¥♀Ö 2017-10-31Check mine sir ty ty tyS!kk!m.saykhr 2017-10-31predict mine mmr. how much am i gonna calibrate?0517- 2017-10-31THERES A NEW MMR SYSTEM EXPLAIN HOW TO GET THE HIGHEST TIER??MID or 2 MID ! 2017-10-31GGWP ALL DelimaPoker pesonaqq langitqq zentime 2017-11-01Predict my mmr plsdan 2017-11-01Predict mine mmr pls :D死の恐怖 Haseo 2017-11-01Predict my rank tierYanFTWッ 2017-11-03Can you predict mine although I have no clue of MMR. Im ML player played 2weeks so far. ThanksLiquid.Kukoroyi.gg.bet 2017-11-03Predict my MMR please :) BOOST 2017-11-04Can some one predict my mmr calibration.after the 130 games?tydan 2017-11-04http://siffers.de/predictmmr.php there is a link guysBOOST 2017-11-05Predict mineVasily Three-Eyed 2017-11-06Im from The Netherlands, im 6’4 and I love eating chees and smoking weed. Guess my mmr.O_o 2017-11-07@ Paki Luwa your esimated mmr is 3900.O_o 2017-11-07@K-かみ👑 your 4226 mmr.O_o 2017-11-07@WelcoMe tO dOta 3 4189 mmr. but its only estimated. glO_o 2017-11-07@AliBaBaSalucHa 3000 mmr. ^_^O_o 2017-11-07@//š}fõÔñç╞æêE: 3356 mmr.O_o 2017-11-07@final ball 878 estimated mmr.O_o 2017-11-07@Vasily 1065 mmr.Spread The Love <3 2017-11-07guys can u predict my mmr pls tnx :) i played 140 games Spread The Love <3 2017-11-07pls guys predict mine i want to know ty :) after normal and high skill all VERY HIGH SKILL GUYS i played :)AndreSmellik 2017-11-07@Spread The Love <3 ur estimated mmr is : 4485...cj Spread The Love <3 2017-11-07ty sir :)Spread The Love <3 2017-11-07sir An..dree #812 how do u know can u give me a link sir ? anyone ty i need an idea :) tnx despair 2017-11-08Predict my IQdoc joferlyn simp 2017-11-08@Abyss Watcher Your IQ is hours played Dota 2 - current MMR. Enjoy. :)Bruder_muss_wirklich_nich... 2017-11-09predict me sir:) Anna 2017-11-11predict my mmrMake 2017-11-11what is my mmr? thanks!cnl 2017-11-11@Fuzzy 2kCeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... 2017-11-11@Fuzzy around 1k-2k is the bracket for normal match while around 2.5k-3.5k is the high skilled @VHS around 1k-2k :)BOOST 2017-11-12Mine plsThe Illuminati 2017-11-12predict mine//..Kintaro Oe 2017-11-13Este comentario ha sido borrado 2017-11-13Cancer.Pastor Quibs <3 2017-11-13predict me please :)))zipZAP_182 2017-11-13predict me[D2F].Johan 2017-11-14can predict mine pls 😇ImagineDodong 2017-11-14^ according to your scenarios skill brackets, you only play on normal skill bracket so 1 mmr - 3k mmrKimimaru 2017-11-14http://salarydone.com/?cash=113285krylat 2017-11-15^ over 9000 predict my mmr pleaseO_o 2017-11-15@Ahegao 7700 mmrO_o 2017-11-15@zipZAP_182 5900O_o 2017-11-15@MckenzieJohan 2700-2500 mmr.O_o 2017-11-15@TNC.Koki 3600-3800 O_o 2017-11-15@VHS☯ⒸⒽⒾ☯ 1500O_o 2017-11-15@Paki Luwa🔱⚜️✖ 3700-3900O_o 2017-11-15@YanFTWッ 3000-3300 mmrImmortal 2017-11-15Predict mine pleaseInicia sesión para poder publicar comentarios.Identifícate con Steam
Check mine sir ty ty ty
predict mine mmr. how much am i gonna calibrate?
Predict my mmr pls
Predict mine mmr pls :D
Predict my rank tier
Can you predict mine although I have no clue of MMR. Im ML player played 2weeks so far. Thanks
Predict my MMR please
Can some one predict my mmr calibration.after the 130 games?ty
http://siffers.de/predictmmr.php there is a link guys
Predict mine
Im from The Netherlands, im 6’4 and I love eating chees and smoking weed. Guess my mmr.
@ Paki Luwa your esimated mmr is 3900.
@K-かみ👑 your 4226 mmr.
@WelcoMe tO dOta 3 4189 mmr. but its only estimated. gl
@AliBaBaSalucHa 3000 mmr. ^_^
@//š}fõÔñç╞æêE: 3356 mmr.
@final ball 878 estimated mmr.
@Vasily 1065 mmr.
guys can u predict my mmr pls tnx :) i played 140 games
pls guys predict mine i want to know ty :) after normal and high skill all VERY HIGH SKILL GUYS i played :)
@Spread The Love <3 ur estimated mmr is : 4485...cj
ty sir :)
sir An..dree #812 how do u know can u give me a link sir ? anyone ty i need an idea :) tnx
Predict my IQ
@Abyss Watcher
Your IQ is hours played Dota 2 - current MMR.
Enjoy. :)
predict me sir:)
predict my mmr
what is my mmr?
@Fuzzy around 1k-2k is the bracket for normal match
while around 2.5k-3.5k is the high skilled
@VHS around 1k-2k :)
Mine pls
predict mine
predict me please :)))
predict me
can predict mine pls 😇
^ according to your scenarios skill brackets, you only play on normal skill bracket so 1 mmr - 3k mmr
^ over 9000
predict my mmr please
@Ahegao 7700 mmr
@zipZAP_182 5900
@MckenzieJohan 2700-2500 mmr.
@TNC.Koki 3600-3800
@VHS☯ⒸⒽⒾ☯ 1500
@Paki Luwa🔱⚜️✖ 3700-3900
@YanFTWッ 3000-3300 mmr
Predict mine please