General Discussion

General DiscussionMains, Smurfing, Elo hell, Elo love - The Struggle

Mains, Smurfing, Elo hell, Elo love - The Struggle in General Discussion

    The Struggle -

    So This account got calibrated at 4k, floated to 4.2k but eventually dropped down into the deepest darkest depths of 3.5k due to me not taking it seriously enough. (this was my first ever MOBA account and game, so alot of learning curve here, plus many bong hits and after parties.. However, times have changed and its time to shape up)

    I do personally believe i play at a higher mmr level than i am currently, and am on the climb. Shooting for 5k for the second time

    I created a smurf, which i calibrated at 4.5k, dropped to 4.3k and then proceeded to climb to 5k, though triharding mid, Offlane on the occasion or Supporting when i was in one of those 5-6k with 4k's games.
    However, the journey on this account feels much much more tedius, just making it through the lower 3k bracket is much the same as the lower 4k bracket. A few differences, 4k's all think they are good and know best, They all try and micro you to play your hero and Copy builds regardless of the game.. I've seen spectres no boots radiance rush with 1 GG branch at 26 mins... 'i had free farm, i would of had it at 16mins if i didn't get ganked'.... But yeah, However in 3k No one wants to support, 90% of games everyone picks a core and last picks a jungler which fucks the lanes. I won't even ever go Safelane carry, as the supports here literally ruin your lane everytime.

    I find myself making stupid mistakes eg. playing aggressively when supports are missing, following said 3k or 4k player to my death in hopes they might cast some of their spells, but usually they don't and it gets me boned. (they back for no reason, Or run in for no reason)
    however it feels like the most uphill climb in the darkest parts of 3k when You spam get back, and you watch your whole team die repeatedly... Then they proceed to flame you for not joining them on a fight or something and you end up muted or worse.

    Basically, if you are in the 3k bracket, When you go mid and out skill your opponent Solo killing them and free farming, expect to buy every ward, Courier upgrades and if you dare bottle crow it might be 6mins before it returns, because your offlaner bought no regen into lane with them.

    So here we are boys, Road To 5k, Again..

    3k really is Elo hell, I thought 4k was bad, but now i remember why i made that smurf in the first place.
    I personally thought Elo hell was a myth, and with the right attitude and playstyle you can win almost any game. However its hitting me pretty hard watching time after time my team get demolished, Last pick the hardest of all carries and throw games for no reason, i can't even give them advice because i got muted.

    Anyone else experience this.

    Day 1 i played mid exclusively and went 10-1 only loss being a mid game where i had to buy every ward, my own courier etc. Day 2, i hit a brick wall as people are so toxic.

    I know 5k ain't great, but i've done it before, however the jump from 4.5k -> 5k is alot less than 3.5k -> 5k
    Wish me luck boiz <3

    Anyone done the long road instead of smurfing there way out? Is it even worth taking the long road, or should i just stick to ma smurf.

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    the realm's delight

      IF MingLee IT MingLee STINGS MingLee WHEN MingLee YOU MingLee PEE MingLee YOU MingLee HAVE MingLee SLEPT MingLee WITH MingLee MING MingLee LEE

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      plz do

        accept that ur in a trench, where people will make mistakes. including urself.
        if u were a true 5k player, u would easily win 60-80% of ur 3k games. so stop bitching and be real. u r amongst the most reported players in dota 2. ur the cancer and the losses obviously r ur fault in most cases.


          on my other account i had 58%, and 70% on zues + TA + wisp etc.

          I do think i will climb with around 60-70% for now, however coming back to this account. I find it 5x harder in this mmr than i do on my smurf. I would much prefer more advanced opponents if it means i get less potatoes for team mates. but yeah, the trench is real.
          5 people contesting the same jungle farm really doesnt win games, atleast in 4.5k+ people know thier role and do there job.

          on the Road again <3


            I'm pretty sure that a 5k player would win ~90%+ of those 3k games easy, if he goes mid/carry.

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              Who is this guy?


