General Discussion

General DiscussionAny reason why I can't get to very high skill? :(

Any reason why I can't get to very high skill? :( in General Discussion
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    This is my first post here and sorry about the bad English :(

    This is my first account after not playing Dota for 1-2 years.A friend of mine advised me to use dotabuff website to track my skills and games,so I did.He also mentioned about skill brackets.I intend to get to very high skill games (seems it starts around 3.8k+ MMR).Note that I also played Dota1 before.

    I tried to win the games by picking buggy heroes like rikkimaru,barathrum and etc which are not favorites but when sometimes team refuses to win and cooperate,I had to pick them.I try to get good KDA,XPM,GPM every match however I haven't played a single very high skill game it means my hidden MMR is below 3.8k.Any reason why?And how I can get there?

    Note : feel free to productively criticize my games.Tnx for your time :)

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      can someone predict my mmr i can't get to high skill for some reason, thanks.

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        Bad Intentions

          Yo Hitlord, you just continue to play effectively man, find ways to win games and sometimes forcing your team to follow u! Grind it out mann

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            @Bad Intentions
            That's so nice of you.Tnx

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              all ur games are unranked


                u r not good enough


                  get gud

                  King of Low Prio

                    I thought bad intentions died in the mountains


                      mute everyone


                        i have went through your profile hitlord, the reason why u cant go to very high skill is obvious. you cant even handle high skill bracket , to be honest , your win rate is low 53% in hs bracket . if u are in vhs 40 perhaps? so what u gonna do is try to win and own your hs game as more as possible with a 70%++ win rate in hs bracket , i pretty sure icefrog will let u join us in the end


                          for marlan , it is hard to know your mmr , since you have 656 normal skill match with a 48.78 win rate , 341 high skill matches with trashy win rate also , so whats ur point marlan ? let me guess 4k trash? that cant even handle normal skill matches , scrubs

                          █ ██ ███

                            lol. I have not checked dotabuff since months and always wanted to be in "Very High skill" (don't now why) and now I see my profile and all in VH.. but don't know why.. when I was 4k it was only High.. now I lost 400 mmr and i am in VH..

                            this system is accurate?

                            Sry for my English.


                              yes, the system is always correct vhs doesnt mean ur mmr is high but that match average mmr is high . thats mean although ur mmr drops below vhs level but ur team and opponent are vhs player , they are the reason why u are in vhs



                                My 2nd game was in VHS, you just make sure you play first few games with good KDA/GPM/XPM and you'll get there.

                                lm ao

                                  Shred that smurf is jyst SoBayed son


                                    I reached VHS already and maintained with ease. 109 of 117 games are in VHS bracket already. I used OP hero spectre to do the job, just maintain high KDA, high GPM, XPM and hero damage. thanks for more details check my account here:


                                      Do in the very first games of a new acc, ur team is a bunch of tards so what hero should u get to win evem with the fucktards? Spectre is an awesome hero and i love playin her but when there's a wd auto attacking or trying to lh in ur lane, ur gonna have a hard time. What do u suggest?


                                        just get midas and play safe. it's all brain game avoid fighting early and focus farm if you do this you win

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                                          I don't think winrate impacts your skill bracket since anyone can be carried with teammates just to win.Also there are many people who got to 4k with winrate below 50%. However I always try hard to win that's why I pick strong heroes.If you notice,I almost get the better metrics even if I lose.Tnx for the time anyway.

                                          Feed me or you

                                            I think the smurf detection as people say,didn't work on my account since I did not hit the VHS in my first games.But that's fine by me.Its ok if I reach the VHS the normal way.The question is how?Anything more beside getting good KDA,GPM,XPM ???


                                              hitlord , believe it or not win rate does count as a factor. if u really not belong to that bracket , u will outrun those player and climb higher.sorry, i know this will hurt , but srsly low 4k 4.3 something is kinda trash . i will destroy him easily at mid and their move are not even correct sometimes , i mean many stupid mistakes will made by them all the times . I strongly believe there will not be a high 4k or above player with low win rate in high skill or normal skill matches


                                                You're just not good enough. Keep improving and you'll get there. Blame anything that's not yourself and you'll never get there.


                                                  This is stat of my frends with low 5.0k mmr
                                                  See his win rate in normal, high and very high , you will know , how a vhs player should perform

                                                  i hope it helps anyway

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                                                    totally agree ur words

                                                    Feed me or you

                                                      Thanks for the info you shared.It really helped me here,so I try harder to win.

                                                      I am not blaming anything.A lost game is always a lost game,no matter who is responsible and blaming doesn't help much.I just pointed some facts

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                                                        I believe the first time you launched Dota 2, when the game asked you about your experience, you said you're totally new or something, so ... yes, good luck with Normal Skill. Anyway 53% winrate on Normal and High is not good enough.

                                                        My first game on this acc was VHS already, and I did play well, so they decided my skill is VHS. There're some games are HS, but it's because there's someone with normal or HS in those games, not me. Calibrated at 4k8 by spamming Doom lol.

                                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                          Most of my matches are Normal Skill because I'm always playing with my friends. Since most of them are only below 3k, the average mmr are usually around 2.8-3.3k. When I'm playing solo, I'm usually on High Skill bracket. Sometimes normal skill.

                                                          Don't force yourself to Very High Skill Bracket if can't dominate the lower bracket. As for me, playing dota is for fun not for competition. :-)

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                                                            improvment is real, check my stats..from normal,, now im vhs.
                                                            can anyone predict my MMR?

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                                                            No giggities?

                                                              Why don't you just all play ranked games, actually improve, and get into VHS? Normal games mean shit. I just use them to practice heroes im so awful with them and people tend to tryhard less.

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!