General Discussion

General DiscussionAdmiral kunkka item build ?

Admiral kunkka item build ? in General Discussion

    Best kunkka item build for normal skill ? Ty

    Riguma Borusu

      The best build for NS Kunkka is to pick something else.


        So kunkka isnt legit in ns ?

        Riguma Borusu

          If you're also NS, no. If you can snowball off your ganks it's great, but otherwise there are just way better heroes to pick for NS, some that don't depend on burst as much and can actually fight in different ways. Kunkka actually has a really high skill cap if you want to utilize what he's good at, if you won't do it (and you won't) just pick an easier hero. Most Kunkka pickers in NS just feed because the hero's paper and they build no survivability items (which is actually fine), but instead of offsetting this by playing safe and using blink/xmarks, they just go in out of the shadowblade, hit once and obviously die. Playing Kunkka in NS will also teach you bad habits, because you'll be able to get away with a lot of shit that there's no way even a high skill Kunkka player could get away with.

          Este comentario fue editado

            I have a 2k friend who is randomly really good with this hero. Just gotta master this timings. Play him 50 times in overthrow for practice


              he is too complicated for lower end execution.
              you can do a lot of cool kills and a good amount of damage while remaining unharmed but it requires practice, dedication high awareness of your hero position and heroes in general = a lot of analyzed experience.

              Riguma Borusu

                @MILNOR: well, yeah, if you're going to apply some skill to playing this hero he's actually very good, but applying any knowledge to this hero's gameplay actually makes you an atypical NS player. You need advanced awareness, positioning, and sometimes even itemization knowledge, not to mention that sometimes you have to think really fast because lategame for example you're one hit away from dying to any decent carry, you just must time shit way perfectly, because even a noobshit sniper/riki/ursa can kill a bad kunkka very easily. That's why I said it, if he's a NS player against other NS players, kunkka is just not a good hero because of the skill cap. If you actually get good at him, he's great. Otherwise you can just pick stupid shit like Ursa and randomly win 80% games because it's Ursa.

                Este comentario fue editado

                  What's the verdict on aghs for this guy ?


                    Kunkka is fun to play, watch a few videos of Attacker! play him. The biggest secret is to not think that you are a right click trader, you are a right click and run hero, hope for a big crit, land your spells, blink and x mark etc.


                    Go mid, get levels, land ship, win, only go scepter if you are playing support kunkka (ugh gross)

                    Welt aus Eis

                      this hero requires much more skill than it seems


                        phase boots => shadow blade (not silver edge!) => daedalus => (guess what?) 2nd daedalus => bkb/mkb/rapier/linkens/whatever(but not third daedalus)


                          only retards buy mkb on kunkka tho 4head


                            and linkens 4head


                              and bkb


                                so this leaves you with phase> daedalus> 2nd daedalus> rapier> rapier >rapier and travels somewhere in between

                                plz do

                                  wondering: is the ult easier to hit these days, because of the new boat-spawn?


                                    the new boat spawn only applies to scepter. i dont know if it affects the travel time of the boat though. doesn't seem so from the wording but im too lazy to test it.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      Yes, it's easier to hit because it will bring units to the crash site, and also because it's easier to time, it takes less time because it does not travel from all the way behind you, it starts just a tad bit behind you now.

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!