General Discussion

General Discussionhow to reset sleep cycle?

how to reset sleep cycle? in General Discussion

    yes mokujin, but thats exactly what i do since years, and yet i feel extremely tired, thats my actualy problem. except for hte weekends i fall asleep at 11 pm and wake up at ~6.50am every morning.


      Another interesting thing to know that most people havnt even heard about is that when you BREAK your sleepcycle your brain Literally shrinks in actual size. Dont mess around with staying up to late or getting Jetlaged.

      Woof Woof

        it can be depression, some other illness etc, i would recommend changing diet, and temporal quit for sex and masturbation if it aint gona help visit a doctor bro

        saving private RTZ

          I'm not sure whats your prob.

          So you feel tired but you aswell have problems getting asleep. You could pay a visit to a doctor.

          other than that, try masturbating when u want to sleep or when u feel very tired(i am serious). It pumps dopamine and endorfines(this is how u spell it?) in your blood amd will help you relax.

          Also make sure you drink enough water and eat enough. I can see that you play very much dota and i bet you dont drink or eat as you should. Or too much hours in front of computer might be the problem too.

          Este comentario fue editado
          saving private RTZ

            Why are you all telling him to stop masturbating, it literally does only benefits for him.

            When i was 15 and i had problems because i was too nervous and had problem falling asleep my doctor recommended me more frequent masturbation

            Woof Woof

              orgasm with ejaculation drains tons of energy, if he masturbates or fuck a lot even sleeping 20hours a day wont help him to regain any energy levels (i am not saying masturbation is bad but if its used outside of relaxation pill before bed it brings way more harm than benefits)

              Este comentario fue editado
              the realm's delight

                i masturbate 2-3 times / day is it bad or what

                the realm's delight

                  since wave got me a bangbros acc life is just better

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    wave for president

                    saving private RTZ

                      @khaleesi nah its not.

                      Speaking of porn accounts, if someone boosts me to 4k i'll give him a Brazzers account xDDDD

                      saving private RTZ

                        i want to see how fast i will drop lmfao

                        the realm's delight

                          what is ur mmr now
                          i could use a brazzers acc

                          saving private RTZ


                            saving private RTZ

                              well considering that it is a year membership( is fresh, just resubscribed 2 days ago) ,which is around 100E i would deserve more but 4k its okay D

                              Este comentario fue editado
                              the realm's delight

                                ok add me i can start tomorrow
                                i can stream the games too if u wish

                                Este comentario fue editado
                                saving private RTZ

                                  I cant add on this account as i havent done any transaction.
                                  Add me and we'll talk tomorrow, watching movie right now.


                                    Who needs porn 😆

                                    the realm's delight

                                      everyone 😇 ✊🙌💦�✊💦🏽😇✊🏽💦😇✊🏽💦😓


                                        ayy lmao u retards.. and yes im masterbaitin' regularily and sometimes before I go to sleep. as I said, I don't (usually) have issues falling asleep, but more like the 24/7 feeling of being extremely tired


                                          Used to go to bed at 10 am during summer (yes, in the morning), 'reseted' the sleeping cycle right before uni started by not sleeping 2 days straight. Been holding on to the 11 pm - 8 am sleeping schedule like a charm for nearly 2-3 weeks, not really into that type of life though.