General Discussion

General DiscussionA flock of couriers going straight to enemy base.

A flock of couriers going straight to enemy base. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    How do you stop this? An automation to not buy so many couriers? Have severe punishment for doing it, tho might be hard to automate?

    Thoughts and experiences


      There must be limit on couriers: 1 for team and 1 personal for each player (only owner can control that courier).


        "1 personal for each player (only owner can control that courier)"

        I will buy that every game even if it costs 5k gold


          Thats crap. Sometimes you need supports to buy 2 cours - one strictly for mid, one for everyone else.

          the realm's delight

            ill probably quit dota if feeding couriers was removed somehow

            gameplay booster

              >How do you stop this?

              deal with it, kid


                Quit being asses courier feeding has no place in dota

                gameplay booster

                  misogynists have no place in dota


                    Lol I was wondering why u said that then I remembered my kunka pimp joke post , touché mate .