General Discussion

General DiscussionMy MMR experience

My MMR experience in General Discussion
Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

    Hey guys! Nice to meet all of you. i would really appreciate constructive comments instead of harsh criticism and whatsoever but yeah so this is my story

    So around last year when the RANK system came out i was pretty excited and yeah i went to search my 10 MMR games, won 7 lost 3 thought that i was going to be like a 4k but guess what no a 3.4k. When i got the result i was pretty disappointed and like yeah but i did not know what came to me and sparked the fire but i decided to then climb the mmr ladder. So yeah things got pretty good i mean i managed to climb from a 3.4 to like 3.8 within like 2 months or so but then everything went downhill. I mean partly it was my fault because i remembered i told myself, "man it's just one game next game i'm going to win" and with this mindset yeah ya'll can predict what happened next haha. So this year was my final year in school and i wanted to do well so yeah i basically gave dota a break but sometimes i still search with a party of 5 and yeah. The party of 5 consisted of friends mmr ranging from 2.5k-3.9k and the skill level we get are inconsistent. i always thought that i'm a good player until i realize how trash i was recently and i started to climb my solo mmr again. So when i started off it was 3.3k and i managed to climb up to 4k easily, and i also managed to search with a random party of 3.8k and they tier they were in was a whole different level like people were actually fucking picking for the team and not going in to the game and shouting " mid " or you have person A saying mid then suddenly another guy just picks SF and he just goes full retard and go invoker and then yeah my mmr is gone.

    So for my previous game i was slardar and the game went pretty hectic as like the teammates scolded the mid and he went full retard on feeding and stuff...... and my slark was really being a wanker.

    anyway i would like to know is there any way or is there a method to climb out of my current tier right now which is 3.3k+++. The people there are like pretty self centered sometime and there were a few games i played recently i almost ripped my keys out of my keyboard (literally)

    sorry for the bad english but i would love to hear some tips and help thanks! :-)

    waku waku

      you need to keep going if you want to climb that's all you can do
      just be nice



        Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

          captains mode or all pick which one is better in terms of solo






                Same pic different nic.

                plz do

                  afeect is called marcel and 3k confirmed. thanks kappa


                    afeect u suck


                      dat moment when u think ur gonna calibrate at 4k then u dont..

                      the realm's delight

                        marcel? DansGame



                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                              Lol i thought this was ma nikka , ma hommie Afeect

                              but affeect iz 1k <3


                                "The people there are like pretty self centered sometime and there were a few games i played recently i almost ripped my keys out of my keyboard (literally)"

                                All Pick
                                GAME MODE
                                ~~~SE Asia~~~~~

                                Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                  ^ are trying to diss lol


                                    wtf afeeect how u drop to 3k

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!