General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for rubick

Tips for rubick in General Discussion

    So how to play this guy properly ?.i played 48 games with him and still dont know how to play him in his max potential.

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      roam, gang bang, stack, pull and all that good stuff that a good support player would do. Plz don't leech ur carries xp thx <33. In fights position yourself well, steal most important spells and use them, don't die before the fight starts. I think that's about it.

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      waku waku

        i used to be relatively decent at rubick back in 3k but now i dunno anymore lol

        plz do

          supports are entitled to xp as well. in some line ups rubick needs his 6th level just as much as the other positions. if there is no better way to gain xp, sometimes leeching is the best way. if u leave ur rubick at lvl 3 behind and the enemy team peaks already at lvl 10 - well u better win this 1v9 then


            ^ You can always make something happen on the map and get your levels faster that way. Unless you have most garbage heroes that can't kill anyone, but that's very unlikely.


              Make good use of your telequinesis because it can be a pretty abusive spell in the early game, thats why the long cd, try to get lvl 6 asap whitout leeching, you can do it by pulling correctly and ganking a bit, also you should try to get mid for like 1 minute if your midlaner needs to go back or hes ganking the enemy carry, as soon as you're lvl 6 try to get a good spell and the one that most likely maxed out, so at lvl 6 you have 2 points on ur stun, 3 points on ur nuke, and up to 4 skillpoints to whatever you stole, all of a sudden you are an early game beast and all you have to do is make things happen around the map aka space creator. Just dont feed in the early game and if you do make sure at least you're trading your life for something.

              In the mid-late game teamfights, just be patient and only go in when you have a good spell because otherwise you will be just free food for the enemy.

              About items you should go for mobility or survability (blink, force, glimmer, ghost, euls) and when you feel confident enough with 2 or 3 items you should start going for aghs.

              waku waku

                you can still put people on cliffs btw an enemy rubik did this to me a few games ago


                  Pick him whenever there's Antimage or Weaver in the other team. EZ positioning.


                    Just a few things to keep in mind when playing Rubick
                    1. See the enemy heroes and re-think if it's good pick him
                    2. Try focus to steal a good spell in fight, but DONT BE A PICKY-
                    3. If you are laning with agressive teammate like; Ember,Nyx,Tiny,DK Go and dominate the lane with ur good telekinesis timing
                    4. Consider not to initiate a big war unless you have a good spells
                    5. Be aware of your positions. You are a squishy hero that often caught on dangerous situations
                    6. Rubick with a well farmed item is very annoying, he can turn the tide of wars. So dont be like a Support that only have boots until 15 min mark, Rubick is a special support-
                    7. If you are on full support, Consider Mekansm/Glimmer-Cape/Pipe/Force-Staff
                    8. If you are on full nuker, Consider Dagger/Aghs/Euls/Dagon/Scythe
                    9. Dont be over confident if you have a good spells, The enemy sometimes notice your spells and baits you
                    10. Just play him. You'll found out a good tips for yourself


                      It's a hero that takes practice, I am impressed how I can still manage to horribly fail with him.

                      When it comes to XP:
                      - A good thing in my opinion to gain some XP apart from what has been already said is to sometimes rotate (when possible) to the mid lane, doing this just for 1 minute you'll leech a good amount of XP while your midder is away ganking or sadly has been killed, make sure to not rotate there when your carry at the bottom lane is in need or when u have other more important tasks.

                      Key role and tasks:
                      - You gotta keep your courier upgraded at the 3 minutes mark, get your wards/sentries/smokes and dust.
                      - Try to get arcane boots asap and then depending on the situation go glimmer/ghost or something more offensive like an Ether lens.
                      Blink's also good or a force stuff.

                      What's important to note:
                      - Be very careful on your positioning, I believe that positioning with Rubick is the key to success.
                      - There's no need to always go for the "bigger" spell like ultimates, especially if they are hard to get as for example Tide's one.
                      Sometimes an earth shaker fissure is the only thing you need to turn the tide of the game.
                      - Telekinesis used properly early game gets you a first blood most of the times, that helps you with your early game expenses or accelerates achieving your arcane boots faster.

                      Apart from all that being said, play, play play :)

                      Format and Grammar

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