                I think you hold yourself in too high of regards and you just need to learn the game more


                  3000 games, still high skill.


                    thank god im still 5k


                      in my experience 3k games can easily be carried
                      if you think it's elo hell it's because you are bad or tilted
                      no 4k player can have 47% winrate in ranked at 3k like you


                        @Marlan - I spent 2500 of those games in VHS.


                        Like i said, on my smurf it was done as i was triharding.
                        how am i not a 4k+ player, even with 47% ranked WR on this account, if on my smurf i exceeded past 4k

                        For this account, i will trihard untill i get there.
                        I was saying it is elo hell, because i had 3 games out of 4. where last pick hard carries, the infamous OD magnus duel lane fed 6 kills in 3mins and then proceeded to flame me mid as some sort of 'troll' which i ended up muted for.
                        And the next games as i was muted, i couldnt tell my team to get back and they proceeded to run in blind and feed till the game was impossible..

                        That being said- I just found a game, :) Let the TRIHARDING Begin


                        Sometimes there isnt anything you can do when your top lane goes 0-8 at 5mins. I was try.

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                            you do know that every 4k player thinks 3k mmr is elo hell, just like every 5k player thinks 4k mmr is elo hell, and 3k players thinking 2k mmr is elo hell and blah blah blah
                            i mean i should be a pro dota player by now if it wasn't for my team cri cri

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                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                Just began a similar journey - is calibrating to 3k / 4k still using these factors?

                                1. KDA

                                2. Hero damage

                                3. Gpm, Xpm

                                4. Win rate

                                Im basing this off this article:



                                  mostly correct, wards play important values as well as de warding etc, being involved in alot of kills is better than getting alot of kills.

                                  I personally played alot of zues + TA who i can get alot of TD/HD with while winning the games. On these heros i averaged about 600 xpm/gpm and 70%.

                                  however i didn't get a max calibration, which apparently it is somewhere around 4999? i got 4500 flat.

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                                      he didnt said he calibrated to 5k
                                      he said he went from 4.5k to 5k
                                      and for some reason he can't win 3k games
                                      i'm telling you that I have a 4.4k smurf too but 3.7k games on this one are fucking easy compared to 4.4 (people are also more cooperative and with better attitude at 3k)

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                                          @ Reese

                                          I'm saying this, because the cancer in 3k is alot higher.. and coordinating your team mates is alot harder in 3k than it is in 4k..

                                          sure you can solo Carry a game, (eg. 678 last hits Alc 61 min game - )

                                          But you also get retard trolls, who find it hilarious to steal your farm, feed all game and never cast spells untill your already dead.
                                          See these 2 guys (, Both games they trolled me the entire game, when both of them where easy wins.. Also the reason i got muted, cause parties in solo queue It's actually incredibly disheartening.

                                          I've also run into a guy who goes jungle sven whenever he sees me or contests mid. every game i've been in with him, he trolls the entire game and it ends up a loss. i'm currently 0-5 with him.

                                          basically what im saying is, yes 4k games are harder mechanically, but i'd much rather that then retards in 3k trolling every game.

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                                              Nobody wants to acknowledge sad story of 3k MMR adventureZ ello hell :(


                                                yea when i played on my friends 3700 account where he told me he is in elo hell and couldnt win games, i played furion mid, venge mid and slardar mid and i wasn't close to losing bro 4Head


                                                  @Marlan - I spent 2500 of those games in VHS.

                                                  lol ok.

                                                  Last Match 3 days ago

                                                  Last Match 11 minutes ago

                                                  Very High
                                                  Last Match 2 months ago

                                                  lets do some high level university calculus here ok let me get my graphing calculator...

                                                  1193+609+569 = 2371

                                                  569 / 2371 = 24%.

                                                  24% of your games are VHS, not 70% like you claim.

                                                  btw, you have negative win rate (less than 50%) in VHS. If you can't beat 3.8k, how the hell am I supposed to believe you are a 5k player?

                                                  stop smurfing and just accept you are 3k.

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                                                  lm ao

                                                    emotional exhibitionism woooo

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                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!