General Discussion

General DiscussionHas anyone seen a good alchemist on their team this patch?

Has anyone seen a good alchemist on their team this patch? in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Everyone who picks him is literally retarded get a 18 min radiance proceeds to feed another 5 deaths (oh yeah he died twice/ three times in laning stage cuz fuck stun) then just feeds and is a walking money bag for enemy team. Examples: (0-3 by 5 min) (0-6 by 7 min)


      Ive seen a good alchemist my last game:


      lm ao

        I actually made a anti-Alchemist thread Kappa sadly it got deleted KappaPride


          that is so sad

          bum farto

            The only way alchemist wins is if your team was going to win anyways. You basically win the game then he joins in six slotted and you finish. If you're not already winning alch becomes dead weight and you lose.

            Low Expectations

              ^I cannot agree more, its a useless hero in pretty much all situations except if your team is already far ahead


                I strongly disagree. He is capable to make early takeoffs with 15 minutes of farm. Power treads, BF, shadow blade. U can make your team come back by initiating on the hero with biggest net worth in enemy team.

                The thing is that most of people go mid and always same build - radi,manta,octarine 24/7. Biggest strenght of Alchem is his initiation with 4 sec stun. People just play him passive too long. IMO key is to get most cost-effective items.


                  ^even skipping my own thoughts, i just got a lil question
                  so u think all the alchemist players in the pro scene going for the same rad/manta/octarine/BoTs build understand dota worse than you, and know less; and as a result go for suboptimal build?

                  Low Expectations

                    You can put a pig in a dress its still a fucking pig


                      u got problems with critical thinking


                        is it really that hard to admit that you may just not know or/and be not able to do something due to low skill/lack of experience/whatever? is relentless' disease contagious?


                          Nah man this build is fine and strong .... in certain hands, or under optimal circumstances in pubs as suggested by previous speakers. I just find it funny when mid alchs go the same build no matter what, or countinue on farming naked radiance no matter how many times they got ganked on mid. Just my opinion. Maybe im just too used to old builds. :)


                            I always thought it's about getting fast radiance and BoT to join fights if needed, since the burn damage from spray and radiance is huge in the first 20 mins.

                            King of Low Prio

                              Alchemist requires his team to boost his early game farm. Fast radiance does not happen if he is not given runes and stacks. Pub players tend to think these just happen naturally but in reality the alchemist can only stack once every two mins for himself if he wants to go for runes and if he's going a farm build he can not contest the runes well without support. 9 times out of 10 when you get a 15min radiance it is due to a lack of stacks because even bad players can clear stacks. So instead of crying about not having a 8min radiance how about you do your job so it is possible.


                                you can stack 2 camps if you use acid



                                  King of Low Prio

                                    Androgynous that was not the point at all but ok


                                      you can stack 4 camps at once if you use cocaine


                                        ur all so stupid actually

                                        iits more like ur 4 team mates are feeding and losing their lanes like crazy then u come and win them the game

                                        u play with shit alcehmists cuz low mmr players dont know what alchemist does

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          ^pretty much that


                                            +1 to the first lane, dk about further ones




                                                also u can stack even more than 10 camps if your name is Adolf


                                                  That alche is bad. Real pro alchemist should rush rad and then travel and then cocaine core.