisible ultimate got butchered in 6.84, it did need nerfs, but didn't need to get butchered, they should of kept the invisibility, the longer cool down was enough.

        Este comentario fue editado

          he's amongst the 10 weakest pub heroes but he isn't allowed in competitive dota. he isn't as shit as people say.

          even with no damage that purge is a very strong spell for a support.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            He is one of the strongest heroes, even pros just have no idea how to play him.


              I just played against Huskar and a Q-W on him is great - purge Inner Vitality and leave him disarmed - who cares about the 100% magic resistance. OK so anyone with a stun counters HUskar but I feel this has more class :)

              Player 129586357

                Q damage nerfed but lower CD, which means you can purge a lot more in fights now. you can do the combo a lot more, ultimately increasing damage dealt to enemy heroes in a single fight


                  Oracle is fucking broken /s


                    @back ' alive - you obviously not played against an alch+oracle combo then.


                      6k ex-oracle spammer just got rekt by Rocket, ggwp




                          haha oops :)

                          still, i'd love to know why he thinks oracle is crap. looks full of potential to me.


                            to be fair, he's only played him half a dozen times in the last six months....

                            Riguma Borusu

                              The only problem with oracle is that he can't cast spells if you kill him. I feel his range and harassing ability is just way too much for most laners to handle though. Whenever I lane against oracle I hope he's dogshit (and he usually is) so I don't get raped.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                on paper he's broken. in reality somehow many people don't know how to play this shit. the false promise i think is good

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Oracle's broken by himself, but if you combine him with something like dazzle, it's just fucking ridiculous.


                                    oracle is mb the only hero in the game who has a stronger ultimate than doom...
                                    And on top of that he has freaking op burst, that even skywrath mage might envy (when support ofc).

                                    Not to mention, oracle huskar is auto win. And oracle is good against huskar aswell. So basically, you cann't let oracle. (well at least now he no longer has the +50% damage amplification, so it's a bit less broken to play oracle against husklar)


                                      Oracle is only good for players who know what oracle can do (so that basically takes out almost every normal/high skill player).

                                      I haven't tried the new oracle post nerf/change, but I imagine his laning is now way weaker because of the removal of the damage amplification.

                                      There are situations in which it could be better though (physical damage opponents and high magic burst opponents, and there's a lot of them in the current meta game).