General Discussion

General Discussionnew dk is sweet

new dk is sweet in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Get a qb, tango, stout, level dragon blood every chance, give a big middle finger to all offlaners as you ignore their harass and get every cs. You can trade blows with anyone, cus once they back (and they will have to back) you just go regen all your lost hp in 30 seconds.

    Now I just gotta figure the ideal build. I tried armlet, that's pretty nice, you still can't leave it on forever like a WK in battle, but just switching it off while running places is enough time to regen back to full. Maelstrom is always a good farming item, but bkb and ac so very core and I'm really liking s&y too for the move speed. No room for my double bracers any more sadly, and bassy is a sweet item for dk too.

    Riguma Borusu

      Might seem a little redudant, but go get a dominator, if it goes lategame you'll be pretty happy to build into satanic anyway.


        drum after pt is good


          What the playstyle? Just siege towers with your ult? How do you manage to do anything when there"s a hero in lane?

          Miku Plays

            MoM DK pls new meta


              just do anything, new DK is good

              laning again wr and es, they kept harassing with power shot fissure blah blah blah blah blah. and i still alive, backing up 10 sec and my hp back to full and i just harass them with dragon breath.

              at lvl 6 you should have 3 1 1 1 and when reach level 7 you push towers, with ult and back to farm.

              maelstorm is good for farm, good items.


                and don't forget when they harass you type classic shit like "?" "what are you doing?"


                  Dragon form with the new spear thing is broken as shit, you literally cannot get away from him.


                    stout qb tango branch -> threads armlet domi -> bkb -> ac -> satanic -> tarras / daedalus

                    so late game items will be

                    BOT, BKB, AC, Satanic, Tarrasq, Daedalus / MKB / other damage items. even with deso you are still tanky as shit.


                      can someone try DK with deso and vlad? i want to know the effect of desolator and vladimir Davion knight.

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                        Pale Mannie

                          DK would be perfect for me. No more harass in lane without the supports help and my enemies harass beyond imagination in my games

                          Giant Sloth

                            What about a Radiance? Is that viable? You are very very hard to kill, like the evasion and the farm plus push it gives. Maelstrom might still be better minus the evasion.

                            Dire Wolf

                              shit I forgot about the spear, DK actually changes to a ranged hero with dragon form. I find helm of dominator redundant with the hp regen on dragon's blood, not worth it over other stuff like quicker bkb or s&y for move speed.

                              Also if you are lane and not mid I would go 1/1/3/1 at 6. You can dive the shit out of towers and you won't have the mana for fire breath. Mid of course you get bottle and max fire breath.

                              And tay tay you aren't going to make it that far before game's over with dk. Really you have two core items, Ac and bkb and you can go end game. So whatever else you get is pretty situational, you can go armlet for major dps boosting early for cheap, maelstrom into mjollnir for farm/massive aoe in team fights, s&y for all around stats + move speed (he's fucking fast with this in dragon form), halbed if a shit ton of right clickers. I would never build radiance on dk. Strength gets multiplied so much by his passive armor, going a pure dmg item like that seems bad. For dmg items I'd go daedulus, mkb if they have dodge, abyssal, but not til much later, I'd prefer to build strength dmg items first to get massive ehp.

                              Blink and shadow blade are great too I just don't play that style dk.

                              Dire Wolf

                                What's the playstyle? Well I've been taking him safe lane just absorbing all the harass plus forcing offlaners out of lane with right clicks and free farming. Dk's a shitty flash farmer so if you can get the first 8 mins of lane farm free you will be way ahead. Then use ult to take tower, go to other lanes and team fight. His only real weakness early now is massive magic dmg, like a zeus lion or lina or something, but no one offlanes big nukers like that.




